The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Don't let the thread die out!
09/08/2018 09:34 PMPosted by Sorrowind
Don't let the thread die out!

Agreed. Hoping to keep it viable so that maybe people who haven't seen it can see it, and maybe they'll have the magic words that will unlock the mystical gateway to communication with Blizzard on this matter.
Suggestion: Restoring granular rank-permission controls.

How EVERYODY used it: However well they dang well pleased to suit their guild's needs.

At this point - DUH!
As I was doing my daily read through of this thread, searching for posts I feel should be highlighted, I found one on page 14 that had a link to a great post in another thread. This is the post from page 14 of this thread:

Here is the post they linked:

07/19/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Hathlo
Hello Blizzard. It's my hope that this can actually have some positive effect.

Thus far, I haven't met a single guild leader who isn't upset about the homogenization of guild permissions under a single checkbox for "is officer". It's a major step backwards for guild management. Personally, I can't imagine trying to lead a large-scale guild again with the current level of permission granularity.

With the addition of voice chat and communities to the game, we have some new permissions to play with overall. Specifically, Remove people from voice chat, and Delete other people's chat messages. I cannot fathom how it's appropriate for people with permission to edit notes or the motd to also be assumed to have permission to kick people from voice chat or delete logged guild chat messages and calendar events.

I suggest the following changes to guild/community rank management:

0.) Guild Logs should be improved across the board. Please allow us to look back at actions such as membership changes, public and officer note changes/edits, guild calendar event changes/audits, motd changes, chat messages and chat message deletions, as well as bank access. The basic logs should still be kept available to all players, and the advanced logs should be available to the guild master and designated ranks. The advanced logs should be searchable and filterable up to 7 days, regardless of the number of logged actions taken within that time span. Currently, actions can be hidden in the basic logs by performing actions to "push" certain actions out of the viewable log.

1.) All permission controls should be individually controlled and toggle-able, not grouped together. This should be a given for any system with permissions; it is impossible to account for every situation when permissions are forcibly granted or denied as a group.

2.) Access to officer channels should again be split to it's two previous controls: View officer chat, and speak officer chat. There are many situations where I might want to bring a non-officer rank into officer chat in a temporary manor without simultaneously granting access for that rank to make changes to guild information. With the addition of voice communications, this could be expanded to access to voice officer channels, and access to officer chat channels.

3.) There should be new permissions for guild notes as follows:
- Edit Own Public Note
- Edit Others Pubic Note (Implies Edit Own Public Note)
- View Own Officer Note
- View Others Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Own Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Others Officer Note (Implies View Others Officer Note)

4.) Additional Ranks, and Customizable Permissions should also be added to communities. Specifically, it would be nice to set notes or change the community message of the day without also granting permission to remove members, or vice versa.

I'd love to hear some developer feedback about these ideas, thank you for your time.

- Hathlo of WrA

See the mega thread other folks have posted in as well:

Now, some of the suggestions here have been implemented. Blizz did fix the public note thing early on, for instance. But there are still some great suggestions here. I especially like the idea of every permission being individually controlled and toggle-able.

Honestly, having on/off toggles for each permission is pretty much what everyone has been asking for from the start. If you can turn permissions off and on, they could stay lumped under "is officer". For example, a GM could make three ranks that are officers and check "is officer" for all three. But for each officer rank, the GM could unclick one or more of the permissions, so that the three ranks have different permissions.

I think implementing this one thing (being able to separate out the permissions) would solve nearly everyone's issues with this new Guild UI.
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Would hate to see this discussion die, as it’s such an important issue, and one of the only ones that’s had me returning to the forums each day.

Sooo /bump
Blizzard stating thread extended? βœ“
Ignoring feedback by not responding? βœ“
Ask for feedback in a QA when there's already a 68 page thread about it at the time? βœ“
Ninja implement changes without posting an update or posting in the main thread of the issue? βœ“
55 days past issue and no additional comments? βœ“
Going to have another post of "Thread cap extended"? Probably.

I don't think we're going to see anything about this. It'd be different if they said, "Hey guys, we hear you and we're making some changes to this and this. This is what we have so far. What do you think about it?" Instead of taking stabs in the dark and wasting developer resources in case it ends up being worse or not what we wanted... but that'd be breaking tradition to go outside of their box.
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Dear Blizz,

This is my third or fourth posting regarding this fiasco.

Please understand the following:

I am NOT going away.

I am NOT going to forget this.

I AM going to keep voicing my opinion on this until something gets done.

I AM the owner of my guild.

I AM the owner of four active Warcraft accounts and HAVE played steadily with almost NO BREAK since late Vanilla as the GM of my guild.

I AM mad as hell that I am unable to mange my guild properly (Please see my previous postings) because Blizzard decided to decide what was "best" for me and MY guild and blindsided me and every member of my guild that I consider my extended family.

I fight for my family.


I am NOT giving up. I am NOT going away.

Blizz. You MUST know by now that what you did was wrong.

You must CERTAINLY realize it was defiantly a HUGE mistake.

Please fix this.

I am NOT going away. I am NOT going to forget this.

I am NOT going away.
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Sorry but this fix has been time gated.
What genuinely boggles my mind is why was this done? I mean guild permissions were always a little lack luster but to just gut them to a worse state hurts my head. Until I put on my cynical hat...

It fits with Blizzard attempt to kill off guilds. Between "Community chats" to the guild loot function it fits that line of thought perfectly. It would surprise me greatly if any meaningful change happened to guilds anytime soon that doesn't further undermine the whole idea of guilds.
Suggestion: Guild Repair-Only Fund and accompanying restoration of old guild perk that funneled a portion of all looted money to guild pool, only this time the funneled money is used Strictly for repairs

How we would use it: To repair our gear without allowing any one person access to a bunch of free funds.

Thread lives on.
Still going through the thread, picking out other player's ideas for extra emphasis.

The very vast majority still just want the permissions separated out again so they aren't all lumped under "is officer". However, I found this great idea on page 16 about adding a more effective sort feature to the guild bank (plus one nifty suggestion about the guild roster):
07/21/2018 12:47 PMPosted by Wretchedmist
Here are some things that would actually be really helpful for guild masters relating to the guild bank. All three relate to records/logs, specifically how they should go back further in time, allow for sorting features, etc.

(1) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold donations by character - the the total amount of gold each person has contributed.
(2) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold repairs by character - the total amount of gold each person has used in repairs (assuming you have repairs turned on).
(3) The ability to view a complete record/log of all guild bank gold withdrawn by character (I'm the only person in our guild who can do this, but I would still like to see this data).
(4) The ability to view a complete record/log of all items both donated to the guild bank and taken from the guild bank, as sorted by character.

An additional sorting feature for the guild roster that would be nice would be to see the total length of time a character has been in the guild.

I think the most discouraging thing about my read-through is the reminder of how long this has been an issue, how disappointed all the posters are, and yet having no Blizzard feedback in this thread at all except for the extensions.

A good number of the earlier posters who vowed to "keep this thread alive" have mostly dropped out it seems. I'm not blaming them. It's hard to keep slamming one's head into a wall. But I'm going to continue my read-through and quoting of other poster's ideas--at least until I catch up to where I started.
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Every time I see this post bumped I think a blue finally commented. I guess after 73 pages they still don't have enough feedback though.
09/10/2018 10:00 AMPosted by Venjin
Suggestion: Guild Repair-Only Fund and accompanying restoration of old guild perk that funneled a portion of all looted money to guild pool, only this time the funneled money is used Strictly for repairs

How we would use it: To repair our gear without allowing any one person access to a bunch of free funds.

Thread lives on.
09/10/2018 03:01 PMPosted by Talaen
Every time I see this post bumped I think a blue finally commented. I guess after 73 pages they still don't have enough feedback though.
I'm getting the feeling that there won't be any official comments on this thread.

What I'm hoping for is a fix to the permissions issue whether or not they comment on it. It would be icing if they also implemented some of the others ideas players have mentioned.
Suggestion: Post a dev response to this thread so I have something concrete to tell my wife.

How it would be used: I wanna watch Monday Night Football without having to listen to a diatribe about the broken state of guild controls, which I will be REQUIRED to offer affirmative feedback on (in which I will inevitably fail at some point because I'm watching the effing game, woman!)
09/10/2018 06:58 AMPosted by Raicolette
Blizzard stating thread extended? βœ“
Ignoring feedback by not responding? βœ“
Ask for feedback in a QA when there's already a 68 page thread about it at the time? βœ“
Ninja implement changes without posting an update or posting in the main thread of the issue? βœ“
55 days past issue and no additional comments? βœ“
Going to have another post of "Thread cap extended"? Probably.

I don't think we're going to see anything about this. It'd be different if they said, "Hey guys, we hear you and we're making some changes to this and this. This is what we have so far. What do you think about it?" Instead of taking stabs in the dark and wasting developer resources in case it ends up being worse or not what we wanted... but that'd be breaking tradition to go outside of their box.

Pretty much my feelings on the matter. I'm usually more optimistic, but I am starting to get the feeling they're intending to just wait us out until we go away. Guild leadership is such a small subset of the WoW population, but that doesn't mean we can't keep making our voices heard. Not going away.
09/11/2018 07:08 AMPosted by Tarayn
I'm usually more optimistic, but I am starting to get the feeling they're intending to just wait us out until we go away.

Every Guild Master should be submitting in-game tickets every time they run into something that the changes have affected. Have to manage your Guild, and the changes are preventing you from making the change you could make before? Submit a ticket.

No retreat, no surrender, no quarter.
As always, the vast majority of comments on my read-through are simply asking for the permissions to be separated once again.

Here is a good solution to the problem from an MvP on page 19:
07/22/2018 08:08 PMPosted by Jareff
A Discord like role based system where multiple roles could be assigned to one character is the way to go. It would overhaul the rank system to allow the old way for how ranks use to function while upgrading to a newer standard.

Look how Discord role permissions are set up and literally introduce a system that operates the same way. It also allows you to maintain a hierarchy system (rank 1 is higher than rank 2 is higher than rank 3 ect). This would integrate the legacy system into the more modern rule-set communities is trying to convey.
Anything that allows for more customization is a good idea. Letting GM's decide which roles to assign to guild members, rather than lumping it all together, is the only way to go. I think most players don't care how Blizzard does it, just so the results allow GM's to manage their guilds however they wish.
This thread is gradually losing traction. And then all is lost and forgotten.