The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.

problem is you could be having a beef with someone you trust. doesn't mean they won't @**#*%%* you over.
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TY Jeebus I'm not in an actual guild.
Apparently hearing reports that they also got rid of the ability to see "Last Online" on the guild roster. I can't login at the moment to confirm for myself.

For example, you would see a player offline and it would say "Last Online < hour" or "Last online 16 days". Now you don't have that information anymore.

07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Osiris
Whose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?

Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.

Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.

[Edit] for those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank.




One step closer to guilds being nothing but alt banks in the future.
07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.
And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I think they are aiming WoW towards being a console crossover. And to do that they have to dumb down/slow down/simplify the game in many areas. So why would they take away options? To simplify the game.
Wow... why in the world would they do this?

Does someone at Blizzard just hate players controlling how they play?
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07/17/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Osiris
Apparently hearing reports that they also got rid of the ability to see "Last Online" on the guild roster. I can't login at the moment to confirm for myself.

For example, you would see a player offline and it would say "Last Online < hour" or "Last online 16 days". Now you don't have that information anymore.

I can confirm it looks like this option is gone.

It's crazy. That was useful information. Removing is was not just pointless but makes the game worse.
07/17/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Raicolette
I extremely hate this change. Man, I tell y'all what though, from 7.3.5, broken transmog farming, guild permissions, class pruning, and the theme of BfA is making this difficult to consider staying subbed.
Sub runs out in like 2 weeks. Im not sure if Im buying BfA or not at this point.
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07/17/2018 01:38 PMPosted by Lorsaire
07/17/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Osiris
Apparently hearing reports that they also got rid of the ability to see "Last Online" on the guild roster. I can't login at the moment to confirm for myself.

For example, you would see a player offline and it would say "Last Online < hour" or "Last online 16 days". Now you don't have that information anymore.

I can confirm it looks like this option is gone.

It's crazy. That was useful information. Removing is was not just pointless but makes the game worse.

RIP. This copy and paste job they did between Communities and Guilds, simply slapping a new skin on top of Guild's is making me sick.
07/17/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Osiris
Apparently hearing reports that they also got rid of the ability to see "Last Online" on the guild roster.

Blegh, sometimes a guild needs to clean out its roster. What's the fastest way? Remove the dead weight that hasn't logged in for a good amount of time. I mean, even my guild (a small one) has toons that haven't logged in for months.
Why do they keep insisting in condensing everything and reducing everything? Guilds need this sort of control, why take it away? It's bad enough the skill gap gets lower every xpac, but control over function has to be all reduce as well?

Why remove last online? That's such crucial information for guild management. SMH.
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07/17/2018 01:34 PMPosted by Fizbit
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I think they are aiming WoW towards being a console crossover. And to do that they have to dumb down/slow down/simplify the game in many areas. So why would they take away options? To simplify the game.

This is lazy reasoning, FFXIV has a rather robust Ranking system and is a crossover.
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Blizzard, terrible move.

Now in my alt bank, I'm going to have to demote everyone to protect myself. Of course my family members are fine.
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07/17/2018 01:44 PMPosted by Beatusnox
07/17/2018 01:34 PMPosted by Fizbit
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I think they are aiming WoW towards being a console crossover. And to do that they have to dumb down/slow down/simplify the game in many areas. So why would they take away options? To simplify the game.

This is lazy reasoning, FFXIV has a rather robust Ranking system and is a crossover.

I was going to say exactly this. FFXIV does many things so much better, and they don't remove content every patch either.
Yeeaahh... This change cannot and hopefully is not going to be permanent. With any REAL guild, there needs to be many layers of permissions to protect the integrity, security and structure of the guild. And 5 ranks wasn't even enough.

Hopefully this is just the early live-trial run and it will be set right soon.

Edit: And as for console crossover, that's the day I really do quit WoW. I will not play an MMO trying to function on those awful consoles in addition to the PC.
07/17/2018 01:44 PMPosted by Beatusnox
07/17/2018 01:34 PMPosted by Fizbit
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I think they are aiming WoW towards being a console crossover. And to do that they have to dumb down/slow down/simplify the game in many areas. So why would they take away options? To simplify the game.

This is lazy reasoning, FFXIV has a rather robust Ranking system and is a crossover.
And I would say this is not a great effort, in a retort. One company doing one thing does not correlate to what another company will do in many areas, to get to the same destination.
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well my dream to run a new guild into this expa has borned dead ;/
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07/17/2018 01:51 PMPosted by Talacocheta

I was going to say exactly this. FFXIV does many things so much better, and they don't remove content every patch either.

They remove things from every holiday and stick it into a cash shop. Blizzard has removed far less than FFXIV has.

I don't agree with what Blizzard has done here, but FFXIV is still far less consumer-friendly with its content.
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07/17/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Berzarker
well my dream to run a new guild into this expa has borned dead ;/

Forced personal loot, communities, guild's being cut off at the legs in terms of control. Feels like Blizzard really wants to push warcraft into "world of pug craft" where everyone is out for themselves, and loyalty to a group is a thing of the past.
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