The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Loendor
For those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end

I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.

We shouldn't need to run scripts for basic information, nor should we need addons for something as simple as this. GM's shouldn't need to do stuff like this. We were already limited on permissions before this stupid idea.
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07/17/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Judlas
Just wanted to jump in and say this is a really bad change. I have used the separate options for years for various different reasons. Guild masters are not the type of players who need their options cut back or dumbed down.

Agreed. This is one of the last things we should see. By all means enhance the Guild UI but don't change it's functionality or flexibility. I can just see all sorts of trouble ahead for guilds caught unaware of these changes. The Guild UI was a place that needed improvement, not pruning.
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07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.
And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??

You RPers complain about EVERYTHING.
07/17/2018 03:53 PMPosted by Chujinho
You RPers complain about EVERYTHING.

Their complaint is more valid than your post.
Really terrible changes. SO BAD.

- Give us back a UI option to see last online!
- Give us back rank permission control!
07/17/2018 03:53 PMPosted by Chujinho
07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
...And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??

You RPers complain about EVERYTHING.

Is it wrong to complain about a game feature that they often used being broken all of a sudden?
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07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.

You should be able to change your own guild note without being an officer.
I sincerely can not think of a single upside to this. What a heap of garbage this game is becoming.
Wow that's just horrible.

Some time ago I suspected the over streamlining of controls, options, etc. was because someone up the corporate food chainwanted to play WoW on their iPhone X. I still think that.
I will personally bump this thread every single day until its fixed. This is simply uncalled for Blizzard. Normally I am very reasonable on these forums when most others are not. But this needs to be reverted sooner rather than later.
07/17/2018 03:45 PMPosted by Lorsaire
07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Loendor
For those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end

I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
I mean, I'm glad the functionality still exists, but man, not having it be part of the regular interface seems like a real miss.

They must have had a first year intern do the ui set ups.
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07/17/2018 03:52 PMPosted by Draical
07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Loendor
For those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end

I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.

We shouldn't need to run scripts for basic information, nor should we need addons for something as simple as this. GM's shouldn't need to do stuff like this. We were already limited on permissions before this stupid idea.

Preaching to the choir. I in no way support any of these changes, just providing an interim script to run if people need the info now.
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07/17/2018 03:53 PMPosted by Chujinho
07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
...And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??

You RPers complain about EVERYTHING.

You created a thread to complain.
07/17/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Kaiyeri
I mean, why even have as many ranks as we do if all of this stuff is just going to be consolidated so that I can't have different ranks with actual permissions to give them separately?

Or is that next on the list: consolidate guild ranks to "initiate, member, officer, guild master" and don't let us change the names either?

JFC Blizzard.

They already took away three effective ranks by making it possible for the top three ranks to take the guild away from the guild master.

I need all the ranks I can get because I use them for distinctions other than just privileges: the guild is <Huntress> but we have Kaldorei for other elves and Elf Friend for nonelves, and we need officer and member ranks for each. Then there are the two Guest ranks. And I absolutely need rank naming ability for all that.
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this is a pretty garbage change, blizzard
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The new guild and community feature is terrible lol
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We had 2 different levels of officers before the changes - only the GM and the GM's alts were able to edit the Guild Info and MOTD. Our setup is no longer possible. For now we have removed officer permissions from everyone until we see where this is going.

Public Notes were a very significant part of the social fabric of our guild and everyone was able to edit their own note. (Perhaps this is why when we logged in every rank was set to 'Is Officer'.) The public note helped people get to know one another.

You don't build 'communities' by removing the tools that allow improved social interaction.

Add me to the growing list of discontented customers.

I've never complained about the game before. But these changes seem arbitrary and a bit foolish.
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07/17/2018 04:43 PMPosted by Polgara
We had 2 different levels of officers before the changes - only the GM and the GM's alts were able to edit the Guild Info and MOTD. Our setup is no longer possible. For now we have removed officer permissions from everyone until we see where this is going.

Public Notes were a very significant part of the social fabric of our guild and everyone was able to edit their own note. (Perhaps this is why when we logged in every rank was set to 'Is Officer'.) The public note helped people get to know one another.

You don't build 'communities' by removing the tools that allow improved social interaction.

Add me to the growing list of discontented customers.

I've never complained about the game before. But these changes seem arbitrary and a bit foolish.

That's one of the worst parts of this under-communicated change, there was no warning that giving someone access to public notes would all of a sudden allow them to have major control in your guild once this patch hit.
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Yikes. We’ve needed more tools since release, but they’re actively taking them away.
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07/17/2018 04:50 PMPosted by Zuluhed
Yikes. We’ve needed more tools since release, but they’re actively taking them away.

Welcome to the new Blizzard.
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