The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Really would like to see this addressed by Blizzard.
Except for this one character, my two guilds are family only banking guilds for the most part, and most of the issues being discussed don't apply to us. Nevertheless I am not happy with the new guild window layout. It is not as simple and intuitive as the old layout (and I'm sure this is NOT only because it is unfamiliar).

Blizz, you seem to have "fixed" something that was not broken. Perhaps a few minor tweaks would have been useful, but to change the whole thing was silly and unnecessary, and has, as might be expected, caused a whole bunch of new issues.

Please look at this again and consult with some of the large guilds contributing suggestions in this forum.
07/25/2018 07:16 AMPosted by Shaysinn
07/25/2018 06:38 AMPosted by Mezilrin
Over a week and the only blue post we get is we can keep posting here? WTF. That's beyond inexcusable. You're only collecting our irritation at your silence.

PS Not even the community window works now.

Maybe they want us to keep posting here so they can get as many ideas as possible about what the community actually wants them to change about the guild issues.

I mean, this has been a fantastic thread for it and a wonderful reference point for Blizzard to keep checking in on while they hopefully fix the issues at hand.

That's just my hope though.

They have enough ideas. This should have been fixed days ago!
Every day I check this post, and every day I think, is there another MMO my guild could move to? A lot of them play Final Fantasy too... I wonder if they treat players like idiots who can't manage permissions over there...

I can't be the only one thinking thoughts like that. Blizz, is this what you really want?

Tell us why you did this horrible thing that makes me have to log on to create events for people in my 18+ guild because you decided they can't be trusted to make guild events anymore.
It's very annoying.

Before the pre-patch, my guild master(s) used to set permissions based on a mix of raiders or people who have been in the guild long enough for them to trust. Not being able to edit my own guild note is a nuisance.

What bugs me the most, though minor but still irritating, is my brother finally came back to WoW after being a beta player in vanilla and leaving some time in Cata; and I can no longer invite any alt he wants to bring to my guild when my guild masters are offline.

Hope they revert back to the way it was.
Disheartening too because we basically know its intentional at this point.

We would have been told it was a bug by the CM instead of getting the thread cap lifted.
07/26/2018 01:23 AMPosted by Minusthemoon
Disheartening too because we basically know its intentional at this point.

We would have been told it was a bug by the CM instead of getting the thread cap lifted.

Wasn't a bug, but apparently the devs are looking at this thread and hopefully they will change it.

Because it's garbage the way it is now.
ummm..cant you just tell ppl that you want to have officers chat to do a /join Guildofficer and just have a custom chat channel open?
07/26/2018 03:31 AMPosted by Deathmeter
ummm..cant you just tell ppl that you want to have officers chat to do a /join Guildofficer and just have a custom chat channel open?

That only fixes one problem with the new system, and it's a lackluster fix at best.
07/24/2018 08:17 PMPosted by Dalì
Not only that, but if a player sets themselves as "offline," they do not show up when they are on in a guild.

Raid dodgers rejoice.....
Please for the love of god put the permissions for the guild ranks back the way they were, breaking something that works and worked really well makes no sense.

If you want to fix something:

1. When someone looks for a guild using the recruitment tool they can leave a message for the guild officers to look at.

2. A guild officer can send a message back to them using the old mail system or can try to invite them on the spot. If they aren't on then the invite never happens and the waiting game begins.

This should be fixed.

If a person is invited and they are OFFLINE then the system should flag them to be auto-invited next time they log. It should auto-invite create a message something like, "Congratulations you have been accepted into 'BLAHBLAHBLAH' which you applied to on 'BLAHBLAH'. Do you wish to accept the invite?"

If they do not join its done.
if they join its done.
Officers no longer have to worry about the person until they are online.

That is a fix to a broken system something that we have needed for a long time, not this permission change, or even this attempt at a DISCORD copy.
1 Like
I know it's a GD mess. I've got a legacy guild (a guild before guild levels, the achievements for guild levels, etc) and I've been hearing that guilds made after pre-patch haven't been having these issues so to speak, or they've got everyone set to officers (bad idea, maybe). It wasn't broken before, why fix a non-broken issue? I realize they wanted to add the 'community' feel, but FFS, that didn't involve or need to involve tampering with a well working guild system where not everyone has to be an officer to recruit and invite people to a guild.

As usual, blizzard seems to break 50 things when fixing only 5 things. Sometimes extreme modernization isn't required when something already works well enough to please the majority.
07/25/2018 11:53 PMPosted by Mezilrin
Every day I check this post, and every day I think, is there another MMO my guild could move to? A lot of them play Final Fantasy too... I wonder if they treat players like idiots who can't manage permissions over there...

I can't be the only one thinking thoughts like that. Blizz, is this what you really want?

Tell us why you did this horrible thing that makes me have to log on to create events for people in my 18+ guild because you decided they can't be trusted to make guild events anymore.

Not that it matters, but Blizzard didn't use to be this way. They used to be a great company that made games that people wanted to play. I would buy any game they made, sight unseen, just because they made it.

Not any longer. I have learned my lessons.
Another daily bump. Nothing big to add in this time. Just reiteration of why the guild permission system should be restored.
I am super surprised that the backlash is not more intense.. as a guild co-gm the changes have affected our guild greatly on functionality.. I cannot properly perform my duties while our main gm is MiA because the blanket change messed up the entire setup we had put in place and destroyed our intended uses to function as a progressive earn your way up guild.. we wanted our members to feel they were progressing in the guild, not be stuck with the same generic crap for each rank.. we need some action on this before it destroys the value of guilds
07/25/2018 09:16 PMPosted by Greenstone
I have found out that when you create a new community channel,
it does a couple of things.

1. It creates the channel with the full name in the comunity ui.

For Example:

2. It gives that channel a hidden truncated 5 letter nickname.

For Example:

3. Once you join that channel and perform a /chatwho you will notice that it created a specialized channel with convoluted name that doesn't match your original channel name.

For Example:

4. This means if you have a channel which is named LongChannelName already it will not merge the two channels.

5. Also it assigns a channel number to it when you do a /chatwho you can see all the channels you are in with each of their numbers.

For example:
1. General
2. Trade - City
3. LocalDefense -Dalaran
4. LookingforGroup
5. Community:123456789:1

6. When you do /5 the nickname of the channel will show up.

For example:

So what you are telling us is that they used the Lua equivalent of object obfuscation? Oh me. That is not wise at all. A system put in place with that halfhanded keyvalue pair encryption scheme generally relies on uri's or url's to do the translation and obfuscation.

Blizzard I hope you are FULLY aware of the security implications there? Information in the uri and/or url is always cleartext right? Someone figures out a way to intercept the uri/url can redirect it. If they can redirect it and do so undetected by your server security, they can intercept data and metadata. That last point is bothersome in a bunch of ways because metadata as you know is data about the data (location, frequency of occurrence, time of message, and authority of sender). A person with access to metadata can figure out who and where.

That is not acceptable. Not at all. You are potentially exposing your customers data to the world. You are opening yourself up for a potential data breach of epic proportions.

All you would need is a concentrated effort on one channel on one unprotected account attached to a community chat channel obfuscated using this tech and they have everyone in that communities metadata.

I realize there are ways of making this type of scheme more secure but they are never 100% secure. You know this. Why would you set yourself up as the next company to be on the Black Hat chopping block?

Uggg...I thought I was just not finding the options right away and chalked it up to "gonna have to look around".

Seriously, why is the only blue response "We're going to up the cap on this thread so more threads don't appear making us look bad"? What the hell happened to improved communication, this is a topic that is very pertinent, should be easy to explain "Whoops we went too far" or "We felt we needed to dumb things down", etc.

It would take about 5 minutes for someone to respond to the problem, but apparently it has to be approved in triplicate by the team's psychoanalysts, lawyers and whatnot?
07/26/2018 09:18 AMPosted by Darkpunisher
I am super surprised that the backlash is not more intense.. as a guild co-gm the changes have affected our guild greatly on functionality.. I cannot properly perform my duties while our main gm is MiA because the blanket change messed up the entire setup we had put in place and destroyed our intended uses to function as a progressive earn your way up guild.. we wanted our members to feel they were progressing in the guild, not be stuck with the same generic crap for each rank.. we need some action on this before it destroys the value of guilds

Exactly the idea of most guilds is that you have an upward value to the ranks, lowest rank has lowest permissions.

For Example:

Main GM
GM Alts / Co GM
Main Officers
Captains / Recruiters
Part Time Raiders
Non Raiders / Higher Level Guildes
Non Raiders / Medium Level Guildies
New Guildies
Muted Channel

(Above is just one example of a tiered guild.)

This overall setup gives a way to upgrade a non-raiding user three levels, and raiding users five levels, giving an overall progression to guild mates. It also gives rewards as you increase in levels including the ability to repair with guild gold at increasingly higher levels, ability to invite to guild so on. The higher levels would have the ability to change their own guild note as well.

Honestly we need the permissions back the way they were even if you keep the horrible new guild UI smashed into the community UI the permission issue needs to be fixed. Its damaging the whole concept of rewards in a guild.
The Guild News is borked. Until this past tuesday (24th) it only showed updates through the 17th, now it's just blank.
Earlier today, someone left the guild (message came up, total reduced by 1) and 2 minutes later rejoined (message came up, total increased by 1) even though they weren't online, and were not re-invited.

With the complete silence on this issue, really losing hope that it will get fixed.
I'd be thrilled if they would just do a revert.