The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

When I open up the roster I can't even see myself listed on it anymore.
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

Any chance we can get some DEV / BLUE love on this topic - some of us are in a serious panic about this.
This is one of those things were blizz does irritate me. Every expansion they always have the published notes usually the main stuff...stat squishes class changes main features etc.

But then they also do side changes that seem like they go "shhh so guys we are gonna sneak these changes in without announcing them or explaining our reasons to the players.."

Its bad enough literally EVERY expansion they have to change how classes play...but we have to worry what base game systems change to. Its so annoying...blizzard makes good games but they are like amateurs fumbling in the dark with how they constantly change crap without informing their customers that are paying their salaries.
07/26/2018 03:19 PMPosted by Verdre
Extending a cap doesn't accomplish much besides "containing" a topic that they don't want to spread.

It also means they can Say they're "addressing the topic" by "listening to feedback". If they were actually listening to feedback, a Dev would have responded AND unlocked the cap.

The unlock was simply containment. It was not "we're listening".
Well, now it's up to us to keep this thread alive and on the front page.

Under no circumstances is this all-or-nothing permission approach acceptable. We shouldn't have to explain that to anyone, much less the devs. I'm assuming it's an unintended consequence that will be fixed. Sometime.

Until then, I'm posting to keep the fire burning.
Brahmina, I agree. It's a bad change. It's, like Crepe said about another change long ago, "A change looking for a reason"

I think others hit it on the nail. The reason for the change was to "standardize" it with how Communities function. IE slap them both into the same window with the same set of rules. Work done. It's a sloppy hack job.
07/26/2018 03:29 PMPosted by Newadus
When I open up the roster I can't even see myself listed on it anymore.
I've seen some issues with people showing up in the roster as well.

If you are invisible in the client, you won't show up in the new roster, but you'll be there in the old one.

I've also seen the number of toons in the guild and online jump around in a session - particularly when I open the new interface.
Previously, we had a veteran raider rank that could view officer chat but no other permissions. This was to help with raid strategies and such but they had no other traditional officer roles. Their job was purely to aid the RL with strategies as not every officer raided with us. I don't need everyone being able to change guild info, edit notes, etc.

Blizz, this was a horrible decision. Please reverse it.
I have added tweets to @blizzardCS and @WarcraftDevs, and @WatcherDev about this topic. Mentioned three different issues with it however it makes more sense if more people posted to them.

Please wake the Devs up and let them know this is an important issue.

If you have a twitter account please post it up to them.

They might not be able to make a change immediately but it will push this up higher on their radar.
@blizzardCS responded by saying:

‏Verified account @BlizzardCS
31m31 minutes ago
Replying to @gr33nst0n3

Please be sure to continue reporting any possible bugs to our Quality Assurance team via the in-game bug report option, ty! ^AX

So if you haven't put in a BUG TICKET on this topic in game please do.
Thank you Greenstone! I will do the twitter bit as well as put in a Bug ticket. Hopefully us all banning together will bring about some real change.
07/26/2018 03:19 PMPosted by Verdre
Extending a cap doesn't accomplish much besides "containing" a topic that they don't want to spread.

It also means they can Say they're "addressing the topic" by "listening to feedback". If they were actually listening to feedback, a Dev would have responded AND unlocked the cap.

The unlock was simply containment. It was not "we're listening".

The issues with the legacy loot transmog farming shows this is how they act. They don’t answer until they have a solution. It took a long time for the transmog farming issue (which was possibly larger in terms of posts) to get a response but when it did they fixed it in 1 fell swoop.

I think one that’s difficult to remember is that any fixes for this would not be a collaborative effort between devs and the playerbase. It’s just the devs trying to address our concerns. So the value of a back and forth conversation isn’t that high at all.
At this rate, I need to trash three of my eight guild ranks. I have to demote people, as well. And I can't give a meaningful rank progression system to those that have been with the guilds for a while, so I'm stuck with bland ranks that get no perks.

This needs fixed, asap. Why are Community permissions even tied to Guild permissions? It's limiting the guilds and just sheer laziness.
07/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Gruuhr
Also, guild chat hangs around forever. New guild members can see what was posted in guild chat prior to them joining. Also, officers can view messages posted in officer chat prior to their promotion.

This is not a good idea.

Tell me why that isn't a good idea? If they have access to that chat then there shouldn't be a problem unless you're talking crap about someone behind their back and don't want them to see it.
07/24/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Mooriartee
07/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Annaillusion

My guess if they are extending the thread they are gathering the useful feedback provided here. Which would then be put up to discussion during a meeting when there is enough useful information to bring.

But by extending the thread, they can close any other threads on the topic and direct all comments on the issue here - sort of a contain and somewhat limit the outcry strategy.

Maybe it makes it easier to gather and consolidate feedback, maybe it's a strategy to limit the topic's footprint on the forums - you can be the judge of that! :)


Why can't it be both? limiting threads of the same nature down to one single thread is simply good moderation.
07/26/2018 05:09 PMPosted by Stealthpanda
07/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Gruuhr
Also, guild chat hangs around forever. New guild members can see what was posted in guild chat prior to them joining. Also, officers can view messages posted in officer chat prior to their promotion.

This is not a good idea.

Tell me why that isn't a good idea? If they have access to that chat then there shouldn't be a problem unless you're talking crap about someone behind their back and don't want them to see it.

The reasons are more so because GM and other officers may bring up strengths and weakness of each candidate during the decision making process which could upset said Officer that is voted in.
07/26/2018 04:43 PMPosted by Greenstone
So if you haven't put in a BUG TICKET on this topic in game please do.
Ah. I hadn't even thought of doing this. Great idea!
07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Osiris
Whose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?

    > New Permissions UI:
    > Old Permissions UI:

Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.

Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.

[Edit] For those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank. Feel free to vote on the question by giving it a like for Thursday's Q&A here:


Buddy of mine is already working on a mod to replace it.

What were they thinking with that guild UI.
07/26/2018 05:16 PMPosted by Keiralynn
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Tell me why that isn't a good idea? If they have access to that chat then there shouldn't be a problem unless you're talking crap about someone behind their back and don't want them to see it.

The reasons are more so because GM and other officers may bring up strengths and weakness of each candidate during the decision making process which could upset said Officer that is voted in.

Guild breakup have started with less than this spanning from a single snarky comment meant to be a joke. So no it is not a good idea.
07/26/2018 03:06 PMPosted by Polgara
My periodic post to ask for the permissions changes to be reverted or improved. We need the granular permissions we used to have and we could use "Edit Own Public Note", "Edit All Public Notes" settings.

Editing to add some limited workarounds:

Use this macro to open/close the old roster window with one key:/run if IsInGuild() then if not GuildFrame then GuildFrame_LoadUI() end GuildFrame_Toggle() GuildFrameTab2:Click() endUse the Guild Roster Manager (GRM) addon. I was using it before the problems, and it is a great tool.
The developer is extremely responsive and has added support for public notes: If a member types "!note note goes here" anything after !note will be their public note as long as an officer with GRM installed is on.

This isn't where we want to be, but it is helping us through this rough patch.

So I'm going to quote this for two reasons - one so people can see, and second to bring about a point to the Devs - people are now using an addon that lets others basically access other's accounts for guild notes GUILD NOTES, just for that little bit of freedom they had before.

Further more and this is just me - but this change came along with the personal loot change, and being quite frank about it. Together it feels like im in Russia or some far off place that's not Azeroth, one to where we have 0 control over anything anymore, the only options we have is on or off. I can see the reason for personal loot and i can live with it, the guild permissions is just a step to far in the wrong direction.

At this point i would love for the guild permission change to be reverted, or i fear the next step is going to be we aren't even going to be in charge of who's in the guild anymore.
07/26/2018 05:29 PMPosted by Kazecap
At this point i would love for the guild permission change to be reverted, or i fear the next step is going to be we aren't even going to be in charge of who's in the guild anymore.

I fear that some users will leave guilds since they no longer can do the things they used to do aka, edit their own notes, invite their alts so on when officers are not on.

The idea of a guild is that its a social experience that is rewarding in nature, if you break the feeling that you are benefiting from being in a guild you basically break the whole concepts of guilds. While communities are great and can be used to keep groups of like minded people together across even across servers you do not get the same structure as you would in a well maintained guild.