The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I was looking at the permissions that are all lumped together and just wondering what the logic was behind it. Ion said the change wasn’t intentional, but I’m starting to wonder if that was true or not. I mean, he also said they were working on a fix.

None of this makes any sense to me, to be honest. there was no reason to lump it all together. Then they pulled a couple of things out (like inviting members or updating your own member note). If they could separate a few things, why not all? What’s so hard about making a checkbox for each permission so GM’s can assign them to whatever rank they wish?


Yay! Finally was able to change my avatar!

Unfortunately, no change in the permissions. :cry:



Still no changes.

Not that I really expected any, but with all the prelaunch event stuff, there was a tiny chance they might have slipped something in… Aw, who am I kidding? There was never any chance.



The dedication shown to this thread is both inspiring and depressing at the same time.

Keep up the fight!


It’s not much of a fight when everything falls on deaf ears.

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Winged figures appear through the shattered sky and call upon this thread to rise again!

This thread has returned, infused with dark magic!

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You do realize that this thread has been continually posted in from it’s beginning, right? It’s not a Necro.


Not even thirty posts have passed since the last necro accusation…

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It’s a joke, why so serious. Only hurting yourself.

Being wrong doesn’t make what you said a joke. Maybe read more that the opening post if you want to enter a discussion? To that end, what do you think about the guild permissions for officers?


As amusing as your quote is, you cannot rez what was never dead.

Though, I must confess, my hope for Blizz ever implementing the fix Ion claimed they were working on is looking a lot like the in-game zombies right now.


That always amused me when running ICC, Arthas says “watch while I raise these heroes from the dead!” and I’m over there convulsing but very definitely not dead. That ‘cannot resurrect’ buff always confused me because no one can release while combat is still going…

Would kill to have this fixed already, so disappointing.


Hi all, still lurking here and hoping for an answer from Blizzard…


Blizzard stopped reading this thread a long long time ago. I think they all blacklisted it as spam or something.


Well! Blizzard have responded to yet another one of my bug reports regarding the guild controls!

After Communities came out, new guildies would of course, automatically enter as lowest rank and our lowest rank was muted in gchat. In our guild that rank is Wednesday and all Wednesdays had to be ranked up to Thursday (new member) so they could use the gchat. Well for the longest time, new guildies had to log off then back on to gchat! Now, after me and other guild leaders sent in the same bug report 2x a month, for many months, I’m happy to report it has been fixed! New guildies just need to be ranked up to Thursday and now they can, like it was intended, gchat. Woohoo!

I just wanted to encourage you all to try tested avenues that get the results you are after. Remember, the only blue response here we ever got came from me submitting requests in-game and posting…where Blizzard told us to post it.

I’m perfectly happy with the guild controls as they are now, however if I were unhappy about them, I would submit a suggestion 2x a month as well consider submitting it as a bug (both in game). If there had been over 4k such reports, I wonder if people would have been listened to? Anything worth having is worth fighting for, so make sure you use all the tools at your disposal!

Thanks again Blizzard! Good luck out there to you players and enjoy Shadowlands!

Yay! Good to have you back!

That is the plan!

But not being ignored by the community.

Hey - where is our missing cow? Hope you’re doing well.

Quoted for truth.

The new system has so much promise, if they would just stabilize it and revert the permissions so they are more granular.

Amen sister.

Hope you are all doing well, my friends! Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t see you before then!


Very glad to hear this. :+1:

What makes you think we haven’t submitted bug reports? I mean, seriously. Don’t you think we ALL did that two-plus years ago when this first appeared? When Ion admitted the permissions change wasn’t intentional and said they were working on a fix, should we have continued to spam bug reports? And are you certain that some of us didn’t do that anyway?

It’s pretty obvious that it doesn’t really matter how we contact Blizzard, they’ll fix things when they’re darn good and ready to fix them. In this case, it seems like that’s going to be sometime after the twelfth of never and not a moment sooner.


Oh! Hi there, Polgara! Yes. Ummm. The beta didn’t exactly impress me, so I kindof didn’t purchase Shadowlands…

Hope you guys have fun tho. It’s off to Classic for me!

Blizz, plz. Like srsly. It’s like you haven’t cleaned your apartment in years and then wonder why I don’t like to come over anymore. I’m not going to make a fuss about the pizza box from last night. But that moldy one from who knows how long ago is just not appropriate. Just get back to the basics! You know, like guilds and classes and a rag soaked in lemon scented cleaner.


Can’t login to play, because after all these years and expacs, Blizzard still can’t figure out servers… so, guess I’ll bump this thread of something else Blizzard won’t fix/improve…