The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

People are still in guilds in WoW?

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Are you voicing what you believe is in the devs heads? I mean, asking if people in WoW are still in guilds, when you appear to be in a guild yourself, seems a bit odd.

Forgive me if you were being ironic/sarcastic. I can’t tell anymore on these forums.


“Supply chain issues are preventing us from delivering a fix for…what was it? Why aren’t you guys promoting Communities yet? I thought we put a bullet in guilds years ago with CRZ and…what do you mean this thing is still on…?”


We should all tweet the link to this thread, to the warcraft account while they’re looking at the warcraft story hashtag…


Hello again. Just here to mention the permissions haven’t been fixed, even though Ion said a fix was in the works.

No, saying this won’t change anything. No, no one who has any power to do anything about our problem will ever read this.

But I’m posting anyway.

And I’ll keep posting until the permissions are divided up again, the thread gets closed, or I quit playing WoW.

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My twitter post to Ion and the devs.
Follow and retweet.

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I would do that, except I don’t use Twitter. I used to be able to look at Twitter even without an account, but when I tried to look at your tweet, it said the tweet was unavailable. Since I can’t even look at the tweet (I don’t know if it was removed or what) I can’t even think about whether to make an account, follow, and retweet.

But I can still post here (much good it does). Why has this issue gone unresolved for so long? If it’s “working as intended” why did Ion say the change was unintentional? If there’s no plan to fix this, why did Ion say there was a fix in the works? If things have changed since Ion said those things, WHY NOT JUST TELL US?


I am a total newb when it comes to Twitter, so you not being able to see it may be a pebcak issue.

I will have to try again.

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Dang. I really wanted to see what you tweeted to them.

I’m guessing even tweets won’t make any difference in whether or not the permissions get fixed though. Obviously they would have fixed them by now if they ever really intended to. Well, maybe not. They might have all the intentions in the world, but those rarely translate to actions now, do they?

I just feel like they could have given the job to a player who knows how to code, and the player would have gotten it done ages ago.


I think I have it worked out now;


. :melting_face: . . :melting_face: . . :melting_face: .

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Bears got buffs… does that mean guild permissions are next on the fix list?

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That would be nice.

I don’t think I’ll hold my breath though.

I was just reading a thread where people were lamenting the state of guilds. How they are having trouble finding a good, active guild. Not necessarily a raiding guild, just an active one that’s doing a variety of stuff, and where there’s usually someone on.

I don’t think I’ve seen other guildies online on any of my guilds very often. My own guild has been dead for years. Players want guilds. Blizzard really needs to do something to help them.


yes. this would be nice

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Granted, it’s end of expansion and there’s nothing worth doing in prepatch until tomorrow, most of the activity in my guild of late is from collectors chasing down the Deathwatch Hatchling battle pet. We might see a little more activity if we had cross-faction guilds already, since we’ve got a few that have been working on their horde characters.

Would still be really nice to see guilds get an overhaul, complete with our granular permissions of course. Maybe someday…



Well… they just replied to the “we’re adding this missing transmog during Shadowlands” thread… to say it’s gonna be fixed “soon” but not during DF launch… so maybe they’re finally following up on all their promised fixes…

(Yeah, I doubt it to).


I wouldn’t hold my breath for the transmog, either. I mean, it’s been four years since Ion said they were working on a fix for the guild permissions. I feel like their words aren’t worth the pixels they’re formed from.


MMO Champion may be interviewing some of the devs, and have asked for questions from the playerbase.

Jump on there and make questions about the return of granular controls; if enough of us post questions they may make it to the devs.

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I see Ion was doing another interview… I’m sure he mentioned our impending fix in there…

I’m sure… 100% positive… that my above statement is wrong, without even wasting my time listening to him talk.


Hmmm I see blues wandering around replying to threads today…