The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I've already made some posts here, but I'm checking in again and will continue to do so until the post patch 8.0 permissions problem still exists.

As of right now, I haven't assigned anyone in our guild with the "Is Officer" checkbox since there are certain permissions I will not assign to anyone, regardless of rank. As a result of this, nobody in the guild can be granted some of the other permissions that are now all lumped together in the "Is Officer" permission.

All I ask is that each of the eight permissions under the "Is Officer" box be reverted back to individual check boxes, just like it was prior to patch 8.0. Lumping them together into one permission box makes it harder to manage guild hierarchy and incentives. Whoever made the decision to change this feature of guild management made a mistake. You don't have to apologize for it or anything. Rather, just please revert this back to the way it was so we can manage our guilds the way we deem best. I don't need this one-size-fits-all intervention gunking up the works. We as guild masters know our guilds, not some distant Blizzard employee with some personal ideology.

Guild master controls have always been lacking in WoW and we should have more customization, not less. I have contributed my own ideas earlier in this thread on how positive changes could actually help guild managers, not hurt them. You can refer to them in earlier posts. I have been playing and raiding WoW since Vanilla, and have been the guild master of our guild since the TBC days. I have reps under my belt.

Please address this problem and revert the change. This thread began on July 17. We're now at August 15 and BfA has launched. Respond to your customers. Respond to the people who organize guilds and hold things together. That's what this game is about, and your failure to address this doesn't reflect well on how you view guilds. That's really pathetic since guilds are a founding and enduring pillar of this game.

Get it together, people.
Just want to pop in and say that the new BFA content has been really fun, and that we also appreciate the re-addition of the Guild-chat Speak permission node.

I still believe that we should have the other permissions un-bundled and expanded upon.

Blizzard: I have nothing more to say here that the thread and the rest of us haven't already beaten to death. It's been a month. This thread has had 2 extensions and we've been told that you're aware of the situation. It's time to show that you're really listening. We deserve an answer about this issue.

I counted the number of unique characters that have posted in this thread to date. There's 432 of us.

Assuming that even half of that number are guild leaders running moderate to large scale guilds, this issue effects every guild out there, whether they even know it or not.
Please fix this, you have also broken major guild addon funcion's like guild kicker when you have people in the guild that haven't been on for 2 months you have to manually kick them which is a pain when you have 1000 members.

The guild promote function for addon's is also disabled for anything but the blizzard ui please for the sake of RSI let an addon rank 50 people up at once...

Day 3 of BFA and we have 418 members currently.
Still no word?
I expect this issue is not in the face of Blizzard long enough to be considered important enough to address. If Blizzard had wanted to leave this as it was they would have done so. They took time and effort to change it. Therefore they assume, even though many have said otherwise, that the changes are good changes. If you guys want this changed back you are going to have to shout louder longer and harder if you want to be heard. You NEED to be heard. This thread is a great resource so far as it goes but perhaps the reason that it has been extended twice is to coral the voices into one place that will keep sliding off the front page. Might be time to break up this thread and start creating new ones so that Blizzard understands how serious you guys are.
08/16/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Æthelwulf
If you guys want this changed back you are going to have to shout louder longer and harder if you want to be heard. You NEED to be heard.
The only time people shout is when they can't login or when they get told no to High Elfs.

I'm still waiting to hear something from them that they're working on it. Also, why haven't they exchanged ideas with us? Why hasn't Blizzard come back here and engaged in a conversation to what they'd like to do vs. what we would like to see. Why are they not talking to the GMs or potential GMs?

I Like I said, If they actually cared, they would've been talking to us.
07/22/2018 04:54 PMPosted by Raicolette
If they actually cared and wanted to involve us in with the discussion of balance, they would've responded.
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.

08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.

It would be nice but it's beginning to be doubtful we hear a response at this point. This seems to be another ignored concern that will be swept under the rug. This is very unfortunate change but none of us should really be surprised by the asinine changes or the silence from Blizzard and their improved communication™.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.
08/18/2018 04:46 AMPosted by Invincible
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.

This new guild permissions system is garbage.

It was poorly thought out and obviously rushed live with no notice.

Communities have been a failure. No one uses them (mostly since you strangely made them have such a low member cap - 250?)

Just remove both and put it back the way it was. No one asked for these changes. They were forced on us, and brought us a huge step back in guild management.

Please change the permissions back - I have been busy (got to 120) but I did not forget about this issue. The "isofficer" is still a problem for guild masters please review why the change was made and give us the ability to break the change down with an advanced option.

This way any GM that wants to keep the new setting can do so while the rest of us who are more interested in setting up ranks and have specific jobs for specific officers can set the settings the way we like.
08/17/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Irannia
This still needs to be addressed, can we please get a real response.

^^ This. I realize Blizzard's game plan is to just ignore this until people give up complaining about it.. but, it's a pain in the butt to have to manage a guild the way the UI is limited now.

Edit: And having Guilds tied to services.. is also dumb.. when went down the BfA launch day.. everything guild related went away too..
While I'm happy with the little changes that were made a few days ago, we still seem to be stuck with the one-size-fits-all guild permissions. Every guild is different. GM's need flexibility in how they manage their guilds.

There have been many, many great ideas for guild management brought up in this thread. I'd love to see them implemented. However, at the very least, can we at least get back the tools we used to have?

Thank you.
So after speaking with a GM about this his suggestion was to submit bug reports about the ongoing issues to put pressure on the team to actually fix them.....
08/18/2018 05:32 PMPosted by Bãst
So after speaking with a GM about this his suggestion was to submit bug reports about the ongoing issues to put pressure on the team to actually fix them.....

Except this isn't a bug, this was an intentional change.
08/18/2018 06:04 PMPosted by Talaen
08/18/2018 05:32 PMPosted by Bãst
So after speaking with a GM about this his suggestion was to submit bug reports about the ongoing issues to put pressure on the team to actually fix them.....

Except this isn't a bug, this was an intentional change.

So no one can have access to a guild bank except the gm maybe? That's really crappy and lazy on the developers part
Checking in again to keep this alive. I've posted several times already. Basically, my main beef here is that permissions need to be reverted to how they were prior to patch 8.0. Guild masters need to be able to individually assign those eight permissions, not have them all lumped together into the single "Is Officer" check box. Whoever came up with that is a nimrod. Sorry. No apologies are required - just change the controls to how they were. Thank you.