As an RP guild, we used Officer chat as an IC chat channel accessible only by IC members, not JUST by officers.
Lumping all the options into one is just plain stupid, and I'm certain tons of other players will agree.
...especially other RP guilds that used that channel the same way we did...
07/17/2018 11:51 AMPosted by Xiata07/17/2018 11:44 AMPosted by Loendor...
Trust is fine, but why would all the officers need to be able to edit guild info or change the MOTD. Some of these things are ADMIN things not officer things. Either way... why is it up to them? What's wrong with giving Guild Leaders the flexibility to do things as they want? Who actually asked for this?
I used to be an officer, and MOTD was allowed because if raid lead would be late or something he would call me and I would do the MOTD to say "Raid starting 1 hour late tonight" or something. Message of the day doesn't seem like a huge deal. Any trusted officer should know when to change it, and when not to. Like the officers I knew used to only change it when we were told to.
I do not think it is possible for you to have missed the point more than you have. It almost seems like you were intentionally trying to misrepresent what the OP was concerned about by framing it as one inconsequential issue.
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07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by OsirisWhose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?
Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.
Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.
[Edit] for those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank.
Choice is evil.
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Just wanted to jump in and say this is a really bad change. I have used the separate options for years for various different reasons. Guild masters are not the type of players who need their options cut back or dumbed down.
seems its becoming more meaningless to have your own guild put work into it and have choices a guild leader should have.
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07/17/2018 02:23 PMPosted by JudlasJust wanted to jump in and say this is a really bad change. I have used the separate options for years for various different reasons. Guild masters are not the type of players who need their options cut back or dumbed down.
Quoting for truth.
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I Co-GM my guild, I personally find depth within customization a key part of any RPG let alone an MMORPG. To the person/people at blizzard who think changing features like this is a good idea. You need to be clear as to why you are changing these features and give a detailed list of pros and cons backing your ideals. Over the years you have brought less and less options to the players. We the communtiy have to ask why!?...
Why change the character panel to show less stats thus requiring addons like dejacharacterstats.
Why change the UI to have less options?
Why change guild permissions thus bringing less power to the GM and Co-GM?
Why make it so there can't be different ranks of officers?
You can't just change the game and expect us to roll with it. Eventually all these changes will add up and in the eyes of the players will cause a divide between the devs and the community. Your game only held on because of legion and we all know it. You haven't shown sub numbers since Mists because of this divide. Stop taking things away from players for arbitrary reasons!
Removing stats on the character panel was a massive blow.
Removing options within the menu was a massive blow.
Removing Masterlooter in guild runs was a massive blow.
Mythic+ gear swapping is a minor blow, perhaps massive to the high end players.
Changing guild permissions is another blow.
If it isn't broke don't fix it...
Why change the character panel to show less stats thus requiring addons like dejacharacterstats.
Why change the UI to have less options?
Why change guild permissions thus bringing less power to the GM and Co-GM?
Why make it so there can't be different ranks of officers?
You can't just change the game and expect us to roll with it. Eventually all these changes will add up and in the eyes of the players will cause a divide between the devs and the community. Your game only held on because of legion and we all know it. You haven't shown sub numbers since Mists because of this divide. Stop taking things away from players for arbitrary reasons!
Removing stats on the character panel was a massive blow.
Removing options within the menu was a massive blow.
Removing Masterlooter in guild runs was a massive blow.
Mythic+ gear swapping is a minor blow, perhaps massive to the high end players.
Changing guild permissions is another blow.
If it isn't broke don't fix it...
This change really bothers me. Even tho my guild is a bank/friend/family guild, the permissions control is really useful.
And then taking into account actual big guilds... Like really who thought this was a good idea?
(I also liked seeing when a buddy was last online)
And then taking into account actual big guilds... Like really who thought this was a good idea?
(I also liked seeing when a buddy was last online)
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Demolishing granular permissions options.. what complete and utter garbage. I can't even log in currently to check, but I imagine this sort of design blunder extends to their new Discord-esque social features? How lovely...
This is why people don't like to use your new stuff Blizzard, because your 1.0 is always completely pathetic. Do I need to remind you of the OLD voice chat no one even knew existed since BC? How long did it take you to fix that? A decade? How long until you make the new social features usable whatsoever in any capacity similar to Discord? Hope you got some APIs coming....
Now I'm afraid of what will become of the auction house redesign... BARF
This is why people don't like to use your new stuff Blizzard, because your 1.0 is always completely pathetic. Do I need to remind you of the OLD voice chat no one even knew existed since BC? How long did it take you to fix that? A decade? How long until you make the new social features usable whatsoever in any capacity similar to Discord? Hope you got some APIs coming....
Now I'm afraid of what will become of the auction house redesign... BARF
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New guild UI is horrible, they need to revert or fix.
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07/17/2018 02:57 PMPosted by DraconiomNew guild UI is horrible, they need to revert or fix.
Addons will fix it, just watch, blizzard wont revert to save their lives.
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Bliz hasn't cared about the community since Actavision took over.
07/17/2018 03:00 PMPosted by DraconiomBliz hasn't cared about the community since Actavision took over.
When big developers act like banks everyone wins! Until people go to a new bank...
07/17/2018 02:59 PMPosted by Cashpocket07/17/2018 02:57 PMPosted by DraconiomNew guild UI is horrible, they need to revert or fix.
Addons will fix it, just watch, blizzard wont revert to save their lives.
I would definitely throw money at a dev for "classic guild view" or something like that.
07/17/2018 02:57 PMPosted by DraconiomNew guild UI is horrible, they need to revert or fix.
Revert not fix.
When Blizzard fixes stuff they make it garbage, like they just finished doing with the guild panel. These dev's are 100% out of touch with the player base, we really need some dev's who care about the game again. This was a trash idea.
For those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end
I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end
I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
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07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by LoendorFor those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end
I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
The mere fact that's a thing is disgusting.
you can click on their name and it still tells you how long they have been offline....
I mean, I'm glad the functionality still exists, but man, not having it be part of the regular interface seems like a real miss.07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by LoendorFor those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end
I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
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07/17/2018 03:45 PMPosted by LorsaireI mean, I'm glad the functionality still exists, but man, not having it be part of the regular interface seems like a real miss.07/17/2018 03:39 PMPosted by LoendorFor those wondering - You can still see how long your members have been offline.
/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end
I'm sure someone will make an addon that shows this date in guild sometime shortly.
While there is no view to show it on the overall roster, you can still see it by individually clicking the person's name, and looking at the pop-out that happens. Still a major pain in the !@#, as you can't sort by last online and easily see all the people who haven't been on in X days.
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