The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

bumpity bump bump

This is really it.

They are trying to get in on Discord's market-- at least the people that use it for WoW-- while giving us none of the moderation tools or ability.

It's awful. If anything we will use Guild related tools LESS.

And yet what they don't get is the only way to get people to change to your service is if you do it better than the other guy. I don't get why no one's learning the lesson that Google Plus should have taught everyone.

I'm not sure about that. WoW has had rudimentary voice chat for quite a long time. You can look at old videos of people having the "Voice" option in the UI waaaay before 2018 and 8.0 rolled around.

Sources: (uploaded 2012) (Patch notes)

That said, the communities UI and the 8.0 changes have made it easier and more available to use custom chat channels (Communities) and better quality voice chat.

Regardless, this thread is about Guild Rank Permissions.
Bring back granular controls.
Bug Fixes - August 7 2018, Social:
"Fixed a bug preventing Guild ranks with invite permissions from properly inviting.
Fixed a bug that caused Guild and officer note updates to be delayed if the member was offline.
Fixed multiple bugs that caused some players to be unexpectedly removed from General and Trade chat channels."

They fixed the Community UI bugs but did not revert the changes to the Guild Permissions.

Again I ask Blizzard why?
What did those permissions break in your viewpoint?

They have been like that for at least eight years and the job they did worked. We based our guilds on those permission abilities and to have them taken away from us for no reason, nothing in game at least, that is clear doesn't make sense.

Guild Permissions are not part of leveling or story-lines, or anything that Devs controlled, this was completely up to the player on how they made their guilds and setup ranks. Not only did you break our control over this but you also took away our safety net with the mute ability.

You create a Community UI panel which doesn't do half as good a job presenting the information to us as the original Guild Roster channel, and has a bigger visual footprint, and never explain why these two things needed to be squished together.

Honestly Community Ui functions have little to do with guilds, unless a guild officer creates a channel that is maintained by the guild the whole thing is useless to the guild.

Its sad that the people who put this together never consulted or worked with any of the GM's in the game, I mean you have "Method" on call and bunch of other top end guilds did you not ask any of them if this could do damage to their guild.

How many people on alpha or beta test this and approved the interface and approved the Permission changes?

I know I didn't get a chance to approve anything in alpha or beta and I had my guild setup by the second day of access.

I don't know maybe the Devs think this is like changing the stats or changing the talent system and think well this was necessary in the game to improve it but honestly it wasn't this wasn't part of the lore, or the story, or how characters needed to be balanced, or anything to do with any power nerfs.

You basically broke part of the game that was working fine for over eight years.

Please revert the Permission changes before the expansion release.
Do not spoil the expansion for guildmasters and guilds.
3 weeks later and not a damn word to one of the core keys of your player base. Like I said, this shows you how resilient they are to changing this or even saying anything.
08/07/2018 05:00 PMPosted by Calkaria
who did this someone who never played...or even was ever in a guild.

I think you might be right.
08/08/2018 07:04 AMPosted by Raicolette
3 weeks later and not a damn word to one of the core keys of your player base. Like I said, this shows you how resilient they are to changing this or even saying anything.

Apparently they're listening. Whatever that means. The fact that we can't even get why this happened kind of blows my mind.

Between this and forced personal loot, if I was heading a raiding guild, I'd be exploring other MMO options to move my guild to.
I have sent this a couple of times to the HELP bug area:

"As a GuildMaster I would like to point out that the changes to the permissions for guilds are broken, we lost too much granularity, can not make ranks the way we want to anymore. The "IsOfficer" rank is too broad we need more control over ranks. Normally officers other than the guild master do not change the guild info, also officers have different jobs, recruiting or run raids or deal with mods for gear. You also took away the mute ability, so now we kick players who disrupt the guild."

Please add this to the HELP / SUBMIT BUG, if you are a guild master, and let them know you have similar feelings. Remember submit bug text is limited, so if you change anything make sure to clearly state the BUG which is related to the "IsOfficer" permission not being granular enough.

Basically when I contacted BlizzardCS this what they told me to do, point out the bug in the game.
This thread needs to stay on the front page. Blizzard can't ignore it forever. Just admit you made the mistake and revert it. We all know Dev's are human too and there's no shame in making mistakes, as long as you fix them.

This was a dumb change and should be reverted.
I find the entire chat system and communities feature to be wonky.
08/08/2018 07:22 AMPosted by Stryg
This thread needs to stay on the front page. Blizzard can't ignore it forever. Just admit you made the mistake and revert it. We all know Dev's are human too and there's no shame in making mistakes, as long as you fix them.

This was a dumb change and should be reverted.

With all the moaning and groaning over Sylvanas and Jaina that won't happen this thread will keep dropping allowing them to ignore it. The fact is they think we are small-subset of users who are complaining and in the end we have to accept whatever they decide.
Has there been 1 person who thinks this was a positive change?

I just cannot fathom this still being as it is in game AND no word in any way from Blizzard.
I'm still amazed the permissions haven't been fixed yet :\
08/08/2018 07:12 AMPosted by Daugil
08/08/2018 07:04 AMPosted by Raicolette
3 weeks later and not a damn word to one of the core keys of your player base. Like I said, this shows you how resilient they are to changing this or even saying anything.

Apparently they're listening. Whatever that means. The fact that we can't even get why this happened kind of blows my mind.

Between this and forced personal loot, if I was heading a raiding guild, I'd be exploring other MMO options to move my guild to.
Oh trust me, at this point, I'm just looking to get my money's worth. We'll see what entails for me with this "Blizzard quality finish" 2 years from now. A small hint, not looking very good.
Daily 'i-can't-fathom-why-these-changes-ever-were-greenlit' post to bump the thread.

Not only do we want this reverted/redesigned, but I am actually curious what the reasoning was.
Revert the guild permissions changes. Do it 2 weeks ago!
08/08/2018 07:12 AMPosted by Daugil
08/08/2018 07:04 AMPosted by Raicolette
3 weeks later and not a damn word to one of the core keys of your player base. Like I said, this shows you how resilient they are to changing this or even saying anything.

Apparently they're listening. Whatever that means. The fact that we can't even get why this happened kind of blows my mind.

Between this and forced personal loot, if I was heading a raiding guild, I'd be exploring other MMO options to move my guild to.

Oh they are listening, but it's only to what they want to hear.
I'm curious how many more pages Blizzard will allow on this thread before it's locked up and all new threads created will be deleted so they can sweep this whole thing under the rug.
Bump.....this lack of response is crazy!
Please consider pushing out some of the new guild fixes soon, Blizzard.

It is impossible to get used to much of the new design. Playing the game becomes increasingly frustrating as time goes by.
08/08/2018 11:45 AMPosted by Talaen
I'm curious how many more pages Blizzard will allow on this thread before it's locked up and all new threads created will be deleted so they can sweep this whole thing under the rug.

It's a lot easier to keep upping the limit on one thread than it is to delete 20 a day.