The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/17/2018 11:59 AMPosted by Osiris

They keep doing crap like this WITHOUT ANY GOOD REASON. Because there is absolutely no good reason out there for it.

Sadly - if we ever get a response, it will be something along the lines of:

"With the development of Communities we wanted to streamline the permissions across the two so their is continuity between Guilds and Communities."

In my opinion, they did this bone-headed thing because coding two different rule sets for guilds and communities was too much to handle. They are likely built on the same technology now, which doesn't support such individualized permissions.
So sheer laziness. How fantastic. What is this communities thing, anyway?
07/17/2018 11:59 AMPosted by Osiris

Sadly - if we ever get a response, it will be something along the lines of:

"With the development of Communities we wanted to streamline the permissions across the two so their is continuity between Guilds and Communities."

In my opinion, they did this bone-headed thing because coding two different rule sets for guilds and communities was too much to handle. They are likely built on the same technology now, which doesn't support such individualized permissions.
So sheer laziness. How fantastic. What is this communities thing, anyway?

Communities are guilds that aren't guilds. Think discord servers, but in game. Same concept. Lives alongside guilds in the guild UI. You can just create "groups" aka communities and invite players to them, to have separate chats and voice servers etc.
07/17/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Kaiyeri
I mean, why even have as many ranks as we do if all of this stuff is just going to be consolidated so that I can't have different ranks with actual permissions to give them separately?

Or is that next on the list: consolidate guild ranks to "initiate, member, officer, guild master" and don't let us change the names either?

JFC Blizzard.

They probably won't even let us keep "initiate"! We'll be stuck with member, officer, and guild master. All new members will have immediate access to bank tabs and guilds will be wiped clean.

This is an awful, awful change. Guilds and guild ranks should be flexible.
I extremely hate this change. Man, I tell y'all what though, from 7.3.5, broken transmog farming, guild permissions, class pruning, and the theme of BfA is making this difficult to consider staying subbed.
07/17/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Raicolette
I extremely hate this change. Man, I tell y'all what though, from 7.3.5, broken transmog farming, guild permissions, class pruning, and the theme of BfA is making this difficult to consider staying subbed.

Pretty much this.
07/17/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Draical
07/17/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Raicolette
I extremely hate this change. Man, I tell y'all what though, from 7.3.5, broken transmog farming, guild permissions, class pruning, and the theme of BfA is making this difficult to consider staying subbed.

Pretty much this.

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07/17/2018 12:13 PMPosted by Osiris
07/17/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Draical

Pretty much this.

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<span class="truncated">...</span>So sheer laziness. How fantastic. What is this communities thing, anyway?

Communities are guilds that aren't guilds. Think discord servers, but in game. Same concept. Lives alongside guilds in the guild UI. You can just create "groups" aka communities and invite players to them, to have separate chats and voice servers etc.
So basically I get a dumbed down version of Discord with less permission options than Discord and then get screwed out of my guild rank options because of it.

How lovely.
07/17/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Kaiyeri

Communities are guilds that aren't guilds. Think discord servers, but in game. Same concept. Lives alongside guilds in the guild UI. You can just create "groups" aka communities and invite players to them, to have separate chats and voice servers etc.
So basically I get a dumbed down version of Discord with less permission options than Discord and then get screwed out of my guild rank options because of it.

How lovely.

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Guess my main guild won't be having any officers. RIP.
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Having the permissions separated let guilds have officers at various levels. It also was a way to show trust for being a good officer.

"You've been with us awhile, I'm giving you more guild privileges. You now get access to this and this."
Well, THAT is a complete and total clusterf**k. I foresee a lot of officers getting demoted.
07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.
And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??

That's the question us in the XP From Dungeons thread, which mostly turned into a thread about why they nerfed heirlooms, XP needed per level, and buffed mob HP at the same time, have been asking for half a year. Why would you take away options?

It's a question you will never, ever get an answer to.
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07/17/2018 12:51 PMPosted by Verdre
Having the permissions separated let guilds have officers at various levels. It also was a way to show trust for being a good officer.

"You've been with us awhile, I'm giving you more guild privileges. You now get access to this and this."

This 100% as well.
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07/17/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Kaiyeri
07/17/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Xiata
I guess they figure an officer should be someone you trust with these sorts of things.
And a lot of us used officer chat for our RP chat, not for officers. Or we'd have different levels of officers.

Why the hell would they take away options??

Because Blizzard always takes away options.
I'm confused. As an officer in my guild, I can already do all of those things. What are you complaining about?
Why would they do this!

I let people that are not officer rank have the power to change their own notes and things. But now I cannot let those ppl do that because I would have to check mark that box and let them be able to view the officer channels which is for my officers only...this is stupid.
slowly every change whittles wow down to the simplicity of a mobile game
07/17/2018 01:12 PMPosted by Gormosh
I'm confused. As an officer in my guild, I can already do all of those things. What are you complaining about?

Because you were trusted with that power. But not all guilds want to do that for their officers. Honestly there's NO reason they needed to take away those options.
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I am the only person who I want to be able to change the MoTD in my guild. I am not the only person whom I want to be able to change calendar events. See the problem, Blizz? Fix 1 thing, break 3 more in the process.
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