The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/24/2018 06:14 AMPosted by Vingoli
I wouldn't be quite so pissed about this if blizzard actually provided some kind of insight on this decision at least. The fact that they keep changing and removing things that people like while not giving any indication of why is like a slap in the face to their player base.

Seriously. I read patch notes. Why are there so many things lately being added to/removed from the game without ANY mention in the patch notes?

How is that acceptable?
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Just wanted to add my name to the list of guild leaders who do not like the change to the current 'all/or none' permission structure.

In both <SilverFall> (Alliance AD/MG) and <FellRivals> (Horde AD)/<Compost> (Horde MG) we've used the rank structure, with increasing permissions accordingly, as a way to reward long term members who like to contribute to the guild.

SF on AD has been operational since launch in 2004 and we've used the ranking structure with increasing permissions since those early days. With refinement we've gone on to use similar structure when we were active on Moonguard.

Myself and our assistant guild masters would like to see the current change be re-thought to add back the ability to evolve players guild permissions, or at the very least revert back please to what we had before the pre-patch. ^.^
Really hope they're going to fix permissions.
People were unhappy about not being able to see/sort by last online, and not being able to see the total number of members and they fixed that very quickly.
If Blizzard is unwilling/unable to give us more choices, fine, but please stop taking the few we actually still have away.
Daily bump, a reminder for guild permissions.

My post won't be big this time. Currently there's a lot of World PvP to be had in-game,

but I don't like the idea of distractions doing just that. Keeping us distracted.

Please revert the guild rank permissions.
it would be nice to hear something about this blizz
07/24/2018 09:08 AMPosted by Shaysinn
07/24/2018 06:14 AMPosted by Vingoli
I wouldn't be quite so pissed about this if blizzard actually provided some kind of insight on this decision at least. The fact that they keep changing and removing things that people like while not giving any indication of why is like a slap in the face to their player base.

Seriously. I read patch notes. Why are there so many things lately being added to/removed from the game without ANY mention in the patch notes?

How is that acceptable?

I get that things are going to slip through the cracks in patch notes. Big game - lots of teams have their hands in the pot - probably only a couple patch note writers (if more than one), but this is something they should have been shouting from the roof tops and asked for specific feedback about. Even as a guild leader for a decade, I don't always make the beta guild or PTR guild. Sometimes it's just the first few members online that get it up and running, and they don't even know what to look for when it comes to 'feedbacking' guild control, primarily because we weren't really told about these sweeping changes.

Leads me to believe they wanted to sweep this change under the rug and hope nobody cared. But blues, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
They also took a GMs ability to delete calendar events away? Really? I don't have "permission"?

This is idiotic to say the least....
I hate to keep harping, but this seriously is bothering me.

I have put in a lot of work in building my guild. For more than a year, I have spent hours each day growing it and helping people.

Now, it feels like most of that work was a waste....Blizzard is slowly taking away my ability to customize the guild the way I want.....instead of how THEY want.

I am seriously considering unsubbing over this.
I too would like to see some sort of clarification and explanation, though I do doubt that's coming. Ever since they removed the guild forum here things have just been slipping under the carpet so to speak.

The new UI obviously didn't have the input of social guilds, of large guilds, or anything that most people join a guild for. It is frankly a disgrace.

To summarize my issues:
We can't see who's been offline for a number of months. As a GM of a rather large guild, who has interconnected guilds to make it work, this is crucial to our management.

We can't see anyone who's online and able to talk in gchat, but is offline on their bnet account - who thought THAT was a good idea? So, if I potentially have an issue with that person, I cannot /gkick them.

To promote/manage someone directly from the guild roster. Now I have to click another button, then do that. Why didn't you just leave that in the feature? Ug.

The inability to organize our guildmates in a constructive way that has been working forever. I like having events. I like my fellow guildies to be able to organize them. I don't need a thousand officers.

All in all, there are many things you could have done to make this better, and make the guild roster a better tool.

Personally I would like to have seen

An increase in guild members allowed.
An increase in the roster availability i.e. more than the current 10 ranks.
A calendar that would integrate with ical or another calendar format to be useful OFF game.
An ability for individual ranks to have individual channels/communities (call them what you want) where they join open getting that rank. This would really help the raid teams not spam guild chat etc.

Given some time I suspect this community would have come up with some very DECENT ideas about how to manage guilds and even communities.

I hope you ask. I hope you come to us for feedback. But sadly, as ever, Ion will sit there and do his lawyer speak and nothing will change. We will all /sigh, suck it up, and deal with more broken instead of updated tools. Which makes me mad. This is a great game (Ok, right now it's a wee bit broken), but you never seem to learn, which makes me sad.

Peace and love to all you GM's out there struggling to hold together your communities. It's tough. Know you're appreciated!
07/24/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Dynara
They also took a GMs ability to delete calendar events away? Really? I don't have "permission"?


Wait what? So if someone decides to be a prick and a child, and does something offensive, I can't do anything? WTF!
*waves at Moirasha*

Blizz, my guild likes to let members set their own public notes. We officers are happy to do this for people's alts when we invite them, but our members have always had the ability to set their own notes for their mains (and their alts provided they leave the alt identifiably theirs). This is fun, and we trust them. It's a minor thing for us, but it sucks to lose it.

Then there are guilds which use it so that their members can regularly update their raid-readiness status. It's less minor for those groups. Or where the officer team does not want to manually set notes for each and every little alt. There is nothing at all wrong with that.

While the officer permissions themselves aren't a major issue for my guild (I guess my GL happens to select officers in the exact, specific manner you think she should), they very much are for guilds which have graduated officer ranks, or where the guildleader does not want their officers having some of these specific permissions. Or where they want some of their non-officer members to have some! Those guilds are not wrong to run themselves in the manner which works best for them.

And that's ignoring the woeful support for RP guilds, which have long used their own officer channels for OOC.

You don't get to decide how much guildleaders trust their individual officers and members, Blizz. The permissions settings we had before were just about perfect. You really shouldn't have fixed what was not broken.
07/24/2018 11:59 AMPosted by Oleandra
*waves at Moirasha*

*waves* Hey hey :)
Bumping again -
It's been a week now, and still no information between Twitter and forums regarding the guild changes.

This thread needs more daylight and up-votes I think. If you haven't up-voted this thread back on it's original post, I highly recommend it!
Bump again. Hopefully everyone can keep this going until we get a response.

Very confused. This appears to be just dumbing down just for the sake of it. 22 pages in and still nobody is suggesting this is a good change. When has there ever been a thread like that?! Should tell you something, Blizzard.
I just checked one of my guilds and the officer role is locked so even I, as the GM, can't touch it. Could they be trying to fix it, maybe?
I was a guild lead before I left game. the older permissions make more sense. they allowed for a probation setup for officers that were new to the role of an officer. The actual governing of each guild, and who is allowed to do certain things belongs to the personal discretion of the guild leader and their co leader if there is one.
07/18/2018 07:27 AMPosted by Xakopane
Having not been in a guild in beta, I did not know about these discrete changes. When I was able to log into the game and stay logged in I looked into this.

I am trying to wrap my brain around why one would lock out everyone but officers from changing their public notes? Why now have a "public note" and an "officer note" when both are effectively inaccessible to the player? I have asked for a rationale behind this change.

I wonder if somehow, with the Community "feature", there was some feeling this had to be done? I'm simply guessing.

We for one, use the member note as a way to track mains and alts. We make the note say their main's name and either "- main" or "- alt" That way, if we need to promote/demote/boot someone, we can sort the guild list by the member note and do it all in one shot. You cannot sort that way with the officer note....making it useless. Giving everyone the ability to edit their own notes kills this system, and replaces it with idiotic notes such as "PWN NOOBZ LUL"
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

Make sure you edit your OP and link this thread in it to keep it all together.
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

It won’t get locked - CM already confirmed this thread is being looked at and will be extended should the need arise. This convo occurred on another platform just FYI.