The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

They reverted permissions back for the most part where running a guild is definitely more manageable. I am in tears!!! Thank you Blizzard for hearing us and taking steps to fix it. I am thrilled with you guys doing what you did!!! *Snoopy Dance*
08/11/2018 09:32 AMPosted by Keiralynn
They reverted permissions back for the most part where running a guild is definitely more manageable. I am in tears!!! Thank you Blizzard for hearing us and taking steps to fix it. I am thrilled with you guys doing what you did!!! *Snoopy Dance*

Where do you see this? i still have the isofficer issue with to many permissions all lumped into one.
1 Like
08/11/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Crippey
08/11/2018 09:32 AMPosted by Keiralynn
They reverted permissions back for the most part where running a guild is definitely more manageable. I am in tears!!! Thank you Blizzard for hearing us and taking steps to fix it. I am thrilled with you guys doing what you did!!! *Snoopy Dance*

Where do you see this? i still have the isofficer issue with to many permissions all lumped into one.

People can add public notes now themselves. Had an officer test it out for me on all ranks. Even though there isn't a permission for it in the rank permissions tab. Also they have the guild chat speak permissions now added to the rank permissions. So now you have each rank having all these permissions: promote, demote, invite, guild chat, remove member, guild bank permissions are there too. The only thing that has not been reverted is the permissions for officer chat, MotD, etc which is still all lumped into the IsOfficer box. So it is a step in the right direction and something that has helped to make it a bit more manageable for us GM's trying to recruit people for BfA.
They threw us a scrap.
Not good enough.
Don't let these issues fade away.
1. Guild controls
2. Real fullscreen mode
3. The old UI
4. Auto Accept
08/11/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Ðirt
They threw us a scrap.
Not good enough.

It is better than nothing though and so I will be appreciative of it. :)
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

Still amazed after this many years that the community managers do not have the proper tools to anticipate the need to extend the cap. Capping out results in both duplicate threads and discussing closed threads, which goes against Blizzard's code of conduct for the forums. If Blizzard wants players to adhere to the code of conduct, perhaps Blizzard should give the community managers the correct tools to avoid situations that directly lead players to violating the code of conduct.

On topic: the new guild interface was disabled for long periods of time in the Beta and PTR. Many of these issues could/should have been addressed before 8.0.1 went live. For a variety of reasons, the guilds I have been a member of (never an officer) have died off, and the cost of being without the guild perks is not worth having access to the objectively awful guild search function. There are good players in bad guilds that are stuck there because of the cost of moving guilds. Please allow us access to search for a new guild while in our current guild.
08/11/2018 10:41 AMPosted by Valleen
Don't let these issues fade away.
1. Guild controls
2. Real fullscreen mode
3. The old UI
4. Auto Accept
08/11/2018 10:41 AMPosted by Valleen
Don't let these issues fade away.
1. Guild controls
2. Real fullscreen mode
3. The old UI
4. Auto Accept

This thread pertains to issue 1 and 3.
Thread for 2:
Thread for 4:

As for the issues in this thread:
I'm glad to see functionality for Set Own Public Note. I'd like to see it have it's own control checkbox, for having the option to turn it on or off for some ranks. I may want an alt rank where I don't want alts chaining their alt note.
I'm glad to see that the Guild Chat Speak option is back. This allows us to silence folks having a bad night rather than needing to deal with chat being toxic, or kicking people when it isn't super necessary.

I want to reiterate that I want to see the permissions listed under "IsOfficer" unlinked from each other. Granularity is important. See the other changes I've outlined here (I won't make this post longer.)
08/11/2018 12:13 AMPosted by Hathlo
PSA everyone: Guild Chat Speak is back in rank controls.
Players now have the ability so set their own note, although there is no permission node for this.

This is a good first step. Please remove the "IsOfficer" checkbox and give us individual rank controls back. Also, please give us the option to disallow or allow set own note.


While I'm certainly not upset to see a step in the right direction here, I still feel that some communication on what's going on here is needed. Why are changes being made to guild stuff with no communication?
This news about the chat and public notes is very good indeed. I'm going to assume they're not communicating the changes because they're still in the process of fixing them. Honestly, I'm happier if they just fix it than if they talk about fixing it.
08/11/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Hathlo
I may want an alt rank where I don't want alts chaining their alt note.

Why is this information not part of the guild roster by default?
08/11/2018 11:32 AMPosted by Maryannmarie
08/11/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Hathlo
I may want an alt rank where I don't want alts chaining their alt note.

Why is this information not part of the guild roster by default?

I'd love that option. Guild Roster Manager has some functionality like this.

A new information field in the standard UI where alts can be correlated to a main would be cool, but I wouldn't want to force anyone to disclose that if they don't want too, in most cases.

That said, guild warfare happens sometimes. And people bring characters in after they've been kicked to stir up drama under new names and pretend to be someone they aren't. Having the peace of mind to know definitively that you've removed all characters on an account from the guild rather than their main can come in handy if your notes haven't adequately kept up.

Account Bans from guilds would be nice too, sometimes. I think there would need to be some major red tape, like involve a GM and have it approved red tape, in doing so to prevent abuse though.

Anyhow, I digress.

Please return granular rank controls and remove the "IsOfficer" checkbox.
I haven't been able to test all the changes but I can say they did return the silence guild chat option.

Here is an image of the permissions panel now:

It still has the "IS OFFICER" permission which still gives too many permissions to officers, simply put it would be better if this all-in-one permission were broken down a bit.


Because we have different types of officers, we would like all of them to be able to get into officer chat, but not all of them to be able to change the guild info and the message of the day.

We would like some to control chat/voice chat issues, and change the guild notes but not promote and invite and demote. Since we have limited ranks (10) we can only do so much at breaking things down.

There are different jobs and levels of trust in a guild while it might not make much of a difference in the long run mistakes do happen and no one wants to have to rewrite guild information more than once, or have guild message of the day overwritten by someone who felt especially cheery that day.

In any case its a step forward and I thank the devs for paying attention to this thread and I hope they understand why more is needed.

I remind everyone reading the thread that we need to keep asking for our permissions back and also asking for them to fix the bugs associated with the Community UI. Having GUILD CHAT always on is a big issue in a mixed aged guild, what happens at night you may not want kids to see.

Here is my list of guiid issues that need to be addressed:

    -01. Unbundle the "Is Officer" setting and allow guild masters to once again decide how to build their ranks.

    -02. Fix the LOOKING FOR GUILD utility so that it mimics the LINK ability in the Community UI.

    Basically when a user asks for an invite to guild a guild recruiter / officer can send the user a LINK to get invited to the guild even if the user is OFFLINE.

    -03. Fix the bugs that are associated with the Community UI, especially if you do not modify it like I am requesting above.

    For example: Seeing everyone who is OFFLINE in the CHATLOG window when you should show only those who are ONLINE maybe add a toggle for this.

    -04. Fix the GUILD CHAT LOGS so that as guild master you can set the privacy level of it. Give users a privacy level toggle as well.

    Basically a guildmaster should be able to make the guild logs record all the time, be privately recording for officers only, or be in full view all the time.

    Also you should allow players to set their privacy level as well - record or not - when chat logs are in full view setting. Something they can change on the fly.

    Example: User doesn't want to be recorded in guild chat: BOB: User has set privacy on his chat.

    -05. Fix the LOOT MASTER setting to allow FULL GUILD GROUPS to still use loot master if they so choose, however once the PUG limit on a group has been hit (I believe its 3-4) you can no longer use the option.

    Again this is for guilds not pug groups, this will stop bad apples from ninjaing gear/mounts but will ensure that people still have a choice in a guild. Also make all mount drops BOP untradeable this will ensure that you no longer receive tickets about people stealing mounts.

    -06. Fix the AUTO-INVITE function its a detriment to smaller guild groups that it has been removed.

    If you are doing a transmog run you basically can setup a minimum ilvl and auto-invite people for it, by removing auto-invite you basically are making it a more selective system and making it harder for players to find groups.

    It might seem like a no-brainer but honestly when you are going through trash quickly in a run and just want to fill your ranks to have that "CLASSIC" big raid experience having to piece-meal invites is slow. Also it ruins the ability to invite while afk to the guild garrisons which many people still like to do for pet battles and what not.

    -07. The Community UI can be used to build communities cross server but basically its a new way to CREATE AND CONTROL CHANNELS, however it fails to read OLD CHANNELS that you have created and ADD them to the Community UI.

    So if you have an old channel called "HEALERS" it will not create a community for that channel unless you actually make that with the new UI. This means older channels do not get merged into the new channel that you create. Please add a button to allow channels to be merged.
08/11/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Ðirt
They threw us a scrap.
Not good enough.

I will not kick a gift horse In the mouth, but I agree it's not enough.

GMotD and Guild Info should still be up to the Guild Leader whether or not they want those as Officer duties or Guild Leader Duties.

I would still like to be able to give access to the Officer Notes and Chat as well to specific ranks with in my guild.

Again I don't mind the "Is Officer" button but there needs to be something somewhere that allows more specific controls.

While this is still a step in the right direction there is still work that needs to be done. Guild Chat and Public Notes seemed to be the biggest of the two complaints, that more heavily affect guilds. I can only hope (crosses fingers) that the rest of the controls are brought back in.

My Officer ranks (minus my admin officers) are still not able to access the things that they were able to.
Ok after testing further....

Its true guild members can change their guild note in the GUILD AND COMMUNITY panel without a rank/permission setting.

Strangely they can not do so using the OLD Guild Roster panel.

So the old panel will be gone sooner or later since they are already moving functionality away from it.

Here is my list of guiid issues that need to be addressed:

    -01. Unbundle the "Is Officer" setting and allow guild masters to once again decide how to build their ranks.

    -02. Fix the LOOKING FOR GUILD utility so that it mimics the LINK ability in the Community UI.

    Basically when a user asks for an invite to guild a guild recruiter / officer can send the user a LINK to get invited to the guild even if the user is OFFLINE.

    -03. Fix the bugs that are associated with the Community UI, especially if you do not modify it like I am requesting above.

    For example: Seeing everyone who is OFFLINE in the CHATLOG window when you should show only those who are ONLINE maybe add a toggle for this.

    -04. Fix the GUILD CHAT LOGS so that as guild master you can set the privacy level of it. Give users a privacy level toggle as well.

    Basically a guildmaster should be able to make the guild logs record all the time, be privately recording for officers only, or be in full view all the time.

    Also you should allow players to set their privacy level as well - record or not - when chat logs are in full view setting. Something they can change on the fly.

    Example: User doesn't want to be recorded in guild chat: BOB: User has set privacy on his chat.

    -05. Fix the LOOT MASTER setting to allow FULL GUILD GROUPS to still use loot master if they so choose, however once the PUG limit on a group has been hit (I believe its 3-4) you can no longer use the option.

    Again this is for guilds not pug groups, this will stop bad apples from ninjaing gear/mounts but will ensure that people still have a choice in a guild. Also make all mount drops BOP untradeable this will ensure that you no longer receive tickets about people stealing mounts.

    -06. Fix the AUTO-INVITE function its a detriment to smaller guild groups that it has been removed.

    If you are doing a transmog run you basically can setup a minimum ilvl and auto-invite people for it, by removing auto-invite you basically are making it a more selective system and making it harder for players to find groups.

    It might seem like a no-brainer but honestly when you are going through trash quickly in a run and just want to fill your ranks to have that "CLASSIC" big raid experience having to piece-meal invites is slow. Also it ruins the ability to invite while afk to the guild garrisons which many people still like to do for pet battles and what not.

    -07. The Community UI can be used to build communities cross server but basically its a new way to CREATE AND CONTROL CHANNELS, however it fails to read OLD CHANNELS that you have created and ADD them to the Community UI.

    So if you have an old channel called "HEALERS" it will not create a community for that channel unless you actually make that with the new UI. This means older channels do not get merged into the new channel that you create. Please add a button to allow channels to be merged.
Back up!
This is hardly a "Fix" -- We want real progress on the matter.
08/11/2018 07:09 PMPosted by CĂŽhĂȘĂȘd
This is hardly a "Fix" -- We want real progress on the matter.

I do appreciate the partial fix I hope they will have time to fix the other items we requested.