The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

09/03/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Wretchedmist
As of right now, I haven't assigned anyone in our guild with the "Is Officer" box since there are certain permissions I will not assign to anyone in the guild, regardless of rank. As a result of this, nobody in the guild has access to any of those eight privileges since they're all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of an officer.
This is the biggie. People have been putting in other suggestions, but they are nearly always in addition to saying, "Please separate the permissions."

I don't know how else we can state this that will get some action.
Posting here, again, awaiting a response from Blizzard.

Guild permissions should've never been clumped into 1 stupid box. We like to micro-manage how our guilds are. Taking control away from GMs, and to add insult to injury not asking what GMs want to see, is not appealing at all or wanted.
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Are you aware that the stock guild ui and roster no longer show self as being in the guild or on. And also if you dont have elvui addon you cant see everyone that is on.

So when i look to see who in online in guild i dont show up, and neither do a few others. Plz fix
Change for the sake of change.

Really stupid and needless! @Blizz please revert to the old model.
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I'm of two minds on this:

1) The fix is *so* complicated and integrated into the functionality of Communities that they are not going to tackle the problem. They are going to come in here and tell us to live with it.

2) They don't care. This would be a new-ish stance for Blizz, but it's one that has certainly crossed my mind and many of the posters' minds here.

It's time to step up Blizz, face the music (your customers) and clarify this, one way or the other please.
09/06/2018 05:33 PMPosted by Cheheals
1) The fix is *so* complicated and integrated into the functionality of Communities that they are not going to tackle the problem.
I do believe any fix is probably complicated precisely as you say, however, I think if Guilds keep asking for better functionality, we'll get it. It won't be quick, and it'll take a patch, but I think we'll get it.

That's why it's so important for people to continue offering their suggestions for what they'd like to see done for guild management, the guild UI, recruitment, etc. If it's going to take major work, Blizz might as well tackle more than just the permissions that got screwed up.

I would definitely like a better recruitment function. GM's (or whoever they've appointed as their recruitment officer) should be able to extend invitations to interested players even if the players are offline. Then the player can accept the invitation when they log in.

Of course, the guild recruitment tab ought to allow for at least a brief questionnaire so guilds and those searching for a guild home can have some idea if they'd be a match. Not every guild is a raiding guild with a website and their own testing process. Casual social/leveling guilds have their place, and there are plenty of players who would like to join such guilds. Anything that can help players find the right guild for them (and vice versa) would be much appreciated.
My second post

It's still broken... :(

Guild is about to start raiding and I'm desperate to get my Officers some functionality without giving them everything. Tried making a channel in the lovely Community section but invites won't work. Blizz, you're making me lose hair I don't have.


Revert to the old system for Thrall's sake. Please.


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Not having a reply after this much time and feedback is extremely discouraging and frustrating.

I’ve sent tweets and in game suggestions and posted here ever since this change went live. There’s only so long one can talk to a brick wall.

Idk what we can do or say that hasn’t been already. I’m just... sad now.

The only thing we gained with these changes is persistent chat. Which would be great if it wasn’t forced, and if there were options to create multiple chat channels in the guild with custom permissons and optional persistent chat.

That would have been a huge improvement. But as it is these changes are a step back in every way.
09/07/2018 08:29 AMPosted by Nysalla
Not having a reply after this much time and feedback is extremely discouraging and frustrating.

I second that. But all of the specific issues we have as Guild-Masters should also be reported in-game. We have to keep this in front of them as a priority. Submit a ticket any time you have to mess with the guild interface.

Of course... I've gotten no reply there, either.
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In accordance with proper thread-extension practices:

Suggestion (stolen from somebody else):
Revamp the guild recruitment/finder browser. The new browser will have detailed information on guild such as inception date, a brief, personalized summary from the GM (limited in characters of course), number of accounts enlisted, last active date of the top two ranks, achievement score, and an actual listing of any online members with their guild-specific ranks.

Players could register themselves as looking for a guild with checkboxes for specific desires/needs and a short bio in the browser. Guilds could browse the pool of players actively seeking a guild. Invites could be sent by GM's and empowered guild members via mail if necessary.

Also implement an avatar for this function at each faction hub near the guild vendors next to a post-board for flavor.

BTW - In no way did my wife 'encourage' me to keep this thread alive in order to expedite an eventual solution to the current mess that is the guild interface. I did this of my own free will, under no duress or compulsion of any kind (specifically related to a 30 minute spell in which I was trying to watch Philly v. Atlanta and wasn't really hearing what she was going on about when I was trying understand the insane amount of penalties being called).
So they still don't have enough feedback?
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So, I've been going back through the thread, looking at what people have been saying. The first many pages have mostly been about how horrible the changes are (okay, pretty much all the pages are probably about that). Anyway, I'm going to quote a post from page seven that shows one guild's specific officer set-up. This is a great example of why the all-in-one permissions don't work for everyone:

07/18/2018 01:47 PMPosted by DobbĂŹ
being allowed to toggle permissions on and off and limit guild withdrawls and guild repairs is essential to running a smooth guild.

There seems to be confusions with those that are not a functioning GM.

you join RedDolphin, you can access guild tab 1 and 2 with a daily withdrawl limit of 1 item and no guild repairs thats about it.

rank 2 you can withdrawl 4 items, you can ginvite users and can see the food/flask raider tabs but you cannot withdrawl from them.

rank 3 hidden officer rank for non raiding friends that can gkick if no one is online

rank 4 alt raider rank can withdrawl from raider tab as well as all previous privledges minor daily gold guild repair

rank 5 main raider can withdrawl more from raider tabs, larger guild repair

rank 6 officer, can see and withdrawl from officer and gm tab and has higher withdrawl privileges can edit motd and all that jazz and can kick users

rank 7 CoGm rank - all access

rank 8 GM

it isnt always about who you trust its about what said group of ppl actually need.
I really like the last line in this post: "it isnt always about who you trust its about what said group of ppl actually need."

Guild masters need the flexibility to give permissions based on their guild's particular needs, not on what Blizzard thinks an officer's role should be.
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I'm sure all of the points I am about to make have been made at some point already in this massive thread, but as a WoW-Player who focuses on running an effective guild, these changes simply blew me away. I understand the new permission "Toggle", as a baseline feature, possibly to assist guild-leaders who don't want to do the extra permissions work, BUT why take away the additional permissions, as at least an option?

I think it goes without saying that many guilds used the individual permissions, and the definitive features they control, for far more than their original purpose. For example, my guild used Public notes to set certain guild-wide status updates like "Do Not Kicks" and "House sortings" for RP, while using officer notes to be like twitter/facebook statuses, allowing the individual guild member to set their own to whatever they'd like. It was fun!

Furthermore, the permission to "Create a guild event" has been removed ENTIRELY which is just insane to me. Every single member of my guild, can post an event. So now, my upper tier ranking members, who had to earn the right to run a guild wide event, are without purpose or any sense of "Power".

In Conclusion, the simplification of guild permissions, meant to make things easier for GM's (I think) has actually increased my stress, and work level. Because if I want a officers to share some of the duties between me and my Co-GM, I have to let them have JUST as much control as the Co-GM.

And I don't know about you, but letting your officers have control of message of the day, is a mess waiting to happen. and allowing your mid-tier members to be able to delete chat messages, just so they can change or see officer notes, is such a huge step backwards.

/sigh, why did this even get changed.

P.S: I did not even mention that my officers can now edit Guild-Info, which was an exclusive feature to me, as GM, I used it for reasons other than strictly intended by blizzard, which I am sure many other guilds can agree with. As for the members of my guild, who stay subbed for an entire expansions because of the events and progression systems I put in place for them, parallel to RP etc, they are not pleased with the direct decrease in permissions they can "earn", creating too many ranks which are identical, and take away from the fantasy I've been supporting for almost 4 years. Please Blizzard, this is one feature that needs to be looked at once more, or at the very least, returned to normal.

07/24/2018 04:24 PMPosted by Mcgrammar
Daily bump

Seriously hope this gets fixed, tensions are already starting to build in my guild because I had to remove so many permissions people had before this as I can't have 100 officers in my guild. My guild is the only reason you receive money from me every month blizzard, if it wasn't for them I would have quit years ago so please fix this mess!

I could not agree with this more. this game is 90% guild for me and a lot of my members, and all of my officers had to be demoted to avoid guild wide chaos. You've had a constant subscription from me for the past 4 years because of my guild, and before that, it was spotty at best. I know I am not alone.
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It is extremely disheartening that this has gone on for so long and other than extending the cap, there's been no acknowledgement, no explanation, and no real fix for this issue that is a MAJOR issue for guilds.

There's 72 pages worth of feedback, and there really isn't any need for them to keep gathering feedback. They should explain the change and what they plan to do about it.

This is a major issue for guilds but gets ignored for months.
Melee players complain about a weapon change and it gets fixed within a day, yet we can't even get a response all this time later about this change to guilds.

How many more guild members and guild leaders posting until this issue gets addressed?
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09/07/2018 02:35 PMPosted by Fumel

07/18/2018 01:47 PMPosted by DobbĂŹ
it isnt always about who you trust its about what said group of ppl actually need.
I really like the last line in this post: "it isnt always about who you trust its about what said group of ppl actually need."

Guild masters need the flexibility to give permissions based on their guild's particular needs, not on what Blizzard thinks an officer's role should be.

I missed that post. Thanks for calling it out. I agree 100%.

Over the years, my guild has adjusted permissions specifically to respond to certain scenarios. This guild was founded in 2006, so there have been a lot of scenarios.

For example, back in Wrath, the GM was hacked. Officers and officer alts were able to withdraw enough flasks/feasts before the hacker kicked them to make sure the raid group was largely unaffected. After that happened, we added an authenticator requirement for promotions. But we also modified permissions to help mitigate the damage should something like this happen again.

More recently, when I took over GM in early WOD, the guild had a solid base of players, but few events planned. I expanded permissions to empower people to create more events. As a result, the guild became more active and more social.

My guild had 12 years worth of experiences and thought put into who needs what permission and why. There have been three GMs in that time who have each modified permissions according to the guild's needs, and built on the work of the previous GMs. All of that work is rendered invalid by the IsOfficer box.
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Anyone have a phone number we can call to reach someone at Blizzard?

I think it's time we moved beyond civil forum posts that no one from Blizzard is apparently reading and stage some protests. Remember the great Vanilla Paly Lay-ins?
I'm still going through each post, having started at the beginning to make sure I didn't miss anything really outstanding. The vast majority are simply ( and rightfully) against the all-in-one permissions. They have varying reasons, but mostly it's because almost no one wants to give all these powers to every officer.

Now this poster on page 12 has an interesting idea:
07/20/2018 09:41 AMPosted by Kurston
I've complained for years that the guild system had too few capabilities and now they've removed more rather than adding more.

- It should be 1000 accounts not member-characters.

- There should be member ROLES as well as ranks (like SQL Server).

- Members can have only one RANK, but multiple ROLES.

- Players should have RANKS and ROLES.
a. RANKS should be title or position in guild.
b. ROLES should be groupings of permissions.
I'm intrigued by the idea of separating permissions from ranks altogether. This would definitely give GM's even more organizational flexibility than simply separating the permissions again.
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You know what else got screwed with this mess? The calendar.

My guild used it for things like birthdays, future events etc. When this change occurred it wiped every future event off. All that info, lost.

That made me angry. The GM/Officer destruction mades me more sad every day. Until Blizzard says something about this I believe they don't care about guilds.