The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

It was so great! I used to be able to let all my members edit the GMotD to tell folks about stuff or make dumb jokes! I could trust my veterans to edit member notes and help keep track of new members! I could empower members without having to enable “Is Officer” for everyone and their brother. I hope you get to enjoy it someday…


The old permissions were so much more customizable. Many GM’s used permissions as a reward system. As guild members proved themselves reliable, they were given more permissions. Other guilds divided responsibilities between officers, giving the appropriate permissions to those with the corresponding jobs. Some guilds used “officer” chat as a private RP channel having nothing to do with being an officer.

Under the current “is officer” permissions, none of those uses are doable.

Not every guild is the same. Having customizable guild permissions allows a GM to run their guild the way that suits their vision best.


And more customization is always better than less, no matter how highly one thinks of the fewer options made available. Like the more high-res faces available, that were one and all hideous in high resolution. They’re better now, but there’s more options!


This thread is FULL of players explaining why granular permissions are better for guilds. It’s also full of great ideas for further guild improvements.

I know this because I spent about a year quoting people’s posts to highlight their ideas. I sometimes wonder if I should go back and do it again because many of the ideas were truly genius. It was so much work though, just to have Blizzard ignore it, that I can’t bring myself to go through that again.


I think that would only work, sir, if the people in charge didn’t have open contempt for people like us.


7 days till pre-patch. 15 posts to go till 5k… 4 years from last Blizzard contact… We’re totally breaking 5k before pre-patch.


Guess the devs are still too busy “Playing with eachother” to work on the game fixes


Do we know for sure it’s next week? Seems kind of far out if DF launches Nov 28.

Right now I’m feeling pretty ambivalent about hitting 5k posts before pre-patch. What’s the point? No one has seen any guild changes on the beta. It almost feels like a complete defeat that we’ve been posting this long without a fix.

It might have been better if Ion hadn’t said they were working on one. It’s like he said it just to torment us.


Do we know for sure it’s next week? Seems kind of far out if DF launches Nov 28.

Yup… announced today, phase 1 of pre-patch drops next week, which lines up with the season ending… phase 2 is like 2 weeks after that.


We gotta get cracking if we’re gonna hit 5k posts before Tuesday. Ten more to go!

Seriously, this is a little sad though. It’s like we’re working harder to hit 5k posts than Blizz is working on that “fix” Ion mentioned–and we’re only getting a couple of posts a day. Not to mention it’s kind of dumb to continue posting at all, considering how it’s making no difference to Blizz. But I’ve never been known for being extra smart, so I guess I’ll keep posting.

Fix the permissions Blizz. It’s all we’re asking.
(Well, other guild improvements wouldn’t be frowned upon, but I’ll be satisfied just to get our granular permissions back.)


Brah and I are gonna need some help if we’re going to hit 5k by Tuesday. Here’s some conversation starters:

How would you use granular permissions if they were returned?
What permissions would you like to see that we don’t already have?
What other guild controls do you think would be useful to have?
Would you like guild halls, and if so, what would you like to see in them?
What about guild armor sets?
Would you like to see a return of guild levels?
Are there any additional guild perks you’d like to see?
What other guild changes do you think would be cool?
Any other ideas?

Pick a question (or two) and let us know your thoughts!


It occurs to me, it’d be great if we could tag individual users in forum posts, I imagine if we all tagged Ion with “it’s been 4 years, where’s our fix?” we’d finally get another blue post in this thread.


I feel like if we did that, the thread would finally get closed.

But maybe you’re right. Maybe a Blue would come and post. What do you think they would say? I think it would be:


Yeah, I suppose we’d either get it shut down, or a “we are still working on a fix, we have a character limit, so we can only type 1 character a year, we anticipate the fix promised 4 years ago to be available in approximately 400 more years”.



At least if they told us that, it would be more info than they’ve given us in over three years.


Four more posts to go before the party! :tada: :partying_face:

I’m still holding out hope that we’ll get a fix even if no one’s seen it on the beta. Yeah, I know, I’m a little nuts. Realistically, they’ll probably get around to fixing it when they need to throw a life preserver out to the game. They’ll do some guild things for a patch and build it up like it’s some great never-seen-before innovations. I won’t mind, as long as we get our permissions back.


More concrete and definite guild bank controls for those who need them would be excellent. The way stacks and such work in guild banks can be problematic, especially as we see mat stack caps increase significantly.


Do you any specific suggestions on how the bank controls should be done? The more we tell Blizz, the better chance we may have of seeing it implemented.


More specific management of how stacks of materials/items are handled, some sort of “item request” system maybe, a setting to prevent people below a given rank from stacking materials within the bank itself, some sort of sorter (bit of a pipe dream there)… could think of more, but I’d need a bit of time to throw more thoughts together on it.


#5000 /10 char

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