The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

We could have our own pool. How many posts can we get before the permissions are fixed? That’s assuming the permissions will actually get fixed one day.

I don’t know how many total posts we’ll end up with, but I’m betting we’ll hit 5k long before prepatch. Since they screwed up the permissions with a prepatch four years ago, wouldn’t it be nice if they fixed with one now?


It becomes harder and harder to make posts that say anything different than we’ve already said. Actually, it’s impossible. I’m just trying to say the same thing in a different way, in the foolish hope that changing the wording will somehow make Blizzard take notice.

We need guild improvements, starting with the permissions fix Ion promised. Vibrant guilds are the key to a vibrant WoW. Help us Obi-Wan. You’re our only hope.


The last BLUE POST on this was in July 2018. This issue will be broken FOREVER!


Actually, the last post seems to have been August, 2018.
Fun fact: Ythisens was let go not long after that.

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Look at all those people, thinking their feedback meant anything.

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Fun fact: Ythisens was let go not long after that.

Maybe she screwed up the betting pool by giving us hope…


Pretty sure Ythisens’ pronouns were he/him, but I could be wrong. Be that as it may (I love that phrase), Yth was the only one who paid any real attention to our plight. Since Blizzard downsized their CS folks, there have been very few blue posts anywhere on GD.

Still, we got enough attention that Ion told us (in one of their ask-the-devs videos) that the changes to the permissions were unintended, and they were working on a fix. That was close to four years ago, of course, and nothing has been done. Fingers are crossed for DF, but no breath is being held.


Yep. He’s playing Community Manager over at Riot now for League. They’re lucky to have him, because he actually cared to be involved with the community.


Oh, I’m so happy to learn this! Blizzard really screwed up when they let him go.


Well…a number of people resigned/quit during that very tempestuous period when Blizz’s toxic culture was finally unmasked. That the person in question went to Riot, whose toxic culture revelations pre-dates Blizz’s, may not necessarily be a good thing.

I guess my point of view on all the resignations/firings during the last few years is guilt by association. Once Kotick is gone, and all his associations with actual criminals (Epstein etc), Blizz will have turned a corner. Maybe with the Microsoft takeover and the removal of the rest of the toxic people, people will take note of the concerns posted here…hmmm :thinking:


I see no changes in DF beta. Once again ignored.

Just like the Warlords armor they were putting back in during SL that never happened.


Damn it.

Well, I’m going to still hope they slip something in before launch. Yeah, I’m dumb that way.


Well, I’m going to still hope they slip something in before launch

Such optimism, after waiting 4 years for the promised fix… is kinda impressive.


It is terrible. Especially since I have a lot of storage and alt guilds. Why jack something up that wasn’t broken in the first place?

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When I lose my optimism about this topic is when I stop playing WoW. And, I must confess, I don’t log on nearly as often as I used to.


Only 24 more posts to go before we hit 5k! Has Pre-patch been officially announced? Someone said it was October 25. That would give us a little more than two weeks to hit 5000.

Okay, okay. Yeah, it’s a little weird–actually, more than a little–to be counting down how many posts this thread gets before the pre-patch of yet ANOTHER expansion launches without the fix Ion claimed they were working on.

The permissions were messed up in the pre-patch to Legion. I have to keep thinking back to previous expansions and counting them in my head to figure out which expansion it was, to be honest. BfA was before Shadowlands, and Legion was before BfA, right? I mean, it was SO FREAKING LONG AGO I can’t even remember!

Blizz, just fix the dang thing already. Sheesh.


Hey friends, just stopping by to say hi, wish you all the very best and (insert bernie.gif here) once again ask that guild permissions be fixed!

I’ve not spent time on the forums of late, and I am happy to report that my guild is still active and chugging along pretty well, we’re wrapping up the Jelly Cat for All initiative right now, but I am still regularly irked by this dumb, ham-fisted permissions structure. It’s the irritation of having once known a better way. Like all this would be fine-i-guess had we never had better permissions, but we DID, and I still miss them…


This warms my heart. I love to see guilds that are about helping members achieve their goals. As I’ve said numerous times in this thread, guilds are the backbone of WoW. They’re the reason players log in when there’s nothing to do. They keep WoW going so even players like myself with a totally dead guild still have a game to play.


Seems like I keep coming here just to poke the dead horse. Well, I guess someone has to do it.

Looks like 21 more posts before we hit 5k. Will we make it before pre-patch? I’d say the suspense is killing me, but what’s actually killing me is the lack of response from Blizz four years after they unintentionally broke the guild permissions. I mean, it’s bad enough if they did it on purpose, but to do it accidentally, say you’re working on a fix, and then… do nothing… that’s the real tragedy.

Will we see a fix in Dragon Flight? Pretty sure no one is going to bet on that.


I started with the new permissions already planted in, so i never got to see the old permissions. From what i have read in the forum, it seems you had more control over what ranks could do what. I would love to see this come back in some form.

Also wanted to help the post count out. :slight_smile: