The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I think cross faction guilds could actually happen if only Blizzard / Activision / Microsoft will listen to player feedback (this time)

I found the following quote (from a poster named Ashley) here:

’’…You act like this isn’t laying a foundation for expanding features to the system. Cross-factions guilds are the logical next step for this, and the earliest we could see that would be next expansion. Just getting things in order so that we can play together unhindered (in premade instanced content) for now, and work out any kinks we discover along the way to whatever 10.0.x is. My hope is that they gut the trash guild system we have now and rebuild it to not be complete garbage, because this is the absolute best opportunity to do just that if they don’t squander it.’'

I pretty much agree with the poster.

I read a good many of the comments like the previous one on the above link. It seemed to me that the majority of posts there are asking for (if not actually outright begging Blizz for) cross faction guilds to be made a thing. There seemed to be very few naysayers.

Our guild has actually talked about this possibility here and there over the years, and for what it’s worth I for one hope they manage to do it.

Speaking for myself, fixing the broken guild permissions (finally) while they’re at it would be sweet sweet icing on the cake.


I am not sure I can agree with what you said; I believe that a great majority of posts address the return of granular guild controls not cross-faction guilds.

I want the original guild controls returned, whether cross-faction is enabled or not.


Why they even shoved Community controls into Guild controls to begin with is beyond me.

The fact that I have to make people officers in order to invite people from applications is ridiculously stupid.

Ranks in the guild are meaningless now, which actually destroys guild socializing and having people care about the guild itself. When people could have incremental additions to ranks, they worked for those ranks, cared about the guild and contributed.

Separate Community controls from guild controls and give us back our options. It’s been YEARS. We aren’t giving up.


Cross-faction guilds were brought up because of the recent news regarding 9.2.5’s cross-faction grouping.

The desire to rollback the permission changes remains, but the entire guild system needs a redesign from the ground up. Both permissions returning and cross-factions guilds are reasonable expectations for future additions to the system they’ll be introducing. Guild functions across the board need real attention, and a redesign is likely the only way we’ll actually get any of what we want. As I’ve said previously, this is a perfect opportunity to cover many of those bases, and possibly even garner some good will from those of us who no longer have it.


I currently deal with this exact issue. I’ve got an officer and no matter what I put for MOTD they either come back and slightly alter it(as if it needs to be written in their words) or don’t leave it up and just outright change it.

Very annoying.

I liked the old options where officers had different permissions.


Let guilds be cross faction.


This has nothing to do with the topic or the issues we’re experiencing, but thanks for the bump. Community Council needs to address this.

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This is a topic about guilds.

Guilds need improvements.


It’s a topic specifically about the UI and permissions issues. I’m not going to stop you from bumping the thread, but I also don’t want to see it get derailed, when this is an important topic. There are plenty of other threads talking about cross faction guilds. This isn’t one of them.


I agree that the main point of this thread is the UI and permissions, but we were asked (years ago) to also put our suggestions for guild improvements in here as well. It’s been so long, I don’t really recall exactly when/how the request came up. I think it was a Q&A with Ion.

Anyway, there are indeed other threads about cross-faction guilds, and discussion about that topic really ought to be in those threads. I don’t care about that issue one way or the other, but I DO care about guilds, and specifically about the way our permissions got screwed up. We were told a fix was coming, but it never happened. If all this cross-faction stuff gets Blizz looking at guilds and getting around to fixing the permissions, then great. If all it does is get some kind of cross-faction thing going without fixing the permissions and other guild UI issues, then PHHHBBBT.


That’s my thinking in this.

The guild UI as a whole was awful before the permission change, and it’s even more awful now. A redesign of the whole bloody thing is necessary, and realistically, it should include consideration for the things we know are coming. At least, that’s how I would be looking at it as a developer.

Guilds have been neglected for years, even before this thread (which is three and a half years old - yikes!). The recruitment tool felt like a weak attempt at a peace offering, but even that is lacking. Hell, the applicant note limit is still a problem. So yeah, I still want our permissions back, but I feel a redesign is the only way we’ll get them.


Yes, I accept that cross-faction guilds is now a real topic due to the upcoming faction merges.

My point was in response to the;

It seemed to me that the majority of posts there are asking for (if not actually outright begging Blizz for) cross faction guilds to be made a thing. There seemed to be very few naysayers.

It is incorrect to suggest that a majority of posts in this thread were asking for cross- faction guilds.

It sets my teeth on edge when posters over exaggerate their position to try to inflate their point of view.

A majority of posts in this thread are purely related to a return of granular guild controls; this is a fact.

I always try to post based on facts and from my point of view; I try my hardest not to speak for others, only myself.

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It would be incorrect to suggest that, yes. They were, in fact, not suggesting that at all. That statement was directed at the Wowhead article they linked, which was where the post they quoted came from.


you’re right

The above was exactly what I meant.

Apologies for any confusion. rereading my previous post, I can see where the confusion may have happened.

My point in posting the comment from the cross faction thread was not to start up on that specific subject here, but to show that the folks posting on THIS thread are not alone in thinking that the whole guild system including our granular permissions need serious attention from Blizz.

Speaking of which: Blizz, our guild permissions are still broken.

Please fix them as you promised.

Thank you.


I’ve always felt we are not the only ones who want fixes to guilds, we’re just the ones who have been carrying this torch for longer than I care to mention. If the conversation about cross-faction guilds gets Blizz looking at guild improvements, then hurray! A revamp of the entire UI would not be bad, especially if it breaks the permissions up again.


I agree with you, Rajia. User friendly is the ONLY WAY to keep your players. Every time they change something like the Guild Interface, they look for excuses why it doesn’t work. If it is too hard to change it back, they need to get some new IT people. Yes, this is hard for them, but they really need to look at the BIG PICTURE, which they are not doing. Is it any wonder people don’t talk much in a guild any longer? I am frustrated as all get out that they think they don’t have to listen to the complaints, some of which have been ignored by the Devs. I had been giving the Devs good notes for what they do accomplish, but when they ignore the most important things like the Guild and then keep pushing people to play the game…something is wrong. here.

PLEASE DEVS: take care of the Guild problems (not just one, but all of the problems). We can’t use the guild easily and it’s really screwing things up. You will be losing more and more players. Yes, there will always be more players, but if people talk about this to others, what do you think will happen? Especially since I have suggesting people to come play the game. Maybe MS can do something to fix the bloody problems with the Guild among others. THE PLAYERS are the life-force of the game.

Good luck, Devs…you will need it in the future when players leave in droves.

PS. I know this is indeed happening as 25 of the people who came to play wow on my recommendation, are upset by the guild problems. My daughter doesn’t even play it now and refuses to buy more game time (just like the other 24 players).


Probably…I mean they took away masterloot for personal loot and took away bonus rolls on specific bosses for the great vault.

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I was looking at the guild UI and thinking of all the ways it could be improved (beyond fixing the permissions). I feel like it’s something that will happen–it HAS to happen, and it’s making me antsy. You know, making me wonder if we’ll see any changes before the next expac, or if they’ll be some of the touted features of Dragon Isles (or whatever it is they come up with).

Or maybe I’m just getting a touch of cabin fever because snow has kept me from riding my horse for a few days.


I know it doesn’t really help to keep this thread going. The folks at Blizz know what we want, and they figure there’s nothing new being posted here. They’re not wrong. We do keep posting the same thing over and over again. Oh, sure, there are occasional forays into other aspects of guilds, but we keep circling back to the permissions. Why is that?


I don’t know if this is the oldest active thread on the forums. It’s certainly one of them. It definitely doesn’t have the highest post count. But I can say with confidence, that it does have one of the most dedicated groups of posters to ever follow a thread. Our numbers have dwindled, but we haven’t given up. We only want one, simple thing: for the guild permissions to be broken up again like Ion promised. Is that really too much to ask?


Used to be when a thread was this old, it would get locked if nothing new was said. It makes me wonder if it’s on some kind of black list. Like, it’s being ignored so hard, they won’t even look at it long enough to lock it or anything. I suppose if there were a lot of flags in it, they might take notice (but it wouldn’t really be a good sort of notice).

Since we’re still here, and the permissions still aren’t fixed, I’ll keep poking this ol’ horse. (Reminds me that I should finish getting the things to collect Blanchy.)

C’mon, Blizz. Throw us a bone. Let the players know what plans you have for guilds and if there are any UI improvements (like separated permissions) in the works.