The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

you dont need to know anything about programming to understand that Blizz has enough revenue to hire talent, but for some reason don’t *coughyachtcough


Been a while since I did my duty and bumped this thread. Part of me keeps hoping that Blizzard is planning a massive guild update for a future expansion, where we get guild halls, fixed guild permissions, and more. It’s a nice dream.


It’s been 3 years. I admire your optimism, but I don’t see that happening.


Can’t be done is usually never the case when it comes to software, it’s usually a heirarchy of importance. I have no doubt you’ll find guild permissions on Blizz’s honeydo list but how many things are above it? How many problems will popup later that also get placed above it?


Glad to see folks are still invested in this.

There’s so many fundamental issues with this game right now, and the lack of polish and proper attention that guilds get is very much a real issue that needs to be addressed.


I think you’re absolutely right about this. I also think Blizz is making a mistake to think this shouldn’t be a priority. Guilds are the glue that hold players together and create a community.

How many players are still subscribed only because of the friends they’ve made? How many quit when those friends leave the game? Improving the guild experience won’t solve all of WoW’s problems by a long shot, but it will go a long way toward keeping players subbed while the other problems are addressed.


Apparently 9.1 is dropping on the 29th. I have absolutely zero faith that it’s actually ready, much less includes a fix for guild permissions.

I’d love to be proven wrong, though!


Yeah…I’m gonna say it. Have said it before. I think they consider the issue “resolved”. I would not be surprised this thread gets locked after or before 9.1 hits…no offense meant towards anyone.


If they lock it, that would at least be an answer. But I suspect the opposite. They just want it to die from players’ lack of interest in the subject so they can justify their neglect of guilds.

But, there are at least a handful of us who think guilds are important to WoW, and who will keep calling for improvements–even beyond getting our granular permissions restored. But for now, I’d be happy to simply have more options in assigning permissions.


I’m assuming there will be no changes with Chains of Dominance, but has anyone been on the PTR and looked at any guild stuff? It’s ridiculous of me to hope for anything, but I always do.


Hope springs eternal.


Don’t put wow devs in charge of LINUX/UNIX security they would chmod stuff in a similar fashion

I see it’s time to slap the horse a bit and see it it’s still dead.

I’m not up on how game testing works. When a patch goes live, does it ever have anything on it that wasn’t on the PTR? Is there any chance at all that there could be something in 9.1 for guilds that wasn’t there for testing?

I remember those halcyon days–3 years ago–when this issue was new and we all supposed we might have to wait for an actual patch instead of it being taken care of with a quick hot fix. Then, after a year or so with nothing but Ion’s promises in hand, we put our bets on the new expansion. It’s looking that way again. I’m starting to understand how spouse abuse can go on so long.


The simple answer here is; yes. :smiley:

In the PTR currently, you cannot test the awesome, amazing Shards of Domination that you will need for raiding. That’s gonna go live once the raid opens July 6th and no one has seen it. :astonished:

Similarly, Communities were not tested as I recall prior to launch in the middle of BfA. This is when the guild permissions were changed and that precipitated the launch of this thread (and others) to get some fixes done and/or restorations done.

My bias here is that besides this thread, I don’t see other guild leaders massing and calling for fixes/changes/restorations. This is not meant as a slight to anyone here. I simply don’t see guild leaders coming together as they did before. So, to put it plainly, I’m highly skeptical that anything in guild permissions that will change. :thinking:


Well, that’s kind of good to hear.
But I also believe you’re right about this:

But it’s not just the guild permissions we’ve been writing about here. Ion and Lore specifically asked for feedback on overall guild improvements. Folks here came up with many great ideas that would be amazing if Blizzard implemented any of them. The permissions getting messed up (unintentionally, according to Ion) is what started the thread, but it’s kind of morphed into a guild appreciation thread along the way.

I’m sure even GM’s with great running guilds like yours, Che, could think of an improvement or two. We all want guilds to work for everyone. Most of us recognize that different guilds have different needs, so customization is paramount. Guilds are the backbone of WoW, and any improvements can only improve the game.


Still hoping for any changes that will show Blizzard actually cares about guilds. Yes, I want the permissions separated out like they used to be, but frankly, I’d be ecstatic over any change that improves or helps guilds in some way.

For instance, I loved when they added the ability for offline invites. But that awesome feature could use a tweak or two, such as the ability to rescind an invite if the player doesn’t respond after a certain period of time. (For my guild, I don’t care if they don’t respond for months–but I know that’s a problem for many GM’s.)

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that on Tuesday we’ll see something that tells us Blizzard really does think guilds matter. :+1:


It would be nice if guilds got some love with this patch, but I don’t think I’ll be holding my breath. I assume we’re stuck with the permissions as they are, unless Blizzard decides to completely redo the community system that screwed them up in the first place. You never know, they might just be trying to wait long enough to make players think it’s a NEW! IMPROVED! feature when they finally fix it. :roll_eyes:


No change to the permissions (no surprise there, of course). As far as I can tell, no changes for guilds at all. I didn’t look very in depth, but I’m pretty sure they would be touting any major improvements.

No, I wasn’t expecting anything with the patch. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t hope.


The guild I’m in on my alt (where I’m more active), one of our members noted communities seem to be -more- broken, with extra lines between every member. I didn’t see it myself so I can’t confirm it’s an issue on their end or Blizz’s, but what was sadder is that none of us were surprised to hear communities were more Swiss cheese than before.

Add in that Blizzard can’t or won’t even fix years-old bugs in their old content (did you know you can’t leave SoO through the instance portals anymore? :D), and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were being choked by their own higher-ups. After all, it’s still making enough money that Activision hasn’t told them to step it up, and Ion and his crew think their way of having fun is the only way that matters.

I guess Ion doesn’t remember how much having a guild contributed to being able to be a high-tier raider like he was. :expressionless:


I don’t use communities, so I can’t confirm the observations. But yeah, I’m not even remotely surprised. Seems Blizzard can put in effort to remove the vendor prices from battle pets (no vendoring those extra alchemy pets–HAVE to use the AH or destroy them), but can’t fix genuine bugs.