The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

I think maybe this IS needed... this thread seems to lead directly to that, "under the bed," place that children shove everything to forget about.
Changing character notes should not include full officer privileges.

The ability to view officer notes (just !@#$ing reading them!) should not include full officer rights.

Is this how Blizzard works? You are either a new hire or you are the CEO, there is no in between. Once you get your first promotion you have full control of the company!
Can we please get this fixed before launch!!! Come on!
After 5 years of being a guild leader, I'm wondering why even continue? We have a very large guild, 916, all who have logged within the last 3 months. I had rank permissions set so everyone felt comfortable and happy. Now I have almost NO control! Are you kidding me? My people can't even put a public note in labeling alts etc?? My people are upset, I'm upset! Blizzard is literally killing my guild!
How is this still something without any word at all?

We dont know if its being looked at.
We dont know if its intentional.
We dont know if we need to start only using third party guild management.

We cannot manage our guilds anymore and it is simply crazy to me that this is not something being resolved by now.
I wish we knew why these changes were made. If we had any idea of the reasoning behind it, we'd know if this was intentional or not.

I personally suspect there was no "reasoning" at all. They were so focused on the new Communities feature, and integrating it with guilds, that they never even thought about how it would affect guild management.

The permissions are there, so the person responsible for the coding could check that off the list of requirements. The fact that the functionality of the permissions is all screwed up is a consequence of the programmer(s) only focusing on the "important" task (getting Communities up and running).

I hope that this issue will be addressed soon. I also hope someone from Blizzard would at least acknowledge it's an issue.
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Based Yak!
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Thank you for seeing my other thread and helping to keep the main one open. Thank you also for the acknowledgement of this post and letting us know that we have been heard and not forgotten about. I look forward to hearing from you again once you have something to share with us.
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.
This lumping of permissions is terrible for Roleplayers, as well. One of the RP guilds I'm in uses the Officer channel for in-character radio communications, but now we can't do that anymore.
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Thank you for the reply and the extension at least now we know you guys are monitoring the situation and have shared the thread with Devs. We really appreciate coming back to us.

I was hoping for good news but even this is very appreciated.
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Thanks very much! We're all hoping for the best here...we're open to questions and/or polling about what we would like to see for guild management. Feel free to ask us! Thanks again!
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

"No comment?"
Lots of things I can truly understand the delay in having something to share.

This one makes absolutely no sense. It came without any notice and is causing major guild grief. Our bank officer doesnt even want to log in now that anyone can mess with it. We had tons of people in O chat that didnt have admin functions that now cant be.

Its unacceptable.
1 Like
You know someone said something that clicked for me.

I know that Blizzard does e-mail surveys about their products cause I have gotten a few. Normally they do not give announcements about these surveys and they normally have to do with their websites but I am sure you can setup a system where you can e-mail out to all the Guildmasters in the game and have them respond to a survey regarding what they would like to see.

Could be a list of questions with built in answers or just ask for 128 character response for each question. (Like the old twitter limit.)

This could help the Devs get a better understanding of what the community wants and could potentially lead to a better interface for Guildmasters.

Here is simple breakdown of things we could get for guilds:

01. We want to have the old permissions back - allowing us to specifically make ranks with permissions we choose.

02. We need the ability to MUTE guild chat for players to avoid conflicts and create buffer from new people just spamming in guild once they join.

03. We want to have some control over the new logging system in guild community and officer channels, allowing officers or gm's to clear the log or make it private even. This way adult conversations are not always present in chat.

04. Fix the in game recruiting app so that when someone requests an invite and they are OFFLINE (not on game) you can just hit a button that says "ginvite next time they are online" or sends a link to them that will autoinvite them to guild just like the community UI does with the channels.

05. We would like lootmaster added back to the game (if its been completely removed from raids) since its the raiding teams choice whether to use it or not. Maybe have a flag if more than 3-4 pugs in a group lootmaster is turned off.

06. We would like to have guild rewards mean something again meaning that all the efforts we put in as a group means something, the rewards we can purchase from the guild vendor are basically from wraith content if I remember correctly or BC, they are pretty old, these should be updated every year with different mounts or toys or even buff items.

07. It would be awesome for every year a Guildmaster runs a guild they are given some sort of reward as well, such as an XP boost they can grant to other people for an hour, or something cool to show they have earned the gratitude of Blizzard for taking care of communities and players.

08. An in game tool that shows all the guilds on a server, their size and their current standing at boss kills or pvp. These stats are available on different websites on the internet but really by now they should be integrated into game with a click allowing users to see things like that. (Also give an option to keep it private for those that don't want to publish their stats.)

09. Give a bigger cap to all guilds regarding membership and the ability to create more ranks. (I think the limit is 8 but could be 10 don't remember.)

10. Allow us to ginvite cross server - not just make a community for pugs - because official kills don't count unless the person is in the guild. (Should probably make a check on this person is not counted until two days of actually being in a guild so pugs can't be autoinvited and released after a raid.) Its a big problem for servers like Hyjal which is horde dominated and not many new alliance are on it.

Lots of ideas come to mind but those are the first 10 that could think put down.

Greenstone 2018
08/06/2018 06:58 AMPosted by Miridia
After 5 years of being a guild leader, I'm wondering why even continue? We have a very large guild, 916, all who have logged within the last 3 months. I had rank permissions set so everyone felt comfortable and happy. Now I have almost NO control! Are you kidding me? My people can't even put a public note in labeling alts etc?? My people are upset, I'm upset! Blizzard is literally killing my guild!
I too am a guild master and agree completely this has been a problem for almost four weeks and still no response from Blizzard this needs to be fixed!
love how you guys broke this without even asking the playerbase if it was a needed fix