The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Just wanted to complain that I’m still mad about the permissions…




Please fix the guild permissions.

Two years…


So…someone decided it would be a great idea to give me beta access yesterday. :clown_face: I’ll regale you all with my adventures.

I installed the beta, did a bit of intro stuff. Poked around the new city. Got confused and asked a guard where the Stormwind portal is. Took the portal, and hauled my happy little butt straight to the guild charter vendor.

I asked the vendor nicely for a charter. One with the name “Beta Life,” please! He said, “Here you go!” But instead of handing me a charter, he just stood there. And then my game crashed.

I logged back in, and I was in the Stormwind portal room instead of in the Trade District. “That’s odd,” I thought. “Let’s try that again.” So I did the exact same thing. Game crashed again.

“Maybe the name is the problem?” So, my third attempt I asked ever so politely for a charter with the name “Testers R Us.” Game crashed again. Well at this point, there is a very clear pattern. So I submitted a bug report.

There are a few guilds listed in the guild finder, so apparently guilds were create-able at some point in the beta. I’ll try again later.



I laughed way too hard at this. (It seemed so metaphorical.)

I finally got an actual reply to my ticket regarding my own guild (of which I am now the GM). The first two replies were 1) a canned response and 2) completely missing the question(s). Third time was the charm. Apparently there is a bug that is causing the contents of some guild banks to be unviewable. This should soon be fixed with either a hotfix or patch.

The Specialist Game Master who answered my questions insisted that they’re very hands-off when it comes to guild leadership, and the fact that I was promoted without ever using the dethrone feature must have also been a bug. I find this interesting, and I wonder how many players have become GM’s without even realizing it.

Clearly, there are a lot of bugs involving guilds now: Applicant viewing, guild banks, and automatic dethroning are the ones I’ve personally experienced. Maybe having so many issues will cause Blizz to devote some serious development hours to guilds? We can hope, right?


Still waiting.



Yup, that would be the response of a company with pride in their product and a deep-seated desire to help their customers. Blizz, on the other hand, is lately more likely to decide that guilds are too much trouble and really aren’t needed. After all, communities are just cross-server guilds, right?

Please Blizz, fix the permissions, fix the UI, fix the recruitment, show that guilds still matter in your plans.


Can’t switch to Fumel–apparently the forums are bugged, too.

Just wanted to report the applicant bug is still a thing, and of course, the permissions are still lumped together. At this point, I’m only posting through sheer stubbornness. If Blizz wants me to stop, they’ll have to shut the thread down.


Some good news! Last night our guild finder was working! We were able to post our recruit blurb, and see the applicants and applicant history!


That’s encouraging! I still can’t see my applicants/applicant history, but maybe they have to do it one realm at a time. I also still don’t see anything in my guild bank, though I was able to put an item in and could see it and take it out again. Very odd.

Oh, and still unable to switch to Fumel for the forums. I didn’t check him yet today so I don’t know if his applicant/applicant history is working. Perhaps I should do that before I get back to work.

Edit: Fumel’s applicant/applicant history are repaired. He already had a listing in the finder. Of course, the permissions are still lumped together. I’m afraid Blizzard has decided that’s how they like them and we’re wasting pixels here. C’est la WoW.

Still can’t believe this was a decision someone made and that it’s still in game. Who thought lumping these was a good idea? I’d like to cook them a lovely dinner Salmon, Ribeye with gravy, a nice mash and some peas. All cut up and stirred into the same lukewarm bowl.


Post got way too low, so bump.


I tried to give one of my guild ranks the permission to invite from guild finder and change guild notes last night and had totally forgot that is not possible unless you give them all permission to be officers. Why is this not changed back to the way it was originally. Made so much more sense to be able to pick and choose what each rank in guild could do instead of it being preset to pretty much all or nothing.


My beta adventure continues. They have fixed the bug that prevented me from getting a charter, so I succeeded tonight in getting a look at the permissions screen. Sadly, it is not good news. Here’s a screenshot.

I tested about everything I could think of with the guild settings, checking for more bugs to report. You’ll be delighted to know that the tabard UI is still horrible. I had to use the default UI as a work around for /groster, which was an interesting change of pace. The recruitment page isn’t working in /groster, but does work in the default UI.

Outside of the odd beta quirk like things not working 100% smoothly, it doesn’t look like they have made any changes to guilds at all. Guild vaults are the same, permissions are the same. I did not test communities, but I assume they are the same too.

LMK if you guys want something else tested or checked. I’ll do my best to get you an answer.


Thanks for doing this Takoda. As disappointing as this news is, it’s certainly no surprise. I truly wish guilds were a higher priority for Blizzard, but apparently meeting a launch date is more important (and doesn’t require guild functionality).

We can still hope they have guild improvements in the works–but we’ve gone an entire expansion with this garbage. At this point I think they have no intention of doing squat about it.


Ya know what I’d love? A massive guild overhaul that dwarfs even what Cataclysm attempted. I want an expansion centered on it!

We get out of the SL a few decades in the future, and in our absence the factions have fallen into ruin, and are incapable of fending off whatever threat is currently assailing Azeroth (Probably the fanatical Army of the Light) and take it upon ourselves to sort this out. So we have to gather our stalwart companions to repel the invasion and reunite Azeroth.

In the expanded guild system…

  • Guild permissions finally get fixed
  • Several bonuses are given when in guild groups, including bonus xp, loot drops, and rep gains in dungeons and questing.
  • Master Looter can be used while in a guild group.

And the center piece: Guild Halls! Guilds can purchase a guild hall located in a preset location in many different zones across the Universe of Azeroth, which can be upgraded to include several features.

  • An inn allowing you to set your hearthstone.
  • A crafting board, where members can request crafts and other guild members can fill the order, without the two players having to meet.
  • An auction house
  • Bank and guild bank access.
  • Portals to locations around Azeroth that you can choose

The layout of your guild hall is customizable by the GM and members they designate. Additionally, your hall can be livened up with many different preset themes, unlocked by completing certain major achievements as a guild, such as completing different dungeons as a guild group, winning a certain number of pvp modes, or amassing a large amount of gold in the guild bank.


There have been so many great ideas for guilds presented in this thread (especially after Ion specifically asked for feedback) that Blizzard would have no trouble finding at least a few to implement. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure no one there is paying any attention at all to this thread any more.

Still, I like your ideas Xethorsiph. I wish you worked for Blizz.


Almost 2.5 years and still, no solution.


Instead of a thread cap, how about a fix? Last Blue post was Jul’18


The worst part is Ythisens was one of the mods who got fired in the purge a while back. This thread is so old, it’s probably been around longer than half Blizzard’s work force.


I just came back recently and started a guild with my friends, and yikes. The new guild UI is dreadful. I know this is an old thread but it is still an issue. I mean, a small one on the grand scheme of things, but still… awful UI. I miss the old one.