The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Because they are revamping the main player UI, I have a tiny bit of hope they might actually do something for guilds. A revamped guild UI isn’t something that is going to awe the average player, so even if it’s in the works, they probably didn’t think it was something worth putting in the announcement. The expansion is still very much a work in progress, so there’s a chance we’ll finally get this issue resolved.


Just checking in and saying hi. Thanks for keeping this going. I haven’t been posting, but do still check in from time to time. This still remains an issue for all the reasons discussed previously.


Hi, Polgara!

I’m still optimistic they’ll do some guild upgrades in the new expansion, and perhaps even solve our permissions problem before launch. After all, the issue cropped up in the pre-launch patch of… um… BfA? I can’t even remember what xpac we were on in 2018 it was so long ago.

Anyway, point being, they could fix this problem even before Dragonflight launches if they wanted to to give it that sort of priority. Not that the last four years have made it seem like they would.


Still here.

Maybe reverting the granular guild controls will cost us a tier.



You know, so many things in WoW “cost us a tier” that it’s a wonder there are raids at all.


I got an email from Blizzard announcing some upcoming mobile WoW game. All I could think was how they have time to develop some mobile stuff, but can’t fix what’s wrong with the regular game.

I have to wonder a little bit about who’s in charge of developing these things. Do they understand that mobile games are nothing like an immersive RPG, and that fans of one type of game aren’t necessarily fans of the other? I get that they want to make money, and I see nothing wrong with that. But why abandon their core fan base?

Okay, okay. Different teams, different games. Just because they’re all excited about some mobile thing (that I personally have zero interest in) doesn’t mean they aren’t still working to improve WoW itself.



The whole concept of guilds and cross-server communities needs a revamp. We still have an archaic guild leveling system and why does it still take 10 players to make alts and sign a guild charter to make one?

What’s really needed is a revamped guild with two opt-in checkboxes: Cross-server and cross-faction. The guild bank would stay on the linked servers where the guild is originally created and only be available to players on those servers to prevent AH exploitation. This would suit all the needs of both single-server CE groups and players who want to have easy in-game methods of communicating and playing cross-server and cross-faction.

Then bring back the granular permissions to allow officers to manage the guild effectively. Add higher character caps and easier pruning of inactives. 1000 is too small and both cross-server communities and guilds hit that cap regularly. When 9.2.5 hits if these issues are not addressed there will be a mass migration to Discord and that’s overall bad for the game. Discord groups are not discoverable in-game and players have to be comfortable using outside software and approaching people directly instead of browsing the guild and group finder to join Discord groups.

While we’re at it, there should be some alt management built in so when a toon is removed, there is an opt-in option to automatically remove all alts of that player. This would help with both gkicks of problem players and inactive player management.


Excellent points and suggestions. However, I have to point out that it only takes five signatures for a guild charter these days, so at least that part has improved.


I really like the idea of making most guild changes opt-in. We wouldn’t have had this four-year-old complaint if the all-in-one guild permissions had been opt-in. More customization, not less, is the direction Blizzard needs to go.


I noticed some people are complaining about the upcoming change to the “For the Children” meta, saying Blizzard always caves in to the whiners and crybabies. All I want to know is, if Blizzard made the change solely due to complaints, WHAT IS THE SECRET??? HOW did the complainers get Blizz to actually pay attention to them?

I mean, I feel we’ve tried everything to get them to fix our problem. What have we missed? Anyone have any ideas? Because I’m willing to try just about anything if it will work to get our granular permissions back.


More than likely the change to the achievement was some combination of:

  • Easy. They just had to change one or two things somewhere to remove the achieve from the requirements for another achievement. Pretty easy and quick work. No need for a meeting over how and whether to do it, just do it kind of work.

  • Something some dev cared about personally (perhaps some dev has never managed to get this and jumped on this as their chance to change things).

  • Something visible large amounts of players may care about, in other words something that was an easy “win” with the community.

The fact is, like it or not this fix would take work. From multiple people with road-mapping, planning, bug-fixing, all kinds of QA. It’s absolutely something long overdue but they can’t just put it in next month.

However that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be chiming in, in this thread saying “we see this, we hear you. we will fix this, it’s just going to take time, and we estimate it will happen at some point in dragon-flight, we’ll be further in touch with the community about their wants on this”.

The fact they aren’t is disappointing. At the end of the day the changes we want and need to see in the dev team are not just easy to give wanted wins. They’re things that require actual sacrifice and effort and perhaps on matters that are boring. Involve messing with lots of code in an area that no one considers particularly fun.

Only when they start giving us these things in response will we know we have a real change. Real change isn’t just easy things that take no effort plus hard things long wanted which some dev members now like and push for on their own (e.g. something some people with power on their side want to work on), but hard things the dev team doesn’t want or doesn’t care about but the players do.

I hope the Microsoft acquisition goes through because they really need that MS money to hire people to fix back-end issues like the engine and core game elements like this that no one can get approval to deal with because it’s just not an impactful change for most players thus doesn’t justify the money spent.

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Totally agree. Of course, this thread is nearly four years old, and Ion claimed (at least three years ago) that they were “working on a fix.” So it’s not like we haven’t given them plenty of time. But you’re not wrong in saying they don’t seem to prioritize fixes that take effort.

I have to disagree that fixing guilds wouldn’t be an impactful change for most players. Guilds are the backbone of WoW. People play through content droughts and bad expansions because they are playing with friends and guild mates. Blizzard cannot continue to ignore guilds and expect this game to thrive.

However, fixing the permissions is just one needed change. It could be they’re wanting to present an entire array of guild improvements all at once, rather than slipping them out in bits and pieces. I would be fine with that. I just wish we could know that’s what’s going on.


considering the number of posts in this thread with 0 changes or responses since… 2018? really blizz? it would appear no one’s voice is being heard.

guild management tools are pretty awful, we lost a lot with the “enhancements” and they’ve basically ignored requests for change.

maybe something will change with cross faction gui… oh. no. well. maybe one day.


So uh…
Is no one gonna say why the hell this dude’s
pic is like that and what the hell is a Blood Mage or
am I losing it? Like wtf? lmao.

Well, the pic is like that because the character probably hasn’t been played in a while (that post is close to four years old). And he’s a Blood ELF Mage, not a “Blood Mage.” Pretty sure that’s a normal race/class combo.

But I can see how this practically ancient thread might confuse folks. It’s not a necro because it’s been ongoing since it was first made. Still, it’s old, and it might not be obvious that there are posts dating back to the dawn of Legion. Shows you how quickly Blizz jumps on fixing things that they said were unintentional glitches.


Ngl I was high and I coulda swore I saw Blood Mage but yeah lol.

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I was just looking at some of the thread’s early posters, and there are far too many 120’s and 100+'s. That means none of those characters have been played since the level squish. There are also a lot of 50’s. Those could be characters who were max at the squish, but who didn’t play Shadowlands long enough to level (or perhaps never bought Shadowlands).

What has this got to do with our problem with the permissions? Well, to me it’s evidence that too many players have lost interest in WoW. Of course people didn’t stop playing because of guild permissions, but not fixing broken things is one symptom of Blizzard’s overall nonchalance about the game. Little things add up, and lead to dissatisfaction, and then quitting.

Paying attention to detail, fixing what’s broke, and showing honest interest in making a great game will keep players playing (and perhaps bring more back). Launching a great expansion is important, but it’ll still crash land if the attitude we’ve seen thus far from Blizz continues.


I agree.

We all have a pro and con list in our heads for all matter of things and it is never one thing that a player quits over, it is simply the last straw that causes someone to stop playing.

The problem though is when you lose a customer it takes more effort to get them back, and in some cases, you can never get them back.

It is far easier to keep a customer when you listen to them and make them feel appreciated.


LOL. Do any of you “feel appreciated?”

They still haven’t fixed this problem.

It’s obvious they never will.


I assume they “appreciate” my subscription when they deposit in their account. I don’t think that’s quite the same as appreciating me though.

Still, I’m not ready to believe they’ll never “fix” the permissions. Never is a long time. But I’m not sure we’ll get the exact fix we want, either. I think they will, someday, unveil some guild changes (with much fanfare), and those changes will very likely be a mixed bag of things we wanted, things we never thought of, and things that make no sense at all. You know, pretty much like everything Blizz does with this game.