The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

This is from the Mob Scaling thread,

07/26/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Watcher
If any of the communication thus far, or the lack of visible action, has given the impression that we don't consider the issues raised in this thread and others like it to be a problem, I'd like to emphatically state that nothing could be farther from the truth.

Now i'm not trying to take anything out of context here, but I have faith that folks see these threads.

I tweeted @WatcherDev a few days ago about some changes I mentioned in another thread, i'll quote them here for the heck of it:

07/19/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Hathlo
I suggest the following changes to guild/community rank management:

0.) Guild Logs should be improved across the board. Please allow us to look back at actions such as membership changes, public and officer note changes/edits, guild calendar event changes/audits, motd changes, chat messages and chat message deletions, as well as bank access. The basic logs should still be kept available to all players, and the advanced logs should be available to the guild master and designated ranks. The advanced logs should be searchable and filterable up to 7 days, regardless of the number of logged actions taken within that time span. Currently, actions can be hidden in the basic logs by performing actions to "push" certain actions out of the viewable log.

1.) All permission controls should be individually controlled and toggle-able, not grouped together. This should be a given for any system with permissions; it is impossible to account for every situation when permissions are forcibly granted or denied as a group.

2.) Access to officer channels should again be split to it's two previous controls: View officer chat, and speak officer chat. There are many situations where I might want to bring a non-officer rank into officer chat in a temporary manor without simultaneously granting access for that rank to make changes to guild information. With the addition of voice communications, this could be expanded to access to voice officer channels, and access to officer chat channels.

3.) There should be new permissions for guild notes as follows:
- Edit Own Public Note
- Edit Others Pubic Note (Implies Edit Own Public Note)
- View Own Officer Note
- View Others Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Own Officer Note (Implies View Own Officer Note)
- Edit Others Officer Note (Implies View Others Officer Note)

4.) Additional Ranks, and Customizable Permissions should also be added to communities. Specifically, it would be nice to set notes or change the community message of the day without also granting permission to remove members, or vice versa.

I'd love to hear some developer feedback about these ideas, thank you for your time.


I'd just like to re-iterate that I think the consolidation of guild rank management options introduced in 8.0 is effectively taking choice away from guild leadership on how to structure ranks and guilds, and it leads to a less fulfilling feeling of promotion, and less impact demotions. Our guild used to have a muted rank, for members who are in trouble, but not quite to the point that a full kick is needed, and now we have no way to try to damage control without just outright kicking a player.

Guilds should be empowered to make more choice, not less, and I think the changes I listed above are a good way to begin doing that.
Thank you for your time.
I just do not understand why they keep fixing / changing things that no one asks for such as the guild permissions and UI.

Enough is enough at this point. What are you going to mess up next xpac that we have been using for 16+ years?
07/17/2018 11:44 AMPosted by Loendor
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.

Trust is fine, but why would all the officers need to be able to edit guild info or change the MOTD. Some of these things are ADMIN things not officer things. Either way... why is it up to them? What's wrong with giving Guild Leaders the flexibility to do things as they want? Who actually asked for this?

I guarantee some accountant said they'd save $500 a year by lumping 10 flags on the DB table into 1 flag.
Daily bump

I've been seeing a lot of good suggestions on this thread lately and I hope we keep churning out even more of them as I'd love to have access to these things for my guild in the Future. Keep up the good work fam!
Another bump. Still wishing for this to be a bad dream and I will wake up soon!
Its so frustrating. They've put a ton of limitations on recruiting and completely and absolutely ineffectively modified the UI so it's not even worth trying to figure it out right now.
This is stupid because my guild and I were about to create a junior officer rank and now because all the ranks are messed up that's out the window.

Put them back to how they were before!
Ok yeah Blizz you did done F'd up this time the new guild thing is cool but the permissions section needs to be put back to the way it was, how could you seriously not take notice of the fact of how many people will take advantage of these situations and rob guild banks blind of all the hard earned time and effort thats gone into making the guild and its accumulated items and gold or do we have to lose everything countless times and get stuff replaced countless times before you take notice of us and change it ffs guys just think before you do shizz...
Guild stuff - it wasn't broken - don't fix what isn't broke...
For the love of Azeroth - kindly put it back the way it was please...
This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!
wonderful. the onlyt blue post is to extend the thread cap
The thing that bothers me most about these changes is no one asked for the guild interface to be redone in this manner.

Yet, many have been asking for the AH interface to be updated/streamlined for over a decade now and still nothing has been done.
I just want to add my agreement. I don't want anyone to have the ability kick someone just because. I want that to be one to make that decision. But I want for the leaders' to be able to do the calendar; etc. Please see if this can be fixed.

Please, what was the rationale behind this move? Please.
I'm hoping they revert this at the least, and perhaps add even more flexibility to ranks than we previously had.
07/26/2018 05:09 PMPosted by Stealthpanda
07/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Gruuhr
Also, guild chat hangs around forever. New guild members can see what was posted in guild chat prior to them joining. Also, officers can view messages posted in officer chat prior to their promotion.

This is not a good idea.

Tell me why that isn't a good idea? If they have access to that chat then there shouldn't be a problem unless you're talking crap about someone behind their back and don't want them to see it.

Would you want people reading all your e-mails 10 years back? Some of that info might be outdated, or might be regarding an issue with a person that has since been resolved and that person is now an officer.....and can read the entire confidential conversation you had about them.
07/26/2018 05:17 PMPosted by Brahmina
07/26/2018 04:43 PMPosted by Greenstone
So if you haven't put in a BUG TICKET on this topic in game please do.
Ah. I hadn't even thought of doing this. Great idea!

32 pages of us detailing WHY this change is horrid isn't enough?
07/27/2018 01:32 AMPosted by Dynara
07/26/2018 05:17 PMPosted by Brahmina
...Ah. I hadn't even thought of doing this. Great idea!

32 pages of us detailing WHY this change is horrid isn't enough?

Honestly at this point i think they are internally discussing if they can turn it back / how long its going to take to do so, or at least I'd hope so.
That is idiotic. I guess the person who made those changes (and the boss that approved it) has zero background in information security
07/26/2018 06:30 PMPosted by Mcgrammar
Daily bump

I've been seeing a lot of good suggestions on this thread lately and I hope we keep churning out even more of them as I'd love to have access to these things for my guild in the Future. Keep up the good work fam!

It's getting harder and harder to make new good suggestions because there are 30 pages of them already haha... I guess now we are just making comments to keep it alive.
And also I see several people complaining about the extension not being an answer. Giving the one blizzard rep that has commented so far a hard time is not exactly appealing and it needs to stop before this thread becomes toxic. Lets keep moving forwards instead of backwards.

I personally would like to see the Rank permissions separated from where it is and have it assignable by toon. This way we can promote people without having permissions tied to it and gives us a bit more freedom when setting up rank structure. I know this would take another massive overhaul but we need freedom with rank so we can give guildies a sense of progress within the guild.

I would also like to see the ability to make more channels for the guilds with a custom name so GM's can set up several chats for their guildies preferences. I would also like to see the incentives to run in a guild group increase for dungeons / raids. Both for the guild and it's members. It's like you killed the first boss in the raid ok guild is almost done with the reward ok you got the achievement for completing the raid ok cool. It unlocks nothing but you have a nice shiny achievement. Than thats it for 6 months till the next raid comes out and rinse and repeat. It's dull.... There is little sense of accomplishment.

I would also like to see the return of some perks the ones we have now are "OK" I guess but they just feel completely lacking. The gathering one was cool and I understand why you got rid of it to a degree but is there any way we can get a perk that SLIGHTLY increases the chances of getting soulbound mats from scrapping gear?

As far as recruiting goes. Is there anyway you can implement a change where if a request is pending and said person isn't online we it can just send them a mail with an accept invite button kinda like the guild charter? It is so hard sometimes to send someone an invite because we aren't online at the same time. Can we please get a better interface for that system too the current one is lacking utility. Like can you make it so we can inspect the player requesting look at their gear. Check their raid progress etc without having to look them up on the armory. We also need an overhaul for the looking for guild interface... It also lacks utility and does not offer good sorting options.

We need our logs extended they are too short and sometimes things get buried unless we stalk them. Can we get a check box for permissions that distinguishes if someone has the ability to move things within our tabs or not. The way it is currently if you put 20 stacks of 5 in there and said person can take out 3 items.... they combine the stacks to 20 and than take it out and it counts as 1. In the meantime this is not what intended that permission to be. Please fix it.

Also please give guild masters the option to turn off the tattle features if we have to demote someone or kick someone that is simply a matter between the GM/Officer and that person. It shouldn't be broadcasted. Also for editing the chats and deleting messages. If the GM does it it shouldn't say anything to the lower ranks. Unless you add a check box for us to allow those ranks to see them. When an officer censors a chat message it should be sent to a report to the GM. With the original message attached for review. Guild masters need more tools to keep us informed of whats going on when we aren't online. I trust all of my officers with my life but this should be a feature.