The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)


^^ That^^

Thank you.


Still curious about this one. I know there is API associated with the application system, but next to no documentation about it either.


I am still waiting for Ion to stick to his promise to reinstate the guild granular permissions.

I am no longer surprised at the lack of communication and the non-action on this issue.

I see this unresolved issue as an indication of just how far away bliz has moved from actually developing a good player experience.


Technically, we’re all still waiting–even those who aren’t even in a guild. Thank goodness no one is trying to hold their breath while they wait!

This whole thing is ludicrous. It still feels like Blizzard intends to fix the problem, since they’ve left this thread alone and have never said the permissions are “working as intended.” But right now their intentions feel like pavers on the road to Hell.

I honestly believe the problem is lack of resources because corporate sees no reason “waste” them on an old game when investors want to see new, shiny developments. So WoW limps along with probably less than half the funding and manpower it used to have. It’s a true shame.

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Or the bones of the Draenei on the Path of Glory.


I know that right after a major patch isn’t the time to ask for extra things, but I just want back what we once had, not anything new. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if Guilds got some extra love, but right now I’ll settle for the granular permissions Ion said were in the works. Thanks.


Yadda, yadda. Permissions. Not giving up.

Actually, I feel that giving up on this issue is like giving up on WoW. I’m still not ready to give up on the game, so I keep coming here and asking about the permissions. But I feel like Blizzard has given up. I read a business article today that was saying Final Fantasy is going to eat WoW’s lunch (their words). Blizzard doesn’t seem to care anymore.


Just here to repeat myself and remind Blizzard that not all of us have given up on guilds, guild permissions, or the game.

We’ve stated the reasons (numerous times) why granular permissions are better, but we never really had to. Ion said the change wasn’t intentional. They’ve always known that more options make for better game play. But (apparently) what is better and what is profitable are two different things.


I am starting to believe that Ion was just gaslighting, the changes were intentional and will not be changed back. Blizzard has systematically downplayed the importance of guilds since the loud yet minority group of forum posters complained about them in Cata. Guild levels, guild perks, guild achievements and guild permissions have been eliminated or drastically reduced. With the implementation of Communities, they have brought guilds down to the lowest priority in the games history. There have been zero positive additions for guilds since then. Hopefully Blizzard will see that their current direction with the game is not working and positive changes for guilds, and most importantly the game content, are coming in the next xpac.


It’s sad that it’s three years later and this is still a major issue.


Can’t /agree more with this post. My personal experience in the game since Dec 2004 shows me that indeed, players have been pushed into using communities, have had increased success in pugging raids due to the competitive nature of, but lucrative rewards in (what used to be), “challenge dungeons” (Mythic+), and the overall hostile tone of players in the game forced into feeling like they are in competition for progress rather than collaborating together towards progress
and that progress, at least in my guild, is defined by w/e makes you happy playing :slight_smile:
I have to agree that Blizzard is not trying to enhance that feeling of collaboration and unity that guilds used to bring us.


This is the most accurate description I’ve seen of what’s gone wrong with WoW over the years. I hadn’t seen it put this way before, but you really nailed it. I really miss the cooperative atmosphere we used to have.


Right? So much for Blizzard caring about guilds.


Well, I’ve been traveling last few days. I wasn’t expecting any changes to anything (not even after tomorrow’s maintenance) but I’m still going to once again request to have our granular permissions returned.

Because, you know, I really would like them back, and I think it would be better for the game overall if Blizzard showed some respect for guilds.


Maybe guilds will be higher on the priority list after they clean house and fire the frat boys. :face_vomiting: :roll_eyes: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Blizzard, I’ve been telling you for years that you need to address your management issues. Drunk dudes being allowed to run around hitting on people instead of working explains SO MUCH. Obviously, with such a toxic internal culture, Blizzard is going struggle or be incapable of providing us good tools for building a healthy community. No wonder this is taking forever.

The Hong Kong thing was a lot for me. But this is too much. I no longer believe Blizzard is capable of doing what needs to be done to bring the game and guilds back to a healthy state. And to every single leader at Blizzard who facilitated this toxic culture or turned a blind eye to the suffering of another human, I hope you step on Legos every day for the rest of your life as a daily reminder of what you did. Plus getting fired and charged for any relevant crimes.


Whoa. I didn’t hear about this. Hard to believe any major corporation these days wouldn’t know better than to allow this sort of nonsense. I don’t know if that truly explains their foot-dragging on our particular issue, but it does (maybe) explain why this game we all love so much has not been its best self of late.


Just here to ask for granular permissions again. I know it’s a bit like beating my head against a wall, but I have a pretty hard head. I don’t see any reason why the folks that work on these things can’t do it while the head honchos are trying to dodge a lawsuit. Unless, of course, they’re too busy harassing their co-workers.


Well, just saw this article:

Definitely not good news for those of us who are hoping for various fixes to the game. :frowning_face:

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Man im old, I remember when this thread went freaking live -_-


3 years ago this month.

And not a peep from Blizzard.

I think they read this post from time to time and laugh.