The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

LOL!!! I know right?
I like that one story that was scary… Leader of the guild was out for medical and vacation time with family and it was a super super long time before he
returned back to the game. Well after that long long time… possibly years
The guild defaulted on a member as the new leader.

Before He went on vacation the player in the guild had a very very bad guild raid and he felt he was treated very badly.
So when that player was made the GM he kicked everyone out and sold everything in the guild bank then he deleted the guild.

Now how was the dish served cold? LOL funny but sad… very sad…

Here’s hoping the new Community Council can get something moving with this.


Yes, the new Council is here and waiting for you to apply!

Good luck on your applications!

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I started to apply, but as I went through the form, I realized I’m not really the type of player they’re looking for. I have no expertise in anything. I just goof around and do stuff I enjoy. I don’t care about being good at any of it, and I completely ignore the things I don’t care about. I truly wouldn’t have much to offer.

However, that doesn’t mean that others who work harder for their guilds shouldn’t go ahead and apply. The council needs someone who is a GM for a casual guild (that isn’t completely dead like mine). Guilds aren’t just for pushing through to end content. They can simply be social clubs as well. But even social clubs need structure, and having customizable permissions would be a true help to GM’s everywhere.


Well if that’s an nudge, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man :slight_smile:

I’d be more than happy to app. No promises, not even certain I would be be accepted…Here’s what I submitted:

I am a continuously subbed WoW player since December 2004 that has experienced the game from every level. I was a random player, alone in Azeroth in Classic. I had only played FPS games at a competitive level (ladder ranked) prior to WoW. I Made friends, got invited into a guild, and learned how to play an MMO in WoW. I left competitive FPS games behind and learned to love the game, the people, and especially the friends I have made over the years. I have been a guild member, an officer, and a guild leader. I have been a bad person in game (trade troll), learned to curb my bad habits from competitive FPS gaming, and found a world of friends. I also received friendly guidance (yes, I have been game banned) from Game Masters and learned to be a better person in game. As an officer, based on the compassion I was shown in game, I was able to guide a guild through the loss (real life death), suicidal thoughts by guildies, and in game drama. As a guild leader, I have to help guide our guildies through the same, and have experienced the loss (real life deaths) of guildies. The mental health aspect of the game has become more important since the pandemic and I have tried to be a gently guiding force in supporting guildies. Sites like Guardians Mental Health on Discord have been invaluable in our support of our guildies/people. I’ve learned over the years that the game consists of people and they are more important than anything that we do in the game. I would like to bring my experience as a player and provide a humanistic perspective to balance out all the things that we always focus on as players in a game. I think, when we are done at the end of the day/days of playing, it’s the people that we play with and make memories with that are the most important.


Never a truer word has been written.

I’m rooting for you Che. I really hope they choose at least a few folks who understand guilds are important for more than just pushing content.


Only took 3 years.

I swear, Wow is run by our government.


Here I am again requesting that Ion keep his word.

I want to have granular guild control returned.

3 years is long enough.


This is how I feel about it.


I’m still really interested to know whether the lack of action on this issue is because returning granular permissions is too difficult or because it’s just so low priority for Blizzard that it keeps getting pushed off the to-do list. (I realize it may never have been on the list, but I’m going to assume Ion wasn’t flat out lying when he said they were working on it–just because that makes it seem slightly less slimy.)

I honestly don’t see how it could be a programming issue that can’t be solved, which leaves me with thinking Blizzard doesn’t give a fig. Clearly, going three years with no fix doesn’t make it look like they care. I’m truly hoping the community council thing makes a difference for us and the rest of the game.


Not only permissions, but I got stuck with a guild that someone decided they didn’t want any longer. The previous GM named it "Just a So So Guild? is not going to encourage players to join, so I want to change it. I went to the Services section, all the services are blacked out but the Character Boost. WTF. At one time, the permissions were user-friendly. What happened? Please fix. TY


Well, I haven’t been able to log on since yesterday because of a “known” problem with the launcher and an infinite update loop. Won’t go into details here (already posted in tech support and tried all the suggested fixes). Just saying it feels like the game is completely falling apart. How can I expect them to fix the permissions when the game doesn’t even work?


Got logged on. Did the anniversary. Got the mount.

Guess I can’t hope for a permissions fix, can I? Didn’t see any mention of guilds in the teaser for 9.2. Did I miss it?


I’ve been thinking about this lately, I did a little dabbling in FFXIV this summer and fall, and had the good fortune to fall in with a very active free company. At first, I was really relieved and delighted not to be in charge of ANYTHING but my own two feet, but gradually, I became ragingly jealous of the FC’s leadership - not jealous of their FC, I certainly don’t want to lead anything in gaming spaces other than my much loved WoW guild - but jealous of the way that SqEnix seems to genuinely value and support the core functioning of the Free Companies. The game is just as easy to engage with casually as WoW is - plenty of cross realm action, ready availability of queues for the dungeons you need to do - there’s not a mechanical reason why you need a free company. But the free company is the heart of the community, just as guilds used to be in wow, and with free company housing, free company objectives (and boats? I’m not sure what the boats are about yet, i just know I need an Abroader Otter minion…) and other tools to build and strengthen those communities, the developers have made it clear that THEY prioritize the cohesion of those core social groups. I wasn’t really planning on maintaining a FFXIV sub on top of my WoW sub, it was just a casual dip, and I’m not planning on it being a major time focus for me anyhow, but the FC drew me in and made me feel engaged, and I think I will keep a sub for a while, just to enjoy the laid back group activities, the concert nights and fc meetings.

Anyhow, my long-winded point is that, the way this UI and Permissions issue has been treated stands in STARK contrast to that experience, and the reason I’m still mad about it, three years later, isn’t even about the UI or permissions at the core, it’s about how I feel that OUR devs have not prioritized the core social unit of OUR game, in a way that hurts us all, from my daily interactions in the game to their subscription numbers.

Glad to see you’re all here, churning away at this thread. Solidarity!


^Absolutely this.

This thread started as a simple observation about a change to permissions that the OP thought was not a good thing. But it’s been going on for as long as it has because it’s a red flag of warning about the health of the game overall, and the fact that we’re STILL being ignored does not bode well for the future.


Hey Brahmina, I’m stuck in the update-something-broke cycle, where I can’t even run the repair because that breaks too. It sounds like something you had, how’d you fix it?

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The tech support person who answered my ticket told me to make a new windows account, give it admin permissions, and try logging on from there. (Blizz has a guide for how to do that.) I was able to log in from there, and when I switched back to my regular account, I could log in from there, too. But the launcher still has to go through updates first. It cycles through each game (retail, classic, BC classic) and then I can log in. I haven’t logged on yesterday or today though, so I don’t know if it STILL works.


They are completely out of touch with what the players want


I’ve been stuck in this cycle too, and the fix that works for me is to let the launcher log in and get stuck, then launch the game manually from the _ retail _ folder without the launcher. The instance of the game launched manually won’t let me log in, it claims my account details are wrong, or whatever, but having the instance OPEN, seems to block the update cycle and give me access to the Play button.

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That is bizarre. At least you found a way to log in.

Let’s all hope Blizzard finds a way to fix this update/log-in issue much quicker than they’ve fixed our permissions, eh?