The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I got it installed, but haven’t had time to try and form a guild to check and see if they’ve included our promised fixes.


Here we are still waiting, I haven’t forgotten as I am sure that is what they were hoping for.


I don’t think they care if we forget, since they already have.

Ever the optimist, I can’t help but think one day we’ll come here to cheer the return of granular permissions, and then this thread can go to its well-earned rest. I would just like that day to be sooner rather than later.


Of course we got no fix with this mini-patch, but I’m wondering if anyone has been able to see if there are any changes on the PTR? Even if we don’t see anything there, I can’t help but hope 10.1 will bring us good news along with the cross-faction guilds.

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Yup. No guild changes yet. I don’t have the PTR downloaded, so I don’t know what might be going on over there. I really don’t have a lot of optimism at this point, but the fact that they’re bringing cross faction guilds with 10.1 does seem like things are looking up.

I would definitely want granular permissions before inviting any strange Alliance people into my guild. :wink:


I still haven’t heard anything about permissions, but then again, I don’t go looking for news, either. After all these years, I kind of stopped following any of the gaming sites or socials that might alert me to changes. If it’s not in the Blizz Launcher News Feed, I probably won’t see it.

That said, I’d still really like to see something about guilds besides the upcoming cross faction feature.


I come bearing unfortunate but unsurprising news from the PTR - I nagged some guildies to come sign a charter for me, so we could see how cross-faction works (and out of a forlorn hope on my part that perhaps this would be when they decided to shape up the guild controls.) Surprising no one, we still have the crappy “new” guild controls waiting for us in 10.1.

I AM stoked about being able to bring my nice cow into my main guild though! And it was comical being able to have a troll sign my guild charter but still not actually talk to them.


It’s crazy, but I’m still hoping a surprise change could happen. I mean, the permissions were changed by surprise in a patch, so… Yeah, okay, I know the change was an unintentional side-effect of the communities feature and didn’t show up until communities went live. But I can dream, can’t I?


It’s disappointing that there’s nothing on the PTR regarding guilds besides the cross faction thing. But then, this issue has been one big disappointment from the start. The worst (to me) was when Ion said the change was unintentional and they were working on a fix. Then we were asked for feedback on other guild improvements we would like to see.


Yeah. No surprise here.


Well… we’ve got a date now for 10.1… maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised after maintenance is extended 4 extra hours… and it’ll come up with permissions fixed.


I’ve been busy.

I’d like to say I’ve been busy activating my guild, revving up recruiting, and assigning guild permissions as needed. But, of course I can’t do the latter, so I’m not going to bother with either of the former.


Honestly, they shouldn’t need 4 extra hours to fix something they’ve supposedly been working on for more than 4 and a half years. But if that’s what it would take, I’d fine with it. I’d be fine with 24 extra hours.

Just fix the dang permissions, Blizz!


Stuck on a conference call… so I thought I’d see if we were fixed yet…

nope… still broken…

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Maybe that’s why they haven’t fixed it yet. They’re stuck on the conference call from Hell and haven’t been able to get back to work.


No one has mentioned any changes on the PTR. I don’t suppose we’ll see a fix with the next patch. But that only makes me want it to happen anyway.


weird… I didn’t see “fix guild permissions” on the roadmap Blizz posted to Twitter… surely, that’s an oversight… right?


…riiiight. That’s gotta be it. /nod


Still here, still asking Ion to keep his word.


What I recall him saying (paraphrasing here) was that the change was unintentional and they were working on a fix. See, him being a lawyer and all, he was very careful not to be too specific. “Working on a fix” can just mean it was put on the to-do list. And maybe they were working on that fix–four and a half years ago.

I’m still hoping we’ll see our granular permissions returned in the patch, but I feel I’ll be far more shocked if it happens than it if doesn’t.

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As the leader of a guild that consists of only me and my alts I find this to be outrageous. I trust some myself enough for officer level permissions, but not all of myself.