The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Keep this going, we NEED A RESPONSE!
08/18/2018 04:46 AMPosted by Invincible
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
08/18/2018 10:39 PMPosted by Wretchedmist
permissions need to be reverted to how they were prior to patch 8.0. Guild masters need to be able to individually assign those eight permissions, not have them all lumped together into the single "Is Officer" check box.
Absolutely this.

I have no idea why they were lumped together, but they positively need to be separated again. GM's have said over and over again why they need precise control over permissions. We shouldn't have to keep knocking on this door.
While the changes did place a band-aid on the situation it doesn't 100% fix this issues we as GM's are having. We need more tailored control for each rank. Especially with regards to officer rank permissions.
The guild changes over the last year have all been insanely bad.

Why are you removing functionality and making it harder to have a community? Are you intentionally trying to make LESS people run communities? Because increasing the required time commitment by a factor of 10 to run a guild will ensure less people do.

Wow is a game built on communities. These changes go against what WoW is to a large portion of the population. It's unthoughtout changes like these that kill games.

I personally run the biggest guild on Tichondrius and have since Wrath and I'm strongly considering not doing so any more as a direct result of these changes. I will not dedicate additional hours a day to run my guild because Blizzard decided to remove functionality.
08/18/2018 06:55 PMPosted by Bãst
08/18/2018 06:04 PMPosted by Talaen

Except this isn't a bug, this was an intentional change.

So no one can have access to a guild bank except the gm maybe? That's really crappy and lazy on the developers part

The Guild Vault is still accessable that is determined by the ranks and what permissions you give. This feature is still granular.

The issue is the "Is Officer" checkbox. This is a problem because quite frankly there are things in there that I don't want ANYONE to have. Such as but not limited to removing people messages. Everyone has a right to what they say, and to abitrarily remove it without any means of communication or way to place it back due to miscommunication or whatever reason....

I also don't like not being able to give others the permission to edit notes, or read officer notes without giveing full access.

Also, to add to the list of the complaints.... the Guild Vault is lagging worse than a snail on a sloth. I've reported this... and the issue presists.
Still here!

Please remove the "Is Officer" and give us the ability to pick what goes where again.

<3 <3 Naru
"Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free..." -- Eminem

Developers that took part in restructuring the guild rank permissions (when we didn't need them, "fixed,") would have better served purpose working on this issue:

Present and prevalent and all over the forums, bug reports, twitter, since October of last year...
So... I uhhh got lost for a while in Vul'dun. And Zaldazar. And Nazmir.

Anyway, just checking in to say I'm still paying attention to this issue! Please bring back our ability to make customized ranks for our guilds. The "IsOfficer" box is not working out. Guild leaders need the ability to effectively manage our guilds. Without a good set of tools, we cannot do our jobs.
I've accepted the fact that these horrible changes will stay, I just wish Blizzard would use some of that improved communication they have been talking about the last couple of years and explain why this issue came to be and why it's better than what we had before.
Still nothing eh? Come on Blizzard, the either officer or not officer is totally messed. Please change it back.
I know the Devs are still listening, or at least that seems to be the case when it comes to the thread being uncapped and left open. But it would be nice to have some insight as to the future of the guild controls development.
"Throw me a Fricken Bone here!"

I'm serious! It would be nice to know if we need to plan on never being able to go back to granular control or not? We have been in Limbo now for almost a month, trying to keep things going. The persistent issue with my guild right now is that not all officers are on 24 hours a day to invite people to the guild and I am not promoting every Tom Dick and Harry to the rank of officer for the sake of recruitment.

It'd also be nice to know if we will be able to set up access to notes outside of officer-only, priority access, etc. I mean the notes area is so small to begin with, but we are only using it to keep track of who's who in the character and alt-character world anyways.
Checking back in on this topic as well. I would love to see the old guild options back. Thank you Blizz!
Enjoying BFA. Other than the horrible guild control change. Please REVERT. Thanks.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
So, as a Guild master I'm not a fan of these changes as they remove much of the nuance from the guild controls.

For example, anyone in my guild over the first rank can invite, and previously could set a note.

Officer notes were altered by officers and junior officers and could be seen by everyone, this was used for small things like join date and RP/Raid progress.

Officer chat was visible and utilized by any senior members and above, for things like raid comp, evaluating newer members and discussing Roleplay events and tips to help senior members help newer members out.

Currently there is no layering to the chat or notes so this kind of guild interaction is removed and there is little point in having multiple guild channels as some channels allow for typing AND viewing if it is a mod channel.

Things like an announcements channel aren't really controlled. As if it is a mod only channel if you can view it you can alter the name, delete messages and post in it.

I know other guilds that use their officer chat as an in character guild chat as well only viewable to in character members of the guild (making it so out of character and alt ranks cannot view it) and this is a level of Nuance that is gone from the native guild UI.
08/21/2018 07:29 AMPosted by Lucyclawless
It'd also be nice to know if we will be able to set up access to notes outside of officer-only, priority access, etc.
Knowing Blizzard and their min maxing, we won't get anything. We're not that high of a priority to them. Thankfully though, someone has made a addon that makes our lives easier. Check out this thread and addon called Guild Roster Manager (GRM) by Arkaan.

As for the thread, once again Blizzard, your silence and resilience to give us feedback to our responses and exchanging of ideas is irritating. If you want to make changes to the Guild UI, fine, but let us be in the loop and build something together that both you and us would want.
I feel this is a simple revert decision. Nobody likes losing things. There was zero reason to simplify an already simplified permission system. There weren't many permissions and the ones we had were so basic and necessary.

Why would an officer want to check the item level of each player to be able to edit a user note? Why can't those who have a "raider" rank be able to edit their own notes?

Why can't there be certain types of officers? Some recruit, some are the most trusted. Guild Masters don't want every officer to be entrusted with certain things. Some officers will always be a little higher than others. That's how real life works too.

If someone can't handle simple permissions for a guild, maybe they shouldn't be a guild leader. Perhaps clans are more up their ally.
Sure cool this has been extended so are there any plans to fix this. I shouldn't have to /groster every time I want to make a change and for it to stick. I shouldn't have to have people text me who people are to add notes because I don't want to give them Officer chat.
I find it fascinating that they're reverting pieces quietly but not saying anything. Because if they are changing something they have clearly thought about it enough to say something - pretty much anything - to the fanbase.