The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

07/24/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Osiris
It won’t get locked - CM already confirmed this thread is being looked at and will be extended should the need arise. This convo occurred on another platform just FYI.

If only Blizzard had some way of communicating directly with a concerned playerbase...
I know, I've got it! What if we had 'forums' where we could describe our complaints 'threads', we'll call them, where people with similar issues can discuss levelheadedly potential solutions that the developers could even peruse for ideas, if any good ideas were to be had!
And on Sundays, all the really stupid people could come out and post really stupid things.

*sigh* no, you're right, that's a terrible idea. I'll just have to keep thinking about it.
07/24/2018 03:44 PMPosted by Brewmistress
07/24/2018 03:39 PMPosted by Osiris
It won’t get locked - CM already confirmed this thread is being looked at and will be extended should the need arise. This convo occurred on another platform just FYI.

If only Blizzard had some way of communicating directly with a concerned playerbase...
I know, I've got it! What if we had 'forums' where we could describe our complaints 'threads', we'll call them, where people with similar issues can discuss levelheadedly potential solutions that the developers could even peruse for ideas, if any good ideas were to be had!
And on Sundays, all the really stupid people could come out and post really stupid things.

*sigh* no, you're right, that's a terrible idea. I'll just have to keep thinking about it.

Get where you’re coming from for sure - sometimes it’s easier in the moment to respond to a PM or message vs. come to the forums - slap your blue posting influence on a thread - when you don’t have anything of value to add yet. Not defending the lack of blue response here, but I’m personally ok with holding out for a quality response vs. a “we hear you but don’t have any plans or changes in the pipe.” type response.
07/18/2018 08:24 AMPosted by Xakopane
07/18/2018 07:44 AMPosted by Loendor

Because giving someone the access to edit public notes allows them to change literally everyone's public notes. Clearly you've never had to fix an entire roster of profane public notes. Add that to the notion that there's absolutely no audit history for seeing who did it and you have the perfect troll permission.

I have not had any issues with people changing others' public notes so allowing permission to let players alter public notes wasn't a problem.

I do agree having a permission setting allowing players to change their own public note (and only theirs) would be terrific.

My comment about why now have two notes was not articulated fully. Before, one note was for the player, the other for the officers. Now since both can only be changed by an officer, one has lost function.

Give us the ability to sort a Member List by both and you would be right.
Daily bump

Seriously hope this gets fixed, tensions are already starting to build in my guild because I had to remove so many permissions people had before this as I can't have 100 officers in my guild. My guild is the only reason you receive money from me every month blizzard, if it wasn't for them I would have quit years ago so please fix this mess!
07/24/2018 03:48 PMPosted by Osiris
07/24/2018 03:44 PMPosted by Brewmistress

If only Blizzard had some way of communicating directly with a concerned playerbase...
I know, I've got it! What if we had 'forums' where we could describe our complaints 'threads', we'll call them, where people with similar issues can discuss levelheadedly potential solutions that the developers could even peruse for ideas, if any good ideas were to be had!
And on Sundays, all the really stupid people could come out and post really stupid things.

*sigh* no, you're right, that's a terrible idea. I'll just have to keep thinking about it.

Get where you’re coming from for sure - sometimes it’s easier in the moment to respond to a PM or message vs. come to the forums - slap your blue posting influence on a thread - when you don’t have anything of value to add yet. Not defending the lack of blue response here, but I’m personally ok with holding out for a quality response vs. a “we hear you but don’t have any plans or changes in the pipe.” type response.

It's been a week. I'm running out of hope that they will fix this. :(
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!
thanks for the cap extend second: apparently even with the /guildroster you cannot change the permissions like you used to. (they are locked so says my guild master)

So yeah, its literally the new way or bust right now.
1 Like
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

Can we get at least an explanation of what happened and if it's going to stay or not, or are you just doing this so the complaints can all be shepherded to one thread? I mean, if you don't know, you don't know, it'd just be nice to hear something. The silence is deafening.
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

Oh good, we can have an echo chamber for longer. What possibly more can be said about this topic?

I used to be excited when I saw blue responses.
Also, having the guild chat hang around indefinitely is not cool.
07/24/2018 05:20 PMPosted by Daugil
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

Can we get at least an explanation of what happened and if it's going to stay or not, or are you just doing this so the complaints can all be shepherded to one thread? I mean, if you don't know, you don't know, it'd just be nice to hear something. The silence is deafening.

My guess if they are extending the thread they are gathering the useful feedback provided here. Which would then be put up to discussion during a meeting when there is enough useful information to bring.
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Reading this is really upsetting me. I am close to up for promotions in two guilds soon, are you guys saying they can't even be granted to me now??
07/24/2018 05:20 PMPosted by Daugil
or are you just doing this so the complaints can all be shepherded to one thread?
07/24/2018 05:21 PMPosted by Ssleak
Oh good, we can have an echo chamber for longer.
Pretty much this. What else can we expect from them???
I am hopeful they will collect all the good ideas players are putting forward about guild functionality and add them back. Maybe just maybe we'll get even more that we have been asking for them to give back to us!
07/24/2018 05:18 PMPosted by Ythisens
07/24/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Restomak
We're at 23 pages now, and I suspect this thread will soon get locked without a page extension by Blizzard. I'm going to bump my own post made about this very exact topic. Feel free to continue there if this gets locked.

This isn't needed as I've extended the thread cap on this one. Thanks guys!

Can the devs please just come onto the forums and give reasoning, updates and flat out answers? Seriously, this was posted a week ago, where the hell are the devs? I know you are just a community manager and just get yelled at a lot but you have to understand player frustration when terrible changes are being made without so much as a country argument or acknowledgement from the Devs. Atleast Ghostcrawler was a regular on here to explain the decisions being made and give counters to complaints.
Personally, I would be generally annoyed having to tell my guild master or officer to update my ilvl every time it changes or if i decide to raid with a different spec.

The suggestion I would have is to add another tab to pull useful information for. Hell, it would be amazing to have a tab for the officers and guild to simply look at our fellow guildies talents and armory within game. I often ask fellow guild mates what they run when they play a different class and if they are not online I can check it out myself and ask them more on point questions.
Before the prepatch, I had the guild rank of "Bank Manager". It's not exactly an officer, but did have some officer privileges such as inviting, promoting, demoting, removing from the guild, and editing guild notes. I'm responsible for making sure our raiders are buffed up for the fights; cauldrons, feasts, etc.

It was useful because while I might not be an officer, I do play a lot and having access to those things really helped make it so the actual officers didn't need to log in every time someone needed a guild invite, or when something happened within the guild that was easily solvable.

If there's any way to revert the guild menu/privileges back to how they were, but keep the community menu, that would be amazing. Although, if it were up to me, the entire community tab would be scrapped altogether; WoW is the community, creating communities within a community only leads to bad things imo.
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Also, guild chat hangs around forever. New guild members can see what was posted in guild chat prior to them joining. Also, officers can view messages posted in officer chat prior to their promotion.

This is not a good idea.
Let me add in my support for the return of the old options (and even more options would be good). Now I have people with alts who didn't remember to label themselves when they got invited and I have no idea who they are because they can't label themselves when they get a chance. It's harder to sort through who might need to be demoted due to inactivity/removed because they're clearly someone who will never come back. In my guild, being able to change everyone's public notes was a source of hilarity that is now gone to all but me.

In short, this sucks.
07/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Gruuhr
Also, officers can view messages posted in officer chat prior to their promotion.

This is not a good idea.


yeah, this needs to go