The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Daily bump contribution. I've already made a very lengthy response explaining my reasons behind disliking these changes.

My solution would honestly be to roll back all guild admin changes entirely and give us the ability to cherry pick what we want our members to be able to do. While my guild is pretty social when it comes to chatter, I'm already seeing a decrease in attendance for various social activities and it's heartbreaking. People want to do things, but they tend to feel bad about bugging officers or myself to set it up for them. Or they try to make things on their own and only a few people see it because it was made as a community event and not everyone feels the need to join the community because we already have a guild.

I understand that Blizzard wants to push their community agenda, and I don't think that communities are an inherently bad idea because they do have their place. But they quite simply do not replace a guild itself nor should they be trying to replace guilds. I can make a community because me and 20 other people have a love for Bob Ross but that doesn't mean it in any way replaces what I have with my guild. It honestly feels like Blizzard is trying to find a way to shoehorn in the idea of linkshells from FFXIV into the WoW social setting but they did a really poor job of it. And instead of actually separating it, as is done with guilds (or Free Companies as they're called in FFXIV) and linkshells, they just tried to fold the entire system together into one buggy and convoluted mess.

Please consider reverting these changes, Blizzard. Even if you wont budge on the work put into the consolidated social UI, give us back control of our guilds. My guild members know that I'm not the one restricting them and they understand. And even though my officers are extremely active and giving in my guild, your supposed streamlined admin functions have created a hard dividing line between "important" guild functions and "unimportant" ones. All of my guild members are important to me, as are all of their contributions. Please don't take that away from them.
As a guild leader I find this rather disturbing.

This is going to affect how guilds are handled in the long run. Without the ability to impose some kind of sanctions against guild members you WILL have trouble makers that feel that they can do whatever they want with no repercussions.

Making all officers have the same abilities is a joke. Guild Masters create different ranks with different permissions for a reason.

We are not cookie cutters. There is no one size fits all mold for officers in a guild as each guild is run differently with different rules.

Blizz please take heed and fix this!
So I run 3 guilds right? Instead of giving people the ability to kick, I made a rank called timeout so that my officers can put them in timeout. It has appeared that I can no longer silence people in my own guild from chatting.

So for example if someone joins the guild and starts cussing, yeah we can report them-but if theres only 3-4 of us online it won't really resolve the situation immediately, and some people (Like myself) have a full ignore list. We NEED the ability to silence people in our guild back.

Anyone else have that issue?
If this is a thing, this is BAD because a guild like us usually gets a TON of trolls, and I don't want to give people the ability to kick. Any suggestions on what I can do please?

I am going post here until this thing gets fixed.
07/25/2018 10:37 AMPosted by Æthelwulf

Trust me the internal once a year or even once a quarter compliance training (Especially in the Medical and Financial sectors) that are repetitive boring and absolutely necessary dealing with keeping your company information safe know your customer, anti money laundering, bank secrecy act, HIPPA etc are pounded into each and every cubicle denizen in those industries because at one point each of those industries did not do that and the results were:

Data Theft, Loss of Reputation, Regulatory fines, legal fees associated with people suing those who had their private company data stolen or exposed, and in one instance even a ruling holding investigative firms liable for harms they cause by divulging personal information (Amy Boyer's murder).

Oh I understand because I'm involved in the information security, compliance and data retention industry as well. Myself and my family have been involved in the medical data industry as well so believe me when I say its in my bones the importance of the maintenance and control of the flow of data.

When it comes to the world of Azeroth, perhaps its not billion dollar deals,financial trade disclosure, or sensitive medical information,or PII at stake. But reputations are at stake. As we build communities through our guilds, we begin forging relationships in this online world. And in forging relationships we forge reputations. Reputations as individuals and reputations as a guild as a whole. Top end raiding guilds can gain reputations just based on one individual's amazing performance. Lower echelon players can gain higher reputations based on association with a higher end guild. What happens when conversations surrounding performance and production become public consumption? Guild reputations can then suffer when the frank discussion of an individual's performance becomes open knowledge. And sometimes officers (and in the real world management discussions this can happen as well) say "UGH so and so, they cant take criticism and take up 2 hours post raid with their whining but damn they're an amazing rogue"

And that's just the ramifications of not maintaining the flow of data within chat. How about the ramifications of kicking rather than muting someone who has a toxic moment? How about a guild's need to have someone invite to the guild, or access officer chat to assist with the daily tasks of the guild,and now that person has control over the GMOTD, the guild information.

Now with guilds do we need to perform an offboarding process on par with a business? Where access needs to be terminated prior to terminating the guild member who is an officer to prevent data loss and malicious behaviour?

These are just some of the symptoms of this oversimplification of the guild controls.
going on 9 days still no post from the Developers do not you people get it by now they will not post because they do not care they sit behind their desk and do nothing lol thay just laugh at your post
and Community managers are not allowed to chat if they do they would probably be fired by the company
Chiming in to support giving control back to the guilds.

No one asked for this change, not sure what happened here.
Bumping this thread so we can finally get control back to the guilds.
My guild had different levels of officers too with their own permissions. I am down to one officer rank now because of the change. Don't like it, don't want it. Please revert back the change.
A full set of controls, per rank, is vital to the maintenance of a guild, full stop.

I could spend pages explaining how and why we used each checkbox on each rank, and why we chose to split things out that way, but at this point that would be a waste of everyone's time.

Communities have a place, and even though I help run a guild, I'm in one that my friends made so we can have our own cross-faction/realm/guild chat channel.

Communities have a place, and that place is to enhance and supplement guilds. Removing guild controls that we have been using for over a decade just because Communities rolled out is, to put it lightly, Not Okay.
Adding my voice, my plea, please bring back more granular controls for permissions.

Everything I could say has already been said. This change is destructive and unwanted.
07/25/2018 05:58 PMPosted by Sidonwy
Adding my voice, my plea, please bring back more granular controls for permissions.

Everything I could say has already been said. This change is destructive and unwanted.

my daily bump to keep this visible
Back on the bump train for one more day. Come on, Blizzard, please?
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

I didn't think I could be anymore disappointed with Blizzard regarding the new guild changes.

Then you came in here and just raised the bar.
07/25/2018 07:20 PMPosted by Minusthemoon
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

I didn't think I could be anymore disappointed with Blizzard regarding the new guild changes.

Then you came in here and just raised the bar.

Please don't tell me you're angry with the yak. It's not the yak's fault! *protects the yak* the yak is precious.
07/25/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Brewmistress
07/25/2018 07:20 PMPosted by Minusthemoon

I didn't think I could be anymore disappointed with Blizzard regarding the new guild changes.

Then you came in here and just raised the bar.

Please don't tell me you're angry with the yak. It's not the yak's fault! *protects the yak* the yak is precious.

I know, Blizzard just tells the poor sob where to place the bar.
At this point I think I would like this completely reverted to how it was, even if that means communities must go for the time being.

There's too many holes in the system, and unless Blizzard has decided to completely do away with guilds (and hence servers), we humbly request you listen.

I would love them for the guild leaders to present a list of wishes.
Daily bump:

Thank you everyone for keeping this thread going Ur the best!
Im loving seeing all the change/improvement suggestions here. I know slot are calling for a revert but we need to think bigger fam. We need to get as many positive change ideas in this thread as physically possible. I know we can do it fam!
They could revert it easily, and add a button to the "Community UI" panel called "Guild Controls" which opens up the guild roster panel. And please for the love of god put the permmissions for the guild ranks back the way they were. Breaking something that works and worked really well made no sense.
Oh and about community channels guildies were doing some tests.

I have found out that when you create a new community channel,
it does a couple of things.

1. It creates the channel with the full name in the comunity ui.

For Example:

2. It gives that channel a hidden truncated 5 letter nickname.

For Example:

3. Once you join that channel and perform a /chatwho you will notice that it created a specialized channel with convoluted name that doesn't match your original channel name.

For Example:

4. This means if you have a channel which is named LongChannelName already it will not merge the two channels.

5. Also it assigns a channel number to it when you do a /chatwho you can see all the channels you are in with each of their numbers.

For example:
1. General
2. Trade - City
3. LocalDefense -Dalaran
4. LookingforGroup
5. Community:123456789:1

6. When you do /5 the nickname of the channel will show up.

For example:

So long story short you can not merge previously created channels with the new Community UI, you will have to delete the previous channel and recreate it. Anyone who doesn't do so will not be in the Community UI channel and the whole useful logging idea gets lost.

Also Communities are independant of Guild Control, so there is no real association between Communities and guilds. Who ever makes a community has full control over it.

This seems fine but it really doesn't have any association with guilds and how they work, in a way communities push away the concepts of guilds, undermining their structure rather than supporting them.