The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

But why would it have to do that? Guilds and communities are not the same thing. I mean, you’re probably right, but why does it have to be that way? Yeah, that’s not really something you can answer, since you’re not the person who came up with the “brilliant” idea to do this.

This whole thing was definitely a case of “fixing” something that wasn’t broken, but now it is.


It is strange, I visit this thread as a form of self-flagellation.
I open, read and post even knowing that Ion has not kept his word.
Ahh well here is another scar on my back.


I was just reading an article about an apparently disastrous virtual town hall meeting between Blizzard’s president and employees. The employees were made to feel unsupported and unappreciated (among other things).

It made me realize there’s literally no hope for us to have our problem solved if this is the culture of the company. I feel very bad for all those employees.


Despite the hopelessness of our cause, I will continue forward.

Please complete the fix of our granular permissions that Ion claimed was in the works. Thank you.


My private theory is that this change is a bullet point in someone’s accomplishments and they are gonna hang onto it with their TEETH.

“What do a bunch of people who actually play the game know about what they need day-to-day anyway? Simplifying these boxes that do whatever tested huge with everybody I polled in my cubicle when I changed it!”

I bet it’s the same [REDACTED] who keeps sneaking in that #$%! Superman 64 ring flying course into every expansion…


This isn’t a bad theory. Ion said the change was unintentional, but he also said they were working on a fix. That was years ago. The possibility that he was prevaricating comes to mind.


Bother. I always hope each post will be my last because we finally got our granular permissions fixed. Maybe this one will be the magic one…


I sometimes wonder what my WoW life would be like if the permissions hadn’t gotten messed up. I had recently made my guild and recruited players. I was ready to try to make it an active, useful guild. But then the permissions became all-in-one. I didn’t know most of my members, so I had no idea who I could trust with officer permissions. I felt stuck with doing it all myself–something I couldn’t do.

So, the guild became an “alt guild” - a guild for rarely played alts or characters people wanted to level on their own, but still have guild perks. This character became one of the rarely played alts. Players who wanted a more active guild moved on to new guild homes. I hope they found what they were looking for and are still playing.

I’ve pretty much lost the desire to run a guild. Shadowlands almost made me stop playing WoW altogether. I don’t know if a return of granular permissions would revive my guild dreams or not, but I do know that without them, there’s no chance this guild will ever be what I once dreamed it could be.


Poking Blanchy because I have nothing better to do right now.

Well, that’s not true. I have a LOT of better things to do than post in a thread that hardly anyone–and especially no-one from Blizzard–ever reads. But I’m posting anyway because guild permissions are an integral part of running a guild. Being able to assign them as an individual GM wants, as opposed to having a huge chunk of them linked to “is officer,” would really help most guilds.

A check box by each permission is all I ask. Either that, or an explanation why this can’t be done. Is that really too complex?


It’s not too late to add the promised fix into 10.0.7…

I mean… they won’t add it…but, it’s not too late if they have a wave of “let’s live up to our promises” strike the building…


Obligatory please bring back our permissions post.

Thank you.


Tuesday post-maintenance request to have our permissions fixed…


Hmmm… does 10.1 bringing cross-faction guilds, mean that 10.1 will finally give us the permissions fix Ion promised us?


Please please please.



I can only guess that granular controls will be “a feature” of the new cross-faction guilds; though if this is the case they could have told us all years ago.

That would be fine with me.

What? And actually communicate???


Now I’m kind of looking forward to 10.1. I mean, it does seem like it’s the perfect patch to reintroduce granular permissions. Cross-faction guilds means Blizzard has to be looking at guilds, so it’s a great opportunity to implement changes.

The only question is, will they?


Does anyone know if the cross faction guilds are coming on the 21st, or later?

I guess it doesn’t really matter. I have this feeling that the permissions won’t get fixed anyway. I understand it’s completely unreasonable of me to doubt Blizzard will ever fix our permissions. It’s not like we’ve been waiting more than four and a half years. Oh… wait.


10.1 for cross faction guilds… which is just hitting PTR… the 21st is 10.0.7.


Does anyone have the PTR and can they see if there have been any other improvements besides cross faction? Just curious.