The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

It's been awhile since I have joined back on this conversation and I just want to restate my support of reverting changes first then improving. The lump of permissions are a downgrade.
Hoping they do listen - been following this post hoping to see a good outcome - c'mon Blizz when i started playing i was told a huge part of playing WoW was the guild aspect - now you are trying to destroy it?
Had a person in my guild acting like a jerk for hours until an officer could boot him.

Boy that Time Out rank I have set up that would restrict a person like that's ability to speak in chat would have really come in handy.....

Oh that's right, you can't block people's ability to chat in guildchat under this new system.

I lost many people because they /gquit because of this dope. They thought we condoned this type of behavior.
08/08/2018 01:30 PMPosted by Dynara
Had a person in my guild acting like a jerk for hours until an officer could boot him.

Boy that Time Out rank I have set up that would restrict a person like that's ability to speak in chat would have really come in handy.....

Oh that's right, you can't block people's ability to chat in guildchat under this new system.

I lost many people because they /gquit because of this dope. They thought we condoned this type of behavior.
This is a truly serious issue. Guilds have to be able to police themselves. GM's should be able to apportion permissions in whatever fashion fits their guild. Otherwise, the guild falls apart.

I don't believe that Blizzard is trying to break guilds, though I certainly see why some feel that's the ultimate goal. I think Blizz was just so enamored of the Communities idea that they pushed ahead without fully understanding how it might impact guilds. I don't believe these problems were intentional--they're more like consequences of not fully thinking ahead.

While I'd love it if the changes were reverted, I don't think that's possible because of the integration with the Communities feature. However, I don't see how fixes couldn't be applied retroactively. GM's need to be able to spread out permissions however they wish. Silencing people from guild chat needs to be possible. If only these two things were done, we'd be way ahead of where we are now.
Hey was this decision made by the same guy who thought it was a good idea to remove the remove helm/shoulder feature in the interface menu? Seems like that was also a solid decision now that all these hordies want to remove their shoulders at random without calling a Yak mount to go BRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!! in the middle of a zone.

GG interface design GG lol
08/08/2018 07:17 AMPosted by Greenstone
I have sent this a couple of times to the HELP bug area:

"As a GuildMaster I would like to point out that the changes to the permissions for guilds are broken, we lost too much granularity, can not make ranks the way we want to anymore. The "IsOfficer" rank is too broad we need more control over ranks. Normally officers other than the guild master do not change the guild info, also officers have different jobs, recruiting or run raids or deal with mods for gear. You also took away the mute ability, so now we kick players who disrupt the guild."

Please add this to the HELP / SUBMIT BUG, if you are a guild master, and let them know you have similar feelings. Remember submit bug text is limited, so if you change anything make sure to clearly state the BUG which is related to the "IsOfficer" permission not being granular enough.

Basically when I contacted BlizzardCS this what they told me to do, point out the bug in the game.

Submitted Bug Greenstone hopes this helps you guys out. good luck. Lets hope blizz address and fixes these issues.
Good to see this thread is still going.

There have been some bug fixes and additions to the UI recently (previews, mentions, etc). It's like spreading glitter on junk; please fix the junk before you add the glitter.
08/08/2018 12:27 PMPosted by Epe
08/08/2018 11:45 AMPosted by Talaen
I'm curious how many more pages Blizzard will allow on this thread before it's locked up and all new threads created will be deleted so they can sweep this whole thing under the rug.

It's a lot easier to keep upping the limit on one thread than it is to delete 20 a day.

Except you missed the whole idea of my post when quoting me.

Anyways, I was hoping to see a CM finally make an actual comment and join in the discussion here but I got what I expected - nothing. Guess I will check back tomorrow.
Oh hey, Thread.

We still here. Still waiting. Wondering when we'll get a revert.
Still waiting --- Here From Page 3!
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Aka we'll hear nothing ever again as it has gone the way of the dance studio.
No one can invite in our guild besides officers, they probably would let me be one but really unnecessary just let me invite again
Well with their newest update you can now leave feedback which is now found on the Blizz desktop app in the pull down menu. I HIGHLY suggest that we ALL use this feature to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. I linked this forum thread to my feedback as well and opted in to be contacted by them to ask more questions should they need to. Let's make them see us guys in a way they provided for us to do it.
08/08/2018 07:23 PMPosted by Katri
No one can invite in our guild besides officers, they probably would let me be one but really unnecessary just let me invite again
My guild had an "anyone can invite" policy, but now that's ruined. The permissions really do need to be split up again so GM's can manage their guilds however they want.
08/08/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Keiralynn
Well with their newest update you can now leave feedback which is now found on the Blizz desktop app in the pull down menu. I HIGHLY suggest that we ALL use this feature to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. I linked this forum thread to my feedback as well and opted in to be contacted by them to ask more questions should they need to. Let's make them see us guys in a way they provided for us to do it.

Well the app devs are probably not the same devs that work with game problems, and I suspect they will throw away any feedback that doesn't pertain to the app itself. So its probably more beneficial to put a HELP - SUBMIT BUG in than the feedback. You can do both though if you like, but be forewarned I remember complaining about a bug I wrote up while ago that was effecting the game and showing up strange on the Armory so they pointed me to the Armory app complaints. These app groups like to believe they are not the same depts and cant walk down half a hallway to pass on info to their coworkers.
Bump.. no energy for anything else right now, but still frustrated as I’ve said before.
This is not a happy post so forgive me beforehand I am just frustrated as hell right now.

Honestly there is an awful set of devs in Blizzard, these are the same set of people who wouldn't let druid bears tank early in Vanilla felt that all druids had to be weaker than the rest of the classes because they were hybrids. (Bears don't have thumbs so you can't eat or drink in

I am supposing those same devs have switched positions and are now making these horrible calls about addons and guild permissions in game, the removal of master looter and the introduction of the discord clone.

They basically are saying "anything that makes the game easier for a certain subset of players has to be removed and or be replaced with a different set of rules just to shake up the player base".

Not to improve or make it easier for players, never that, only to shake us up and make the game different from their perspective.

Mismanagement of a product is not a new thing, if you are old enough you know that "Coke" was changed at one point to a new taste because they felt they needed to make a new taste for a new generation.

Not thinking they lost a lot of money and had to go back and make "Original Coke" and "Coke Classic" then they changed it back to "Coke". Its stupid marketing ploys like this that ruin products and lose consumers and subscribers.

Announcing that there would be no more flying was just a half-assed move on the part of the devs, while there are many sides you can be on in this issue, the facts are clear flying was longer in the game than the game didn't have it, and the quality of the terrain and textures IMPROVED because they had to fill out all the zones and could no longer put up fake building which you could basically get under. (Go to the blood elf zone if you want to still be able to get under some of their structures.)

There are plenty of things to work on in the world of warcraft, terrain, story, classes, gear, so on, so they break these dev groups, into smaller units, and say who will be in charge of what.

I am assuming some are in charge of the UI and decided well "we could get rid of this, since its a high ticket item, high overhead or cost when it comes to dealing with customers" - I am betting ML and these Addons not working all the time fell into that category.

Next were changes that came due to their abomination like Community UI which seems to be a weak copy (CLONE) of DISCORD, permission changes came into the guild master community due this disaster.

They seemed almost intent on castrating the guilds and nullifying their whole purpose for existing by removing the ability to customize the guild ranks. The one size fits all "IsOfficer" rank seems to be a nerf to GM's control because the other way was too difficult for some.

I can't see any other purpose behind the change other than a misunderstanding of how guilds will work in relation to communities.

All in all these changes they do not effect the actual game play in the game or the balance of the game, but they do effect the social aspects of the game and HARM them, these changes they are making are poorly thought out and do not increase player happiness or even community happiness.

They add a voice client to the game, with smaller apps that run in the background, but do not give us a way to disable that app at all. These changes are not about making the consumer happier, or giving them more options its forced of the consumer to make sure everyone understands "you will do what we want and how we want it."

They think by making a CLONE of Discord in game or in their blizzard app that it will effectively improve player communities and communication, so they need to break down the current structures to prove that their new methods work better.

Again its the "bears don't have thumbs argument" from these devs....

They really need to be removed from any aspect of the game that makes any decision for the player base happiness.

Give these devs a job deciding how big dwarf noses are going to be because they need some practice finding their own nose.
This is not a happy post so forgive me beforehand I am just frustrated as hell right now.



This thread is not a business strategy analysis - it is for discussing the changes made to the guild UI and rank permissions.

Your feedback should contain constructive ideas, concise demands, and factual information. Spend your energy finding people on your realm that are affected by this change, and request that they shoot their thoughts here and elsewhere on the forums, the in game bug tracker, and on twitter.

That said:

The changes made to the guild ranks force long standing and large guilds to water down the experience that we give our members. We can no longer adequately delegate permissions to members that want to take a step above just a member, without granting that user blanket access to officer chat. We can no longer mute people who are having a bad night. We can no longer have meaningful guild rank progression.

All guilds, current and new, are forced into having less choice than we once did, meanwhile we're paying the same amount we always have. This change is not analogous to changes that make for a more engaging experience, like class changes or additional classes. This change has increased the burden of leadership and is actively causing stress.

Revert and expand upon guild rank permissions. Communicate to us the intention of the change, why it was made quietly, and what will be done in the future to better communicate with and get feedback from, guild leadership.
Revert the permissions changes. Then use at least 10 of the proposed new ideas to improve guild management.
Revert the permissions changes. Then use at least 10 of the proposed new ideas to improve guild management.