The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

08/21/2018 09:44 AMPosted by Komei
I find it fascinating that they're reverting pieces quietly but not saying anything. Because if they are changing something they have clearly thought about it enough to say something - pretty much anything - to the fanbase.

Have they changed things? I won’t be able to log in and check until later today.

I haven’t seen anyone say they like the permission changes. I’m
sure someone somewhere does, but there’s literally no benefit to the simplified permissions that I can see.

I’d also like to have an option to have guild chat history be persisant or not. It’d be awesome if we could have different guild channels, maybe have one set for persistent messages and another for just chat that doesn’t stick around.

There would be such massive utility for that kind of feature. Like an in game message board for reminding people of guild events, members letting people know they can’t make it to a raid etc...

But making all chat persistent has really ruined its functionality as a place to talk with friends and get to know people.

Hopefully they’ll address this in the Q&A. Because I’m about to give up and just start using Discord for everything.
Phew! Finally got through Vol'Dun and the endless rabbit hole of side quests!

I noticed that the guild changes have finally been rever...wait.

Hold on.

Oh man, they're still in suck-mode.

Okay...gotta post a suggestion to keep it clean...umm...

*mumbling...I can just rehash a good idea* Not only can we get restored granular rank controls, but could we also get guild inviting via in-game mail for people offline in the guild finder?
08/21/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Lucyclawless
I know the Devs are still listening, or at least that seems to be the case when it comes to the thread being uncapped and left open.

08/21/2018 11:48 AMPosted by Talaen
08/21/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Lucyclawless
I know the Devs are still listening, or at least that seems to be the case when it comes to the thread being uncapped and left open.


This thread is not 1) praising blizzard 2) senseless fluff 3) easily explained away as opinion 4) a flame war easily dismissed

Why would we get any kind of response?
Checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so.

As of right now, I haven't assigned anyone in our guild with the "Is Officer" box since there are certain permissions I will not assign to anyone in the guild, regardless of rank. As a result of this, nobody in the guild has access to any of those eight privileges lumped under that single box. This one-size-fits-all intervention penalizes everyone in the guild.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. Honestly, guild master controls have always been lacking in WoW and we should have MORE, not LESS. If you want to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master (and perhaps officers) can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, repairs, withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. You know, stuff that will actually help. If you can keep a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character dating back to the start of the stats system, you can add a simple feature that lets me keep track of a few total guild bank records.

Please address sooner than later. This thread began on July 17. We're now at August 21 and we're one full week into BfA content. No apologies required. Just revert this permissions change.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too. Whoever made these changes and whoever is going to have to fix them is relying on us to just stop asking for change so they don't have to address the problem. That requires them to do a bit of work and admit failure, and that's why we're being ignored so far.
I am in agreement with everyone else. This new guild options set up is the worst. Blizzard needs to fix this.
I checked on my guild permissions and discovered it's still all lumped under "Is Officer". *sigh*

I suppose we'll need an actual patch and not regular maintenance, but I always get my hopes up, only to have them dashed.

Seriously, it has to be obvious that this one-size-fits-all permission box must be changed. I don't know why it was implemented in the first place. Normally I don't ask for explanations, but this begs for several:
    Why was this done in the first place?
    Is it working as intended?
    Is anyone even paying any attention to our problems with it?
    Is it going to be fixed?
    Will the fix be before the next expansion launch?

I'd find it easier to be patient if I just knew changes are at least being considered.
How about just revert all guild UI changes. Everything about the new UI is atrocious; Looks, functionality.. Everything

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Guild UI was fine how it used to be, there was no reason to change it.
Sure would be nice to get an actual response.
We still don't have a response but they, as in Blizzard, will gladly comment on things they can dismiss or useless topics on. This dev team, LUL.

Oh hold up, I got a better one, they'll want till the Q&A, dismiss our requests and then say they think the Guild Permissions are fine, lmao.

Even better, we'll watch the Q&A and not hear anything important answered again as usual.

HAHA, I'm dying over how bad their PR is. Is this the Blizzard that folks defend and say are a great company compared to others? 'cause I'm not seeing it. Like, they can't take 5 minutes out of their day to say they're working on it. Shoot, the developers can't even take 15 minutes to come by here and exchange ideas with us. Absolute joke that F2P and small companies / games communicate better.
08/22/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Raicolette
We still don't have a response but they, as in Blizzard, will gladly comment on things they can dismiss or useless topics on. This dev team, LUL.

Oh hold up, I got a better one, they'll want till the Q&A, dismiss our requests and then say they think the Guild Permissions are fine, lmao.

Even better, we'll watch the Q&A and not hear anything important answered again as usual.

HAHA, I'm dying over how bad their PR is. Is this the Blizzard that folks defend and say are a great company compared to others? 'cause I'm not seeing it. Like, they can't take 5 minutes out of their day to say they're working on it. Shoot, the developers can't even take 15 minutes to come by here and exchange ideas with us. Absolute joke that F2P and small companies / games communicate better.

Yeah, it won’t be covered in the Q&A.. that’ll be “launch went good, we’re sorry for the people that did have issues” and..that’ll be that.
Late to the party here, but I hate the new Guild UI. And to be honest, all of my guild members hate it too.
Adding my YIKES to the list
08/22/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Raicolette
Absolute joke that F2P and small companies / games communicate better.

66 pages and still no actual response from Blizzard. It amazes me that people praise the blues on the forum.
08/22/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Talaen
08/22/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Raicolette
Absolute joke that F2P and small companies / games communicate better.

66 pages and still no actual response from Blizzard. It amazes me that people praise the blues on the forum.

Most of the people who post on the forums are here to complain about the game or defend blizzard against the complaints about the game. Some are here to use forums to chat and learn about the game. Everyone else is playing the game, or not a subscriber.
I absolutely do not want to be designated as a full blown Officer. I've seen that movie. I know how it ends. I don't want the drama or the responsibility.

However I would like to be able to set guild calendar events(which I can do) and change the guild Message of the Day(which I cannot) without having to be an officer. Please revert the permissions change.

It should carry some weight that out of all the constant complaints you see here on GD this one doesn't have the droves of defenders coming out of the woodworks explaining to us why this is a good thing and Blizzard knows best. This is one that I think most of us actually can agree on.
08/22/2018 09:21 AMPosted by Sven
I absolutely do not want to be designated as a full blown Officer. I've seen that movie. I know how it ends. I don't want the drama or the responsibility.

However I would like to be able to set guild calendar events(which I can do) and change the guild Message of the Day(which I cannot) without having to be an officer. Please revert the permissions change.

It should carry some weight that out of all the constant complaints you see here on GD this one doesn't have the droves of defenders coming out of the woodworks explaining to us why this is a good thing and Blizzard knows best. This is one that I think most of us actually can agree on.

This like a thousand times^
08/22/2018 09:21 AMPosted by Sven
It should carry some weight that out of all the constant complaints you see here on GD this one doesn't have the droves of defenders coming out of the woodworks explaining to us why this is a good thing and Blizzard knows best. This is one that I think most of us actually can agree on.
Totally this.

I think the one or two "defenders" I saw early on didn't even read the OP or understand what the issue was. Everyone else has said it was either okay for them (but they understood how it might not be for someone else) or they absolutely hate it.

I'm a GM for whom the change isn't personally a big deal because I have such a tiny guild. But I completely understand how GM's of larger guilds have been hugely (and negatively) impacted by this. I certainly won't even be tempted to grow my guild with these permissions as they are.
Posting again to show my disdain for the new way guild admin works. I've posted a few other times in this thread, here is my first response

I've also submitted a question regarding this topic to the QA thread as well as Twitter. I encourage everyone else to do the same.