The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Well, I’d hope that whoever the current community manager is, will be monitoring that account and reply. Thanks for letting me know.


I am still here asking for granular guild controls to be returned.
The fact that this is still an issue is rediculous.


I’ve been sick lately (several negative COVID tests, so it’s just flu or some such) so I haven’t been keeping up with the thread like I should. Not that I suppose it matters. Even f we had 1500 posts a day, I doubt Blizz would pay any more attention to our problem than they do now.

And of course there’s the fact that we’ve basically said all that needs to be said (many times over). I know that continuing to post isn’t going to suddenly make anyone at Blizzard sit up and say, “Oh, hey. Maybe we should fix these guild permissions.” But I want to keep this thread alive just because I feel this issue shouldn’t be swept under the rug.

I take a perverse pride in knowing this thread has been ongoing since it was first made (almost four full years ago). There have been gaps between posts, but never more than a few days at most. Those of us who have been keeping it alive are the type of players Blizzard really ought to be most interested in: dedicated and persistent. We don’t quit when the content gets dull, we push on through.

I keep hoping one day the permissions will be separated out again. Then we can lay this thread to a well-deserved rest.


Activity has slowed down, but we’re still here. Still waiting for the promised fix (but not holding any breaths).

Yeah, we’re just talking to ourselves, I know. No one at Blizz has looked at this thread in years. When was the last time there was a dev Q&A, anyone remember?

But still I wait. And hope. Because the day I lose hope is the day I give up on WoW and Blizzard completely, cancel my subs, and delete the game.


Here I am again requesting a return of the granular guild controls.

Checking this thread each day is disheartening at best; far too many times have I visited this post and just turned away in hopelessness.

All I can do is help keep this thread alive while Ion ghosts us.


It’s all any of us can do. But I like to think keeping the thread going is kind of poking Ion in the eye. He expects us to give up and go away. As stubborn as I am, I’m hoping to keep this thread going until we get our permissions fully separated again. It’ll be icing on the cake if the thread lasts longer than Ion.


Poke in the eye with a morning star.


I have bittersweet feelings about this thread. On the one hand, I’m happy to see the dedication to this cause. On the other, it’s terribly sad the problem still exists.

Keep it going! It’s worth the fight!


i just want the guild ui to work ive reinstalled the game redone addons and i still cannot for the life of me view my guild window . It says im in my guild but everytime i go to use it it shows guild finder its so aggravating.

What happens if you type /guildroster ?

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it just gives me the old guild ui

I actually use the old guild roster a lot because I find it less annoying than the “new” UI. But sadly, it doesn’t give me the old permissions.

When it shows you the new guild finder, it doesn’t show your guild?


yeah like my guild isnt there like i cant even put my guild on the guild finder to refresh it either lol its a really weird bug.

I would first check the bug report forum for any similar bugs and possible solutions. If that doesn’t pan out, putting in a ticket may be your only option.

Putting in tickets can be a real pain because you have to follow Blizzard’s form, which almost never has choices that fit your problem. Then the first response or two you get will be canned replies that don’t even address the issue. However, if you persevere, you’ll eventually get someone who should be able to solve your problem. That’s been my experience, anyway. Good luck!


thanks! ill try

Still here. Still waiting for granular permissions.

It’s frustrating that an “unintentional” change to the permissions has lasted nearly four years now. Even though it’s clearly not a priority, one would think it could have been fixed by now.


Well, I’ve maxed out. I don’t know if my avatar shows it yet, but I hit lvl 50 last night.

This matters (a little) because I wasn’t going to buy Shadowlands until/unless the permissions were fixed. So, I guess I’m just stuck as 50 until the Dragon thing launches and Shadowlands rolls over into the basic game. Because I’m pretty sure we’re not getting granular permissions before then.


It used to be against the forum policies to post in a thread just to bump it. I don’t know if they changed the rule, or if it’s just nothing we do here matters anyway.

Though I’m not just bumping, I’m asking to have our permissions fixed like Ion said. It would also be nice if guilds got some other attention as well. Guild halls were one idea people expounded upon in this thread a while back. People also suggested revisiting the guild level concept. It would be really great if Blizzard cared for guilds as much as the rest of us do.


Hi there, still want permissions fixed, and let’s add a new bug to the list of things that can harm communities and guilds that seems to have broken in the last couple months: the calendar! That’s right, your very own guild calendar now betrays you!

Wanna edit that event? How about SEE IT DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY AS SOON AS YOU HIT UPDATE? It’s like magic!

Sarcasm aside, this is a relatively new issue I’ve noticed in my other guild- editing or updating an event will cause it to completely vanish from the calendar, and even if it reappears ~24 hours later or so, it could really mess with people’s communities if they think an event has been cancelled, and nobody notices or thinks to update.

So let’s throw that on the list, because if we’re gonna be waiting for 4 years and then 4 more, we might as well keep the list growing.



Interesting…I schedule both Guild and Community events 6-7 nights a week and have not seen this. I just edited all our raid events for guild and Community today for the month of July and did not see this issue. Has anyone else seen this crop up? If so, perhaps a post in the bugs section of the Forums would be appropriate? It’s important that it be reproduced so you could encourage others to post behind you once you create the thread in Bugs.

I hate to say it but, I don’t think anyone at Blizzard reads this thread. That’s not casting aspersions on us, but rather Blizzard. The favor of a reply is the least they could do.