The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

How can they not see they've made a mistake? I haven't seen one post anywhere from someone that supports this change which is unusual for these forums as there's usually people on both sides of the debate.

We're not going anywhere Blizz, stop ignoring us!
Dunno if this had been mentioned, haven’t made it through all the pages. The new UI is aesthetically pleasing but it really screwed up some things for guild leaders. Like not being able to sort by activity (at least I haven’t found the button for that yet). I put inactive members in a separate rank so I can see my active vs. non active. Now I have to look at individual members when before it was much easier. This is in addition to all of the blanket changes made to rank permissions. I can always use /guildroster but I don’t like having to deal with work arounds that will most likely inevitably be removed.
07/23/2018 06:57 PMPosted by Velganice
Dunno if this had been mentioned, haven’t made it through all the pages. The new UI is aesthetically pleasing but it really screwed up some things for guild leaders. Like not being able to sort by activity (at least I haven’t found the button for that yet). I put inactive members in a separate rank so I can see my active vs. non active. Now I have to look at individual members when before it was much easier. This is in addition to all of the blanket changes made to rank permissions. I can always use /guildroster but I don’t like having to deal with work arounds that will most likely inevitably be removed.

Yeah, a few pages back or a few threads ago the "Last Online" thing was noted to be hotfixed back in.

If you go to your guild Roster and show all offline members, your Zone tab is now the "Last Online" area. :)
Adding my voice to the chorus of jeers ... Logged in today for the first time since the change and it took me less than 1 minute to hate this change. I have my Raid Core rank split into two ranks on the roster so that I can give specific people the ability to edit public and officer notes but not where they can see Officer Chat. Now I can't let anyone but Officers edit notes.

In what alternate reality did this seem like a good idea? Who at Blizzard was assigned the task of telling me how I have to set my ranks after like 15 years of doing it the same way?

There is no logic in this place ... :(
Bump Bump!
07/23/2018 06:42 PMPosted by Calathiel
at least communicate with your guild leaders, Blizzard. That change damaged a lot of structure for guilds and you have many guild leaders who are frantically trying to soften the impact right now with not much support.

Please, this. It's impossible to plan or work on restructuring without any communication. We need information so we can organize our guilds going into BFA content.

I was planning a round of promotions, but now I feel like I have to wait. I don't want to get people's hopes up only to say "HAHA just kidding. No new permissions for you. Actually, you're losing permissions instead. Happy promotion!"
Posting here again to express my disdain with the changes. You can refer to my initial post on page 16 of this topic.

To summarize:

(1) Revert the guild system permissions back to the way it was at the very least.

(2) Revert the system back to the way it was with some guild bank record/log additions as suggested in my post. You know, stuff that will actually help guild masters and their chosen leadership keep track of money and item logs. If you can keep a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character, you can add a simple feature that lets me keep track of a few total guild bank records.

(3) Guild masters will determine what it means to be an "officer" in their respective guilds, not some Blizzard employee(s) who wants to tinker. I don't need clumsy, one-size-fits-all, top-down interventions imposed upon our community. Give us customization, let us manage at the local level, and then get the Hell out. Let us do our business as guild masters, as lacking as the controls already were pre-patch. They were at least better then.

It's a simple UI change but it's a giant thorn in our sides right now. Please address sooner than later.
07/23/2018 09:53 PMPosted by Wretchedmist
Posting here again to express my disdain with the changes. You can refer to my initial post on page 16 of this topic.

To summarize:

(1) Revert the guild system permissions back to the way it was at the very least.

(2) Revert the system back to the way it was with some guild bank record/log additions as suggested in my post. You know, stuff that will actually help guild masters and their chosen leadership keep track of money and item logs. If you can keep a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character, you can add a simple feature that lets me keep track of a few total guild bank records.

(3) Guild masters will determine what it means to be an "officer" in their respective guilds, not some Blizzard employee(s) who wants to tinker. I don't need clumsy, one-size-fits-all, top-down interventions imposed upon our community. Give us customization, let us manage at the local level, and then get the Hell out. Let us do our business as guild masters, as lacking as the controls already were pre-patch. They were at least better then.

It's a simple UI change but it's a giant thorn in our sides right now. Please address sooner than later.

I also wish it would stop ratting me out if I need to demote/remove someone.... While I don't mind explaining myself like oh they were a toxic *(&$# so I handled it.... I do get annoyed typing it. View log should be a permission as well and I agree GM's need long logs (like for the current reset cycle at the least) as far as guild bank withdrawl logs go.
07/23/2018 09:34 PMPosted by Takoda
07/23/2018 06:42 PMPosted by Calathiel
at least communicate with your guild leaders, Blizzard. That change damaged a lot of structure for guilds and you have many guild leaders who are frantically trying to soften the impact right now with not much support.

Please, this. It's impossible to plan or work on restructuring without any communication. We need information so we can organize our guilds going into BFA content.

I was planning a round of promotions, but now I feel like I have to wait. I don't want to get people's hopes up only to say "HAHA just kidding. No new permissions for you. Actually, you're losing permissions instead. Happy promotion!"

I would honestly encourage you to send them links to this thread and others so they can see that it isn't you specifically and that it's a forced change one blizzards end.
plain and simple.. they need to revert the permissions period
My daily bump Dear blizzard:

In the past five days i have seen 32 separate threads on this exact same topic, i have linked every single one back to this post so you will notice it finally.
In total that is around 60-70 pages worth of posts on this exact topic. I have made it my personal mission to make sure EVERYONE is made aware of these changes that you tried so desperately to hide.

At the time of making this post we are at 21 pages with no blue post. To say you haven't seen it as this point is literally beyond a joke. We know you are ignoring us and i am here to tell you it will not work. We aren't going to fade away into the darkness. We will oppose this change until the end of days....

Sincerely yours, One baffled Guild Master
I've been watching this and all the other threads about this change, quietly waiting and hoping it would be addressed. Suppose I'll speak up and add my voice in with the rest of you. I'm absolutely livid. I'm fortunate to only have a couple officers in my small guild whom I've known for years and trust not to mess with anything they weren't previously allowed to... but even they agree that this is absurd.

Public notes - I allowed this for everyone in my guild and have my members keep their notes up to date with their main spec and item levels, so we can keep track of who needs extra help gearing. There's no way to do this now, it's unreasonable to expect officers to keep every member's note up to date.
Calendar events - Like most people here have expressed, I'd allowed anyone in my guild to schedule events. We have people who used to schedule mount/xmog/achievement runs, fun events, alt raids, etc. We all have different schedules, expecting officers to schedule every event someone wants to create is just not feasible.
Officer chat - I had a rank between my raiders and my officers that was allowed officer chat, because they were people who had frequent valuable input especially about and during raids. We could discuss strategy and ideas without spamming up the /guild or /raid channels. Can't have that now.
Guild Information - There is just no excuse at all why I should have to choose between having no officers, or giving people the power to mess with this feature that they have no real reason to mess with.
Deleting members' chat in the new guild/community interface - No. Just no, how did anyone think this was a good idea to lump into officer privileges? If this stays, then GM's should have the ability to see what was deleted.

As I said, I'm lucky to have officers I [think] I can trust as we've been in this game and guild together 5+ years now. While I don't foresee myself running into any actual "problems", it's still ridiculous, incredibly limiting, and unacceptable that I'm forced to allow my officers way too much power and hope they don't abuse it, or just not have officers. It's more unacceptable that I cannot give my non-officer members the ability to do things for themselves without an officer or myself to hold their hand.

Please... please revert.
07/21/2018 08:01 PMPosted by Sackbags
Guys...its called Sleight of Hand... They took way more away then they are actually intending.

Then they will return this or that to appease the drones, like they planned beforehand.

Then the drones advocate for Blizzard sighting how they "listen" etc etc

If you play wow you are the one being played.

I'm amazed this still hasn't been addressed.
07/23/2018 10:56 PMPosted by Mcgrammar
At the time of making this post we are at 21 pages with no blue post. To say you haven't seen it as this point is literally beyond a joke. We know you are ignoring us and i am here to tell you it will not work. We aren't going to fade away into the darkness. We will oppose this change until the end of days....

Sincerely yours, One baffled Guild Master

I can't say this any better.
Please revert the guild permissions changes. We need granular controls.
07/23/2018 02:33 PMPosted by Polgara
I said it earlier, and I will say it again: You don’t build ‘Communities’ by taking away the tools that guilds have been using to enhance social interaction.

Some of us assumed that Blizzard created the Communities feature to keep people in-house and not have them using Discord. After reading about guilds that are using Discord to handle things that they used to handle in-game, I would say there is a bit of a ‘miss’ here.
07/23/2018 06:42 PMPosted by Calathiel

Reminder that though you see rp guilds upset at this, it's affecting many types of guilds. I'm so glad the developers listen to the player base and give us features we asked for.. wait. We didn't ask for this? NO ONE DID? Gasp.

While we're on an RP realm, we are not a full RP guild by any means, and we too fell into this issue with the all or nothing permission structure we got put into. So yes, as Mezilrin stated, many types of guilds are in this issue.

Even if this was a 'temporary' thing? That's fine - but at least communicate with your guild leaders, Blizzard. That change damaged a lot of structure for guilds and you have many guild leaders who are frantically trying to soften the impact right now with not much support.



I do not understand why they won't respond to us. You can't pretend you didn't notice us. We were a high voted question on the Q&A and we've got threads with pages of guild leaders asking you for an explanation. At this point I'm beginning to think they're avoiding us.
Here's a bump. For the people flabbergasted by the lack of a Blizzard response, take a look at the BFA beta forum. There's dozens of posts with hundreds more comments that have gone *months* without a single reply from Blizzard. You guys might be waiting a while, but keep at it.

With that in mind, have some salt: "I'm sure it'll get fixed in 8.1" along with everything else.
I wouldn't be quite so pissed about this if blizzard actually provided some kind of insight on this decision at least. The fact that they keep changing and removing things that people like while not giving any indication of why is like a slap in the face to their player base. Just as an FYI blizzard people don't like this and along with some of the other changes you've made might actually push newer players away (I know because I am pretty new with only a few months of playing so far).
Another Bump because this issue has received no official Blizzard response (at least to my knowledge).

BNet services are pretty regularly dropped for w/e reason we are now completely removed from all guild chat services. Previously, these disconnects hadn't affected in-game guild chat and now it does.

Blizzard, I get your goal with these communities and I approve of the idea. But these are, in no way, functioning as intended and probably should never have made it past Alpha in this stage, let alone live. I don't typically call for people's heads over mistakes like this, but the roll out of these Communities have been so disruptive to nearly every aspect of the game, I would consider, at a minimum, a rather severe reprimand for whoever signed off on publishing this feature to live in this state.

Story lines and whatnot are one thing; people will have different opinions on how you should tell your story, and that's fine. This Community debacle is objectively inferior to what you already had implemented. This is an issue that you need to communicate with the community about because objective failures like this will drive away your player-base faster than any morally grey storytelling ever will.