The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Oh come on, you could have AT LEAST mentioned getting the permissions fixed!

I like these ideas, especially the sorter one. I hate going through the bank and having to manually sort things out. This is another reason granular guild controls would be good–to make a bank officer who doesn’t get stuck with all those other permissions they don’t need.


More guild bank tabs for storage! The way I’ve currently got mine set up is the first tab holds bags, pots, bandages. All the remaining tabs hold mats for the specific professions, and then one tab just for donations and any overflow from the other tabs. I think increasing mat stacks from 200 to at least double, if not triple, would solve some of the storage problems.

I think guild halls would be nice to have too, especially if they are built through joint activities by the guild members.


Ooo. Building your own halls! I like that! Just no forced content like completing BG’s, raids, or dungeons. While doing those things could help speed the construction, building your hall should be doable through all types of content. As long as the activities are ones anyone can do, it could be something for all sizes of guilds to do. Small guilds could still build a hall, but it would take them longer than a large guild with lots of players.


The stack size for mats will be increased to 1000 in Dragon Flight.


Really? That’s awesome. But, I’d still like another bank tab–regular and guild banks.


I agree, there have been many great suggestions of new functionality and features for guilds beyond our desire to get granular guild controls back.

I would welcome any extra guild functions, as more options are always better than removing choices, which is what they did when they removed granular guild controls.


Awww… we hit 5k, and I wasn’t even on the forums that day to see it… lol

Grats on 5k… now, where’s our fix at?


At least another 5k posts from now (if ever).

Or, maybe, if we’re lucky and the RNG gods are smiling, we might actually get it sometime in DF. :crossed_fingers:


Any day now, any day…


I just want the ability to increase the size of the guild box/text so I can actually read it, without having to increase the entire game window…


This post was from Aug '18 …today is Oct 26, 2022

And still nothing has changed…


Well, one thing that changed is Ythisens doesn’t work for Blizz anymore. Which, since he was the only blue to pay any attention to us here, might partly explain why nothing has been done (despite Ion claiming they were working on a fix).

I’m still hoping we won’t go through another entire xpac with no fix–but this thread is full of posts saying pretty much the same thing. I guess we’ll see.


I’m still hoping we won’t go through another entire xpac with no fix–but this thread is full of posts saying pretty much the same thing. I guess we’ll see.

If they respond to this thread again, it’ll be one more Blue Post than Guardian Druids have gotten throughout the DF development cycle…


If they respond to this thread again, I may very well faint from the shock.

To be honest, the only response I really want is a fix to make the guild permissions granular again. I honestly don’t know why it’s too hard to put check boxes by each of the current “is officer” permissions. They could even stay there under the “is officer” heading for all I care. As long as each permission can be assigned to a different guild member, it will work for me. (And check boxes still allow ALL permissions to be assigned to one person if the GM so desires.)


Yo. Just 'cause we hit 5k posts doesn’t mean we’ve given up.

Blizz, fix the permissions like Ion said you were doing.



Maybe we’ll get a fix, as part of trick or treating tonight halloween… like someone will trick or treat at Ion’s house and he’ll be all “Surprise! here’s the fix I promised you… no candy though”.


I feel like even if he said that, he’d be all, “Psych! It’s a trick! We’re NEVER gonna fix it! Bwaa haa haa!”


Maybe they had a fix… but the fix got the Rona, and is still in quarantine?


Reminds me how the most popular threads for Asheron’s Call were “The Lifestone Chat” and “Osmenthe.” Both player-driven, hilarious bits that just took a life of their own and were just so funny they brought everyone that played the game (across all 6-7 servers! lol) together.

The most popular thread for WoW, simply highlights how slobberingly incompetent the Dev Team is. How the MOST BASIC THINGS seem to be utterly foreign to them. And maybe one guy makes a mistake… but these things HAVE to be a whole TEAM of people reviewing it and saying “yep… that looks good.”

Right up there with “AoE is capped at 5 targets. Well FOR SOME, for others it’s 8 targets. Well FOR SOME, for others, there’s no cap at all!!!

How is any of this POSSIBLE???

It’s like dropping your car off for repairs, and you don’t give the garage your keys. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN???

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