The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Please revert the changes.

So yeah I knew this would sooner or later start leaking out into the gaming websites and I am surprised wowhead hasn't picked it up yet.

However here is a Blizzard Watch link talking about the Community UI/Guild UI changes and all the bugs/changes introduced:
So are Blizz still hiding regarding this issue? Or have they said something?
I've defended a lot of weird and ridiculous decisions by Blizz over the years. I'm always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But this is pretty !@#$ty. It's obvious they were just being lazy during the redesign.
If you want a response we should consider blowing up the Blizz twitters every six hours until they respond. The Blizzwatch article is a fine thing to blow them up with:

07/30/2018 03:58 PMPosted by Greenstone
Well today it happened. Needed to mute someone from gchat and can't. Super awesome fun times. -_-
07/30/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Mezilrin
Page 40... still silence. Why?
Apathy on their part. This is a containment thread.
Daily bump:

Am still hopeful blizzard is working on a solution, don't give up fam!
Bring back the granularity of ranks that we used to have.
I'm not an officer in my guild and this is still very frustrating. Our GM is pretty meticulous about who he trusts with what, including officer chat, inviting new people (or alts of people already in the guild) editing notes, promoting active members or alts to specific ranks etc.. and now no one can do any of that unless they are an officer. It's not just watered down, it's essentially removed and a huge step backwards.
Please, revert this poor decision. This has a negative affect on a GM's control over their own guild's hierarchy and individual rank's allowances.

If you really want to revamp something that could help guilds, revamp the looking for guild tab. It is over saturated with hundreds and hundreds of guilds of 1-10 inactive members that posted their guild years ago and have since stopped playing. I'd suggest a 30 day duration of a post and if a guild want's to keep recruiting they can repost their guild. Also, a second tab that shows individual characters that are guildless and looking so actively recruiting guilds can reach out to specific people without having to search /who or be in the same zone.
Sorry we f ed up
We released the communities quickly to fit the hard deadlines
Our team is on it and we hope to have a fix soon
07/30/2018 05:07 PMPosted by Incensio
Sorry we f ed up
We released the communities quickly to fit the hard deadlines
Our team is on it and we hope to have a fix soon

Wishful thinking. You've seen the changes they've made recently. Does it seem like they seem at all remorseful for implementing them? These changes are all intentional so as to drive people away from WoW because they don't know what to do with it anymore.
07/30/2018 08:48 AMPosted by Xakopane
I would like to thank the posters in this thread for being overwhelmingly constructive in their criticism as well as polite. Some excellent posts on information security practice and theory, and work arounds.

I thought the post with the scenario about HR and the discussions held around hiring an employee to be particularly powerful with regard to the current guild/officer chat logs.

Once again, thank you all for contributing. I have, repeatedly, brought this thread to the attention of the other MVPs (and our Blue Masters). We must just wait and see if anything is to be done. I suspect, given how rough the Communities roll out was, a "simple" reversion to what we once had is not possible but instead another recoding would be needed. One hopes any fix won't once again break the Internet ;)



Thank you. This issue is paramount. In regards to the rank permission changes, this just got featured on blizzardwatch:
07/30/2018 02:17 PMPosted by Ningjinq
They don’t answer until they have their solution. It is not a collaborative effort. It’s us telling them what we don’t like and them fixing it. We wouldn’t be helping them fix it.
Yeah, this is definitely Blizz's SOP.

Still, I understand folks who want some kind of breadcrumb tossed our way. I don't blame the Blues myself. I'm certain this silence is a policy from suits on high. As is this "containment" thread.

But I don't think keeping everything in one thread is necessarily a bad idea. CM's can keep an eye on a single thread easier than have 200 of them. And honestly, we're really not telling them anything now that hasn't been said in the first few pages. Posting here is just a way to let off steam.

Unlike some issues (Bronze Sunglasses anyone?), players aren't going to eventually adjust to this and give up. The recent changes make guilds all but unmanageable. Every single time a guild officer logs in, they're going to have this problem in their face--and they're going to want to put it in Blizz's face, too.

This thread isn't going to die unless Blizzard locks it or fixes the guild management disaster that is in game right now.
I find this increasingly problematic that Blizzard doesn't acknowledge our issue. We have a lot of thoughts here, very clearly laid out, and probably a dozen more we could throw their way.

I understand that it's not blizzard policy anymore to really come to the forums and post, but this is crazy and ridiculous. When you make guilds an integral part, build up their structure (tear it down a little after the awesome cata era), but then bring in sweeping abhorrent changes with no consideration of the day to day management we have to take care of, it's stupid!

Blizzard, without your GM's you would have a lot more handholding and work to do. We don't get paid. We do this because we love our communities. Throw something our way please, because it's very disheartening.
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.

Nice gloss. Yes. Only officers should perform any guild function at all. /endsarcasm

The granular permissions (Please see my or others quite lengthy posts on why lumping them all together is a bad idea) are a tool that allows a guild master to divide up the work of managing the guild. This gives the various ranks something to do to help the guild (other than game related content) which effectively increases both morale and esprit de corps, gives lower ranks something to aspire towards in the guild, and takes what is usually a benighted task out of the gm or officers hands and performs a task like recruitment that brings new blood to the table. By placing all of that functionality in the hands of officers and gm's only you effectively relegate it to only being done when the gm or an officer is online.

In this way Raid Leaders can concentrate on progression, Recruitment officers can concentrate on reviewing resumes and or advertising to the realm or across realms, Class Leaders can concentrate on their classes just to name a few. It does not make sense to lump all of those permissions together and it causes gm's like myself and others unneeded pain in the realm of a task that is already pretty darn thankless . That of running a guild.

Until you have that job, assuming that everything is okay is likely a mistake.
I am looking forward to hearing more about the plans for guilds and communities. Maybe the next Q&A could be a more granular deep dive with someone like Matt Goss who is a system designer. It would be good to know the roadmap for continued improvement to the guild and community system aside from fixing the various issues that the prepatch introduced.
Really want to try and keep things positive but the management of a large guild is very hard with the new system. For the love of all that is holy please tell me that all the hard work to build a guild isn't being destroyed.
Posting here again to express my disdain with the changes. I've already made a few posts. I've been the guild master of Obsidian Spur since TBC and have been an officer in the guild since Vanilla.

To summarize:

(1) Revert the guild system permissions back to the way it was, allowing guild masters to assign permissions individually.

(2) Add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master (and perhaps officers) can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, repairs, withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. You know, stuff that will actually help guild masters and their chosen leadership manage their guild. If you can keep a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character dating back to the start of the stats system, you can add a simple feature that lets me keep track of a few total guild bank records.

(3) Guild masters will determine what it means to be an "officer" in their respective guilds, not some Blizzard employee(s). I don't need clumsy, one-size-fits-all, top-down interventions imposed upon our community. Give us customization, let us manage at the local level, and then get the Hell out. Let us do our business.

It's a simple UI change but it's a giant thorn in my side since patch 8.0. Please address this sooner than later and start by simply reverting the permissions system.
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Bump - please fix or change it back to how it was. I am not an officer in my guild, but I could invite with the guild UI, update player notes, update the MOTD - now I can't do any of that. I can still invite with /ginvite, so why in the world should I have to be made an officer if I can use the /ginvite command to invite people with the guild UI? That doesn't make sense.

*** /ginvite (character name) does work, if you have invite privileges, for those that dont know this ****
Also give back the highest M+ tracker done weekly by the guild members, that was a good way to promote a healthy challenge between your friends