The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I think the problem isn’t the actual developers. I think it’s management priorities and lack of manpower. I’m picturing an inbox that’s overflowing and is refilling faster than it can be emptied because there simply aren’t enough people to get it all done. And our little problem just isn’t a high enough priority, promise or no promise.

That’s my guess anyway.


My guild is just a personal one for the GBank, so I haven’t looked at those options in probably years.

What in the actual heck is that new interface?

This was a straight up “It’s not broken, don’t fix it” thing that just needed to be left as is.


I would believe you. But this thread started in 2018 in 5 years they couldn’t do some simple QOL changes…


Blizzard gives us poor patch choices?


Pretty good guess, honestly. Which is why I’m hoping Microsoft takes over from ActivIsion, at least MS is known for reinvesting even just a little more time, resources, and manpower into their products.

Also even a modicum of better CS/Q&A.


At this point, it would be hard to be much worse.


Maintenance every day so far this week, including the extended maintenance to break… I mean launch the trading post… but, we still sit here, broken, and without our promised fix.


I wish the maintenance had even a tiny bit to do with guilds, but, alas.

I promise, if we ever have a down time solely because we’re finally getting our granular permissions back, I will NOT complain.


Still here, still waiting.

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This thread has NEVER been necroed. It’s been ongoing since it began four and a half years ago. I think the biggest gap in posts has been about 6 days, but 3 days have been the usual as of late.

Go ahead, scroll through the thread. See if you can find any gaps that indicate a necro. At least if you do look through it, it will be more than Blizzard’s done–even if you don’t read any of the posts.


I scrolled back through the thread myself, and saw the posts don’t have their dates directly visible anymore. But if you hold your cursor over the “date” (whether it says “3d” or “6d” or “Aug '19”) it will display the exact day and time of the post.

While posting has slowed from what it was to start, this thread has never stopped being active. That’s because we still haven’t seen the fix Ion claimed they were working on, and a few of us use this thread as a reminder to Blizz that we were told the permissions removal was unintended and that a fix was coming. Not that posting here makes any difference.


“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”.


Oh boy…now you did it. You rattled the hornet’s nest…

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Che, bro. Why’re you only 62? Tell your player to get off whatever character they’ve been using and take you out for a spin! You deserve better.

I’m good. 4/8 Heroic. Creating the Community, now over 700 members strong (and counting)

Has really expanded our Guild’s efforts…

Thanks for asking!



Wow. Over 5100 posts so far. That’s quite a lot for a thread that has mostly been on life support the last year or so. It hit 5k on Oct 22, so that’s averaging a post a day since. (I’m too lazy to do the actual math, but it’s less than four months, which is generally +/- 120 days.) It’s not an especially popular thread, but it’s a long-standing one.

It would be great if the fix for the permissions finally came through and we could let this thread go to its long-deserved rest.


Still here. Still wanting granular permissions.

I know guilds have been coping now for more than four long years. So what? Coping with something isn’t the same as having it working right.

It’s been asked before, and I’ll ask again, what’s so hard about putting check boxes by each of the permissions under “is officer”? Nothing else has to change. Just give us the option to divide the permissions among officers.


It probably doesn’t neatly map to their Communities permissions, which was the real point of the original change. “If we tie guilds to this and enforce its use we can say we’ve got a Discord killer!”