The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I don't know if it's worse that someone at Blizzard ever thought this was a good idea or if it's worse that Blizzard still hasn't changed it back.
Well, the expansion dropped, and it was everything I could have possibly wa-- oh wait. Except this :(
08/13/2018 09:43 PMPosted by Veendell
Well, the expansion dropped, and it was everything I could have possibly wa-- oh wait. Except this :(

that's about how I feel.
Really starting to feel the annoyances of this now that the expansion has dropped. Please revert (*fully*) ASAP. Thanks.
Blargh, my reply got timed out, anyhoo...

08/13/2018 06:47 AMPosted by Tarayn
Still feels like a bandaid though. Please fully restore rank by rank granular permissions.

If rank-specific permissions cannot be re-implemented under the current combined Communities + Guild schema, perhaps these two totally different types of social groups (i.e., 1 to many vs 1 to 1) should not have been tied together.

If the eventual aim is to allow us to join more than one guild per character (changing guilds from 1:1 to 1:many), then cool, but you need to add back the old rank permissions functionality.
Please give us back guild rank permissions and undo the IsOfficer crap. Thanks.
This is now launch and we're STILL stuck screwing over our guild members without the permissions we used to have.

We want this fixed!
That's a pretty terrible change.
08/06/2018 12:01 PMPosted by Mingz
Maybe you can share by calling out the blizzard employee who approved this change and ask them to come here and defend this change and why they "thought" it was necessary?
What in the world would this accomplish? Do you just want a punching bag? Seriously, let's not get into harassment, okay?

Focus on a fix. That should be the goal.[/quote]

I don't want a punching bag, but tell me why the changes were made and how we are supposed to manage our guilds now that we have less user-control. That would be ideal!
After 14 years of maintaining a seasonally casual guild, this feels like the beginning of the end. But I don't think that was the intended reaction. I do feel like Blizzard is giving us the Mushroom treatment on this issue however. (Keeping us in the dark and feeding us a load of manure.) It would be nice if they would simply talk to us, rather than "extending the thread" for months.
Why is the "Is Officer" still bundled with no option for granular controls?

This is getting a little rediculous. This thread has been active for almost a month with no real response. What gives?
Guilds are supposed to be special, unique in game communities. Why do they need to be linked with blizz’s attempt to copy discord servers? They don’t. It’s horrible. Let players decide What they want their guilds to be. If they just wanted a new community, let them make/join a community.
08/15/2018 08:25 AMPosted by Cows
Guilds are supposed to be special, unique in game communities. Why do they need to be linked with blizz’s attempt to copy discord servers? They don’t. It’s horrible. Let players decide What they want their guilds to be. If they just wanted a new community, let them make/join a community.

Blizzard Designers responsible for the changes to guild controls need to read this post very carefully and answer the question asked (irrespective of the posters answer). There is a non vocalized part of that post you probably should grab and hold on to as well Blizzard Designers. It is this: If you do not give them the controls they need to do what they want to do the way they envision it the players concerned WILL find a company who is WILLING to give them that or they will stop playing altogether. Since it isn't JUST the guild leaders who are affected but also the guild members this could have a very large impact on your revenue stream. Were it me I'd be paying attention and figuring out just how fast I could correct this issue before it started having real impact on my ability to deliver a quality product.
My friends and I have been loving BfA so far. The zones are beautiful, the stories are great. Horde have tried to gank us a few times, the excitement and fun is palpable.

The one thing in the back of my mind though has been, "Wouldn't this be great if we were all in a guild?"

Being a part of a guild in WoW for me has always represented something special. It can be a foundation for amazing times, a way to meet people, it can be magical.

Unfortunately, the changes mess up a lot of that. The chat is now a public chat room instead of a place to chat with friends and get to know new people.

The permissions needed to be EXPANDED, not simplified. Being able to edit one's own public notes vs everyone's public notes should be separate permissions, not lumped into the Officer rank's function.

The issue is this. Many of my friends are scattered across various servers. But I would happy to pay to have them server transfer to my realm to join my guild if Blizzard listens to us and reverts(or takes this thread's feedback to heart and improves) the guild functionality.

As it is now though, there is no reason to do that. We're just going to be using Discord until things improve.
These changes are worse than Arby's
Any word from Blizzard yet or are we GMs just going to continue to be ignored? Or is this another one of Blizzard containment threads where they actually pretend they're listening or even thinking about reverting?

Rank permissions didn't need changing and whoever at Blizzard thought it did, needs to stop coming up ideas for a bit. Because this is abysmal without asking if we wanted this change or anything different with the Guild UI.

Rank permissions didn't need changing and whoever at Blizzard thought it did, needs to pushing for ideas. Because this is abysmal without asking if we wanted this change or anything different with the Guild UI.

I know it's frustrating, but the best thing to do is to simply leave constructive feedback and suggestions here and on their twitter feed.
First off, stellar job Blizz on what I've seen from BfA. My wife and I were thoroughly engaged and had a great time playing last night.

Until it came time to logoff.

Then she pulled the "Ugh, now I have to manage the guild with these broken *-- controls..."

Mood killed.

Please fix.
1 month and 63 pages later we still don't have any communication from Blizzard on this piss poor design choice. Keep up the good work on the improved communication, Blizzard.
Havent forgotten