The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I don't think you could find a single GM or officer core that supports the stripping down of our already meager guild customization options. I thought this was supposed to be an expansion designed to give more options to the communities that keep it going, not to take everything away for the sake of streamlining.
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as a GM i saw that, sighed and said "bleepin blizzard.."
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Just going to add in another voice of discontent. This will be incredibly damaging to guilds of all types, RP and otherwise, and whatever Blizzard was intending to achieve with this pales in comparison to the myriad of problems they've now created- problems that it will now be on individual Guild Leaders to fix until Blizz reverts the changes.
Our guild had several ranks, and there was a group of players who were somewhere between the main officer core and regular members. These were people who could invite to the guild and had greater bank access (though not blanket access) to craft consumables and such when the regular officers were offline or busy. Not all of these people would have access to o-chat, and the parameters were somewhat fixed. With this change, they'll have to choose between having more "full" officers than they want/need just so people can continue to do that or go back to having all of the crafting/day-to-day stuff fall on the officers.
This change makes absolutely no sense to me. I hope they revert it or at least provide an option to use the old permissions system.
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Just a thought...

... I wonder if Blizz took out the "last online" options because they think guilds shouldn't be kicking people solely because of inactivity.

Now, as someone who has either been a guild officer or a GM since three days after I first started playing, I totally support the idea of large guilds "pruning" seriously inactive members to make room for newer, more active members. It is absolutely essential to maintaining the health of large guilds, mostly because Blizz insists on limiting the number of members a guild can have.

Remove that limit and poof... most of the reason a GM or Officer might need to sort by "last online" is gone.
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Servers are back up -- and the old guild UI is back in the game.

They turned off communities and are keeping them off for EU's launch according to

Looks like that confirms guilds were 100% just over-written with the community UI, except for a few tweaks.

Don't expect this to last - will probably be reverted back to the @$%! community version once they turn communities back on.
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Praise the lord. Please keep these off until you can come up with a middle ground that's acceptable to guilds.
07/17/2018 08:25 PMPosted by Loendor
Praise the lord. Please keep these off until you can come up with a middle ground that's acceptable to guilds.

I jumped the gun a little, while the old UI is back in the game, the nuked / reduced permissions is still there.

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They turned off community UI - but the new permissions are still there.

Ugh. Why.
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07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.
And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??
Their justification for making Shadow Word: Death a talent is that we're too stupid to understand having it baseline. I imagine that's why they removed all those options from guilds: we're just too gosh dern stupid to comprehend all those check boxes.
Hopefully they can hear some feedback about the guild changes and make some reversions - the new UI is fine, its the actual features they removed that are the problem.
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07/17/2018 08:38 PMPosted by Osiris
07/17/2018 08:25 PMPosted by Loendor
Praise the lord. Please keep these off until you can come up with a middle ground that's acceptable to guilds.

I jumped the gun a little, while the old UI is back in the game, the nuked / reduced permissions is still there.


Damnit! I did too!
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Incrediably frustrated here as well. Our guild used /o for ooc chat.
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Hopefully it gets addressed soon.
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07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Osiris
Whose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?

Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.

Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.

[Edit] For those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank. Feel free to vote on the question by giving it a like for Thursday's Q&A here:

So this forces guilds to not have multiple ranks of officers that can be given different roles. I see no problem. All officers you promote should be trusted, anyway. If you want to promote someone but not give them all of these tasks, then simply create a higher non-officer rank.

Since all officers will be able to do everything, just delegate duties. There's logs to see what officers have done when the GM hasn't been in game. GM can easily undo anything.

No unnecessary tiered officer ranks. Either those you promote can be trusted to do their jobs and act mature and professionally, or they're not promoted.

I personally think this is a step in the right direction as many guilds I've run into place a lot of importance and grandstand their officer core. Sure, it's the GM's guild and they can do whatever they want. But, I look for guilds where the GM and officers put the members first...which is why I'm guildless.
There is also a thread in the Bug Reports

And I will reiterate this:
Public Notes were a very significant part of the social fabric of our guild and everyone was able to edit their own note.

The public note helped people get to know one another.

You don't build 'communities' by removing the tools that allow improved social interaction.
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07/17/2018 02:08 PMPosted by Osiris
07/17/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Berzarker
well my dream to run a new guild into this expa has borned dead ;/

Forced personal loot, communities, guild's being cut off at the legs in terms of control. Feels like Blizzard really wants to push warcraft into "world of pug craft" where everyone is out for themselves, and loyalty to a group is a thing of the past.

Remove all decision making and customization, reduce the skill cap further by slowing down the game eg GCD changes, and voila you have a easy mobile/console game just existing to churn in new players and churn out old.

They can get away with it because it's hard to let go of a game you've played for like 10 years. They know this nostalgia will always retain enough people. God just imagine if they went the other direction and made the game more diverse and rich? You can streamline with reducing.
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07/18/2018 03:24 AMPosted by Illìana
07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Osiris
Whose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?

Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.

Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.

[Edit] For those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank. Feel free to vote on the question by giving it a like for Thursday's Q&A here:

So this forces guilds to not have multiple ranks of officers that can be given different roles. I see no problem. All officers you promote should be trusted, anyway. If you want to promote someone but not give them all of these tasks, then simply create a higher non-officer rank.

Since all officers will be able to do everything, just delegate duties. There's logs to see what officers have done when the GM hasn't been in game. GM can easily undo anything.

No unnecessary tiered officer ranks. Either those you promote can be trusted to do their jobs and act mature and professionally, or they're not promoted.

I personally think this is a step in the right direction as many guilds I've run into place a lot of importance and grandstand their officer core. Sure, it's the GM's guild and they can do whatever they want. But, I look for guilds where the GM and officers put the members first...which is why I'm guildless.

No, you don't get it. They took away all these permissions we could give any rank in the guild. Consolidated it to one button. So now instead of letting all of my ranks have the ability to edit their own notes. I can no longer give them that ability. Because it would also give them access to officer chat, deleting others chats, removing events, kick ppl from voice chat etc. So no its not good at all.
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