The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Wait. What? Where am I?

Oh…OH!!! Right. Um. Hi. I must have dozed off.

Blizzard, I’ve told you before and you didn’t listen. You screwed up your fundamentals. The guild infrastructure is one of those neglected systems at the core of the game.


I laughed way too hard at this.

Then I thought, “We’re going to keep this thread going until ALL the cows come home.”

Yeah, okay. Maybe I should get more sleep. Or maybe trying to keep the spotlight on this issue really is driving me crazy.

I know that making posts here doesn’t affect Blizzard’s response even one tiny iota, but I can’t help imagining it might. Or, to be more honest, I can’t help thinking that if we just let it go and allow the issue to die, not only will it never get fixed, the next five things that go wrong will also be ignored by Blizz. Before you know it, all the “little” glitches and mistakes add up, and the game starts falling apart.

This wasn’t an intentional change on Blizzard’s part. It’s a snafu that’s been allowed to fester, unaddressed, in the hope that we players will just give up and the corporation can pocket the few dollars they’ve saved by ignoring the problem thus far. This is a symptom of what’s really wrong with WoW overall: The folks heading Blizzard simply don’t care anymore. As this attitude bleeds through to the players, they’ll stop caring, too. And when they players stop caring, they quit.

When we’re asking for a fix to the guild permissions, that’s not truly the only thing we’re asking for. We want the folks in charge to care about this game as much as we do. We want them to care enough to make WoW the awesomely great game it used to be. That means paying attention to details and not ignoring the “little” problems, because one day, all those “little” problems will mean the death of the greatest MMORPG ever designed. That will be a sad day, indeed.


I think WoW is run by bots.

Everything feels automated.


I feel like bots would be more responsive. :cry:



For the record, I for one have not (and will not) forget.

I wont let it go, nor forget that you plainly stated via Ion that this ‘‘borking’’ of guilds was unintentional, that you were working on a fix, and that you specifically asked us for more feedback.

 (how's two **YEARS** worth of feedback do ya?)

Yet the guild permissions are somehow still broken and you remain silent.

Please keep your word and fix them.

Thank you.


Drives by in Meat Wagon and kicks supplies out to the Guild Permissions people


They use this strategy a lot.

  1. blizzard completely ruins something literally no one had a problem with

  2. blizzard tells the community they’re listening when they inevitably get called out on it.

  3. blizzard reverts changes to exactly how they were and we all clap and praise them for making the game better!!

I would be perfectly fine with this. It’s going on THREE YEARS now (this thread started in July 2018). I don’t care if they want credit for an “improvement” as long as they FIX it.


If there were sound effects on the forums, there would be an echo in here.

Just looking in to ask, once more, if we could have our permissions separated out again. Why can’t all the permissions lumped under “is officer” simply have a checkbox beside each one? Is there some technical reason this can’t be done? Is it really too hard to just tell us?


Hi Blizz. I still want my permissions back. Don’t make me get my twitter out and start tweeting Ion every day again. Just because I can never keep it up beyond a few days doesn’t mean I won’t still log in to do it.

Like posting in this thread. I will beat this dead horse until I’ve put so much kinetic energy into it it comes back to life Frankenstein’s monster-style.

Tonight I’m in a weird mood. But not having granular permissions makes me come up with weird analogies I suppose. But the best way to get us to stop? Just fix the problem you acknowledged existed and then said was unintentional (thus implying a fix was in the works). Or tell us you won’t. I’ve seen children with better communication skills Blizz.


I know I am back to beating and kicking a dead horse here, but a couple GMs from my realm were mentioning how they are having troubles recently with new guild members not being able to access the gbank even after they were promoted. And I am still having an issue where new members cannot use guild chat unless I re-enable guild chat privileges for Rank 1 even though they were instantly promoted to Rank 3 which has Chat privileges already enabled.
Would be lovely if there was a way to enable WOW Classic Guild controls and make our guilds operate like they used to.


Hey Lucy. You probably recall that a lot us recommended using the


command and macrod it for quick access to the Classic interface. I have noticed that using the Community tab for permissions and such sometimes either are delayed (like till the next day), apply to the wrong rank, or simply never work at all. I do all my changes through the /guildroster command and have avoided the types of bugs you are noticing.

One note however, not having gchat privileges for Rank 1 is not a bug, it’s a feature that some of us asked to be returned and got from Blizz. I’m not sure they alerted everyone when it returned over a year ago. I’m not sure about having it turned off, I’ve never tried it, but I’m not surprised that every time people log off then return, they find themselves muted. The workaround may be to have rank 1 as a “mute” rank and do what many of us do and instantly promote someone to the next rank once they join guild. Good luck!

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You’re playing the wrong race. Troll suits you better.

This is @Shapeshifter. For an odd reason it wouldn’t let me reply to you…


I didn’t “trade” anything in. Blizz took it away. But I’m happy at least some folks got some decent guild controls.

This is what Fumel does. It’s an easy solution. I can see where some guilds might need to mute a member for a time, so it’s not a bad idea to use the lowest rank for the purpose.


I’m not sure you understand my position. My point is that our guild uses Rank 1 as a silence rank, which is also the entrance rank because that’s something out of my control as well. Rank 2 is a Semi-permanent retirement rank for players who have been AFK at least 30 days and then Rank 3 is the designated rank for new members, for which each person is manually promoted to if they are just joining.
But even though the Guild Rules are in place to silence rank 1, but allow all other ranks to use gchat, promoting them to rank 3 does not seem to work to allow them to use gchat. Not only do they have to log out and back in, but in many cases their rights to chat are not restored for several days, or until I enable rank 1 gchat privileges. (Even though they are Rank 3)

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This sounds like a textbook bug. My guild is too dead for me to have noticed it. Has it been this way since the permissions were changed before BfA, or is it something that just popped up recently? Either way, I assume you reported it as a bug. I hope it’s a recent thing because having the chat messed up like this is not something that Blizzard should have ignored for any length of time at all.


I understand Lucy. :slightly_smiling_face:

The bug you are describing was resolved for me and many others about a year ago. If you search this forum for my posts, you will see when I noted it. We suffered for a long time with the “can’t gchat till you log off and back on” bug after joining guild or being promoted from “mute” rank (Rank1). I’m disappointed to hear it is not totally resolved, however. I know it’s frustrating. :confused:

Now, I’m going to assume you are using /guildroster and the Classic interface to make guild changes, even though you didn’t specifically say so. If that’s the case, I’m interested if there are others making changes to guild ranks and how they are doing it. Everyone has to be on the same page on how changes are made or the types of issues you are seeing will occur. That’s been my personal experience in guild. Even something simple like changing the gmotd through the Community tab will cause headaches. However, I did not see the gchat bug return in the last year, so I agree with the previous poster: please report this as a bug to Blizz. I’m sure this one can be resolved. Good luck!

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This is one reason why separate permissions are necessary (for many guilds). Officers can’t accidentally make changes improperly if they don’t have permission to do so in the first place.


They’re working on this and a solution for Warlords crafted gear.

It’s like Indiana Jones.


I sometimes look at the permissions and imagine check boxes beside each one that’s listed under “is officer.” Would it really be that hard to implement such a thing? Is this a case of “can’t be done” or “can’t be bothered?” I suspect the latter, but I don’t know anything about programming, so I can’t swear one way or the other.