The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)


New guild UI and rank permissions are awful. Bring back check boxes for each permission for each rank.

Another thing to add. We don't want to give everyone the permission to kick people from the guild so we had a "shhhh" rank so that officers could do that until a leader could come on and remove the troublesome player.

Looks like the ability to do that has been removed.
08/22/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Talaen
08/22/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Raicolette
Absolute joke that F2P and small companies / games communicate better.

66 pages and still no actual response from Blizzard. It amazes me that people praise the blues on the forum.
The "blues" are just messengers. They can't tell us anything they've not been told. It's completely unfair to blame them for Blizzard's devs' lack of response.

I'm positive our concerns have been passed on to the devs, but until the devs say something, a CM can't tell us anything:

Ythisens: "As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys."

This mess is totally on the devs, as is their lack of response. The Community Managers are just caught between the hammer and anvil.
08/22/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Fumel
08/22/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Talaen

66 pages and still no actual response from Blizzard. It amazes me that people praise the blues on the forum.
The "blues" are just messengers. They can't tell us anything they've not been told. It's completely unfair to blame them for Blizzard's devs' lack of response.

I'm positive our concerns have been passed on to the devs, but until the devs say something, a CM can't tell us anything:

Ythisens: "As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys."

This mess is totally on the devs, as is their lack of response. The Community Managers are just caught between the hammer and anvil.

If they weren't paying attention to this issue, they wouldn't have extended the thread twice. Just because they can't comment, doesn't mean they're not listening.
08/22/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Fumel
08/22/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Talaen

66 pages and still no actual response from Blizzard. It amazes me that people praise the blues on the forum.
The "blues" are just messengers. They can't tell us anything they've not been told. It's completely unfair to blame them for Blizzard's devs' lack of response.

I'm positive our concerns have been passed on to the devs, but until the devs say something, a CM can't tell us anything:

Ythisens: "As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys."

This mess is totally on the devs, as is their lack of response. The Community Managers are just caught between the hammer and anvil.
As soon as they have something? What's the something? What are they looking at changing? Why aren't they coming here to exchange ideas with us instead of wasting developer resources on something we may not like?

I call bullcrap on them not having anything. They're just staying in their bubble, AGAIN.
08/22/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Raicolette
08/22/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Fumel
...The "blues" are just messengers. They can't tell us anything they've not been told. It's completely unfair to blame them for Blizzard's devs' lack of response.

I'm positive our concerns have been passed on to the devs, but until the devs say something, a CM can't tell us anything:

Ythisens: "As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys."

This mess is totally on the devs, as is their lack of response. The Community Managers are just caught between the hammer and anvil.
As soon as they have something? What's the something? What are they looking at changing? Why aren't they coming here to exchange ideas with us instead of wasting developer resources on something we may not like?

I call bullcrap on them not having anything. They're just staying in their bubble, AGAIN.

I would have to say given all of the outright issues out there (this one among many) and the dead silence from anyone who could tell us what the issues are take the feedback and get it implemented, I am beginning to smell a Smedley in the house.
We need a way to ban people out of guilds. Imagine you're offline and the person you kicked out rejoins, or rejoins on an alt? We need a way to keep out toxic people for good. Thoughts on this?
I feel as if Blizzard is trying to simplify the guild system. They want it to work, but it doesn't. It's a bit ridiculous that after we've requested more control over our guilds, we've been given less and less as a result of the feedback we've been giving them.

The guild system in WoW is outdated. The only benefits you get for joining are the vendor and the guild perks. There's not much of an incentive to grow a community in the game as there was back in the day considering the guild system offers so little in terms of bringing players together. It would be awesome to see the player cap for guilds increased or even removed. Perhaps you could allow us to make more ranks and add more administration roles, each one having different permissions? Do something like you did with instanced garrisons and make a guild hall that doesn't have all of the necessities, but just a place for players to go to to hang out with their guild. There's so much that you could do that, quite frankly, you're missing out on.

This is such a good game, and you've brought back a lot of the spirit in Battle for Azeroth. Take things a step further and continue this good cycle by bringing back what it means to be a guild.
08/22/2018 05:50 PMPosted by Kornbredkhan
We need a way to ban people out of guilds. Imagine you're offline and the person you kicked out rejoins, or rejoins on an alt? We need a way to keep out toxic people for good. Thoughts on this?

This is a vetting function. Personally speaking, you should not invite anyone into your guild for any reason until you have interviewed them sufficiently to satisfy yourself that the person on the other end of the chat log is not the same person you kicked out yesterday. You could do this via skype/vent/team speak/in game voice/Discord. As long as the person has to speak (rather than type) you can pretty much discover whether or not this person is an alt of someone you have already kicked (as long as the person you kicked yesterday also had to speak to get a guild invite).

It has been my experience though that being kicked is mostly a mutual expression. The kicker doesn't want the kickee back in and the kickee usually doesn't care to be re-invited on that or any other alt to that guild. As it is a guild leaders tool of last resort its only purpose is to sever communications. When things have deteriorated to that point neither side usually wants to recreate the drama that caused the split to begin with.
Just dropping suggestions (don't care if they're good/serious) to keep the thread alive:

What I want is:

1. Guild runs in dungeons and raids drop "Guildforged" items with +10 ilvl. The "Guildforged" affix remains active as long as you're in the guild you earned it on.
2. Updated guild vendor rewards with updated guild achievements.
3. Updated guild rewards for clearing dungeons/raid kills/BG wins.
4. Guild honor buffs in BG's. Winning rated BG's/Arena in a guild group awards more points.
5. Bonus bosses in raids for Guild Groups. Irrelevant to storylines, but offering another chance for guilds to get gear for members.
6. Restored granular rank controls for Guild Leaders.
7. Invite-by-mail system for applicants found through the Guild Finder.
8. Guild Cookies during the Feast of Winter Veil.
9. A guild mascot transmog.
10. A signed document by Blizzard promising to never again remove granular rank controls from Guild Masters.
08/22/2018 05:50 PMPosted by Kornbredkhan
We need a way to ban people out of guilds. Imagine you're offline and the person you kicked out rejoins, or rejoins on an alt? We need a way to keep out toxic people for good. Thoughts on this?

This is a vetting function. Personally speaking, you should not invite anyone into your guild for any reason until you have interviewed them sufficiently to satisfy yourself that the person on the other end of the chat log is not the same person you kicked out yesterday. You could do this via skype/vent/team speak/in game voice/Discord. As long as the person has to speak (rather than type) you can pretty much discover whether or not this person is an alt of someone you have already kicked (as long as the person you kicked yesterday also had to speak to get a guild invite).[/quote]

I'd much rather be able to invite players without having to go through the tedious process of interviewing every single member to ensure they're not here to cause ruckus or that they're not someone we kicked. Adding a feature to be able to ban players from your guild would just add ease to all of that. It'd simplify the process while making things more convenient for you rather than hindering the administration process.

It has been my experience though that being kicked is mostly a mutual expression. The kicker doesn't want the kickee back in and the kickee usually doesn't care to be re-invited on that or any other alt to that guild. As it is a guild leaders tool of last resort its only purpose is to sever communications. When things have deteriorated to that point neither side usually wants to recreate the drama that caused the split to begin with.

There are definitely people who are out there to try and wreak havoc. I've had several people who've returned solely to take out anger on our guild. It'd be much more convenient if user/BattleTag bans could be added in.
"Please let us know what features are needed and how you used them"

Sure, the thread is called "The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes" and its 67 pages long with that exact feedback.
08/23/2018 11:36 AMPosted by Ssleak
"Please let us know what features are needed and how you used them"

Sure, the thread is called "The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes" and its 67 pages long with that exact feedback.

Just let Ion sweep this topic under the rug peacefully. lol
First they came for your Master Loot and now they're coming for your Guilds.

What's next

08/23/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Genegerbread
There are definitely people who are out there to try and wreak havoc. I've had several people who've returned solely to take out anger on our guild. It'd be much more convenient if user/BattleTag bans could be added in.

It's even worse because now they can read everything that was said in their absense because of the persistant chat. It's not about "talking smack" either, it's about creepy stalker types.

So I hope none of you are divulging anything remotely personal about yourselves to your friends in guild. Because people who aren't even in the guild will be able to read those messages in the future.
"Let us know what problems you're having [regarding guild permissions] and we'll do what we can to solve those problems" - Ion during Q&A

Please, someone tell Ion:
"Thanks for asking. Read posts here: "

Guess he isn't aware of this thread or he wasn't honestly requesting input...
08/23/2018 11:36 AMPosted by Ssleak
"Please let us know what features are needed and how you used them"

Sure, the thread is called "The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes" and its 67 pages long with that exact feedback.

08/23/2018 11:38 AMPosted by Talaen
08/23/2018 11:36 AMPosted by Ssleak
"Please let us know what features are needed and how you used them"

Sure, the thread is called "The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes" and its 67 pages long with that exact feedback.

Just let Ion sweep this topic under the rug peacefully. lol

The Developer Q&A asked us to provide feedback specifically about what problems we have running our guilds with the new IsOfficer consolidation. So i'm gonna spend some time actually trying to explain what i'd like to see and why.

Access officer channels
This provides access to /o and the officer voice channel.
This is a big one. Our guild has what basically amounts to a Jr. Officer rank. We want that rank to have access to officer chat and some permissions like Calendar Events and Guild / Officer Notes, but we don't necessarily want or need that rank to be editing the message of the day or guild information, or the ability to remove people from voice chat or delete logged messages.

Persistent chat lodges an issue here too. If permission to access officer chat is restored as a separate control, we also need the a new ability to allow or deny access for reading the old logged messages in the officer channel. This allows us to invite a rank temporarily to officer chat without compromising what may be sensitive officer chat. I don't want to have to clear 8000 messages out of the chat log to do this.

Our workaround for this currently being a grouped permission is that we've made a battle net community that our jr officers and the sr leadership are a part of, rather than granting those permissions and hoping that things don't get edited when they shouldn't. What we would want to do for inviting a rank to officer chat on a temporary basis for feedback or suggestions can also be achieved though this workaround, but with much much more overhead than what controls used to be available to us. Id be more comfortable allowing that access at a temporary basis if we had better logging tools to see who made what edits.

Other than this, I think my post in the following thread explains why the other permissions should be separate controls:
08/23/2018 01:02 PMPosted by Tarayn
"Let us know what problems you're having [regarding guild permissions] and we'll do what we can to solve those problems" - Ion during Q&A

Please, someone tell Ion:
"Thanks for asking. Read posts here: "

Guess he isn't aware of this thread or he wasn't honestly requesting input...
Seriously? He said that?

This entire thread is people explaining how they used to have separate permissions for separate officer ranks and why they set things up that way.

A large guild needs multiple officers. One person can't do it all. But it makes no sense for every officer to have all the permissions currently available under "is officer". I have a tiny guild, but even in my guild, I don't need someone else setting the message of the day, changing guild information, or randomly erasing other people's chat messages.

It would be nice, for instance, to allow access to officer chat without allowing all these other permissions. Making all these permissions separate check boxes again is truly the only sane way to fix this.
08/23/2018 01:02 PMPosted by Tarayn
"Let us know what problems you're having [regarding guild permissions] and we'll do what we can to solve those problems" - Ion during Q&A

Please, someone tell Ion:
"Thanks for asking. Read posts here: "

Guess he isn't aware of this thread or he wasn't honestly requesting input...
You know what this tells me, the CMs don't tell Blizzard what we're asking for and neither is Blizzard aware of what we're wanting. They're literally out of touch with the player base. Freakin' sad.
08/23/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Raicolette
08/23/2018 01:02 PMPosted by Tarayn
"Let us know what problems you're having [regarding guild permissions] and we'll do what we can to solve those problems" - Ion during Q&A

Please, someone tell Ion:
"Thanks for asking. Read posts here: "

Guess he isn't aware of this thread or he wasn't honestly requesting input...
You know what this tells me, the CMs don't tell Blizzard what we're asking for and neither is Blizzard aware of what we're wanting. They're literally out of touch with the player base. Freakin' sad.

I hope that they take a moment to read through this forum post. There are some really good ideas that are worth reviewing and considering for implementation.
08/22/2018 05:50 PMPosted by Kornbredkhan
We need a way to ban people out of guilds. Imagine you're offline and the person you kicked out rejoins, or rejoins on an alt? We need a way to keep out toxic people for good. Thoughts on this?

I'm not sure about your guild structure. If I or any of my officers kick someone, they can't come back. All officers know who was kicked and why. Your quote seems to indicated there are lax permissions on who can invite. I'd suggest only have the guild leader or officers invite. That would keep people from rejoining.

It won't stop someone who makes a new toon UNLESS you have an application process with a guild web site. Then you can check ISP's and find them that way. It's complicated and time consuming to set something like that up, but I am very glad we did.