The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Speak sista! 5 guys on alts…good lord, we can count.

In addition, in all that time they are “wasting”, the devs added ray tracing to Beta! OMG, the ray tracing goodness is real…now that’s a quality of life change!

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Lol, wouldn’t that be nice! :slightly_smiling_face:

There seem to be about… let’s see, the math might be difficult: 1+1=2 … ok, I think I have it now … 2 people who have come to troll and don’t seem to have the attention span to stay on topic.
I feel like Jane Goodall … such interesting behavior! :slightly_smiling_face:


I recall when you pointed out the alt thing in this thread, that was something else. It seems that’s how most “mega-threads” end up, the same 2 to 5 players posting to keep it alive. We, as humans, like to think that our little issues are a lot more important to everyone else then they really are, when in reality the masses simply don’t care.

Good morning friends! :slightly_smiling_face:

I think this will be my 42nd post in this thread over the past 2 years. I noticed this because it represents nearly half of the posts I have written. I realize that some of you post much more frequently, and while part of me regrets not having made more of an effort, at least earlier on, to support you here, life and work has to take priority over a game which I started playing accidentally! (It’s the only game I play and I only started to help my son who wanted the RAF rocket mount many years ago!)

While my guilds are functioning well, and remain two of the largest and most active guilds on our server, this doesn’t change the fact that the loss of functionality has had a negative tangible effect on many of you that is far greater than my own.

I’m a casual - always have been, always will be. I preferred the permissions when I had more fine control, but I do have an acceptable level of functionality. This doesn’t mean that I can’t, or won’t, support all of you who were impacted to a greater extent than I was. It also doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t prefer to have the old level of functionality back.

Have a great rest of your days folks - I need to finish getting ready for work!


I know it’s not exactly on topic, but it’s somewhat related, so I’m gonna piggyback: Community permissions/ranks… yikes. If Blizz gets in there and fixes guild permissions, they need to do something about communities as well.

I co-run an active community, and we hit cap pretty easily. Since you can’t put in custom ranks, or view the last time someone logged on, our only means of tracking active members is by promoting anyone and everyone who participates in the community in any capacity to a moderator, so that when we hit cap we can just purge out the inactives by getting rid of anyone who doesn’t have moderator status. It is not ideal, to say the least. Some new members get freaked out when they realize they’ve been promoted to moderator shortly after joining.


The guild permissions got broken when the whole communities thing launched. I have to assume they’re related. Ion said the effects on guild permissions was unintentional and that they were working on a fix. It seems to me that, because of the relationship between the guild and community functions, they probably can’t fix one without fixing the other.

So, if we get our wish, you should get yours, too!

(Note: Don’t be surprised if our resident HMP contrarian tells you there’s absolutely nothing wrong with communities permissions. He runs a community for “all” the GM’s on his server, you know, and everything is rainbows and unicorns over there.)


I am so sick and tired of people saying that because something is perfectly fine for them, the rest of us are complaining about a “non-issue.” And saying it’s not worth development time because Blizz is working on a new expansion. NEWS FLASH: They’re always working on a new expansion!

There are a lot of issues in WoW that don’t bother me at all. I wouldn’t even think of going into those threads and telling posters there to stuff it. I truly don’t understand the mindset of anyone who thinks they’re always right and the rest of us peons should just pipe down.

But thanks for letting me vent, Polgara. You’re a peach. :grin:


Not that I want to spend much time on it, but if I recall correctly, it started after he told everyone to abandon this thread and use his instead. When that didn’t happen the berating and humble-bragging started, followed by the belittling and insults. I’m a mom, and I’ve seen tantrums before - happily my son grew out of it before he was school age. :slightly_smiling_face: Honestly, I think by even saying this much we satisfy whatever ego-need is driving him/them and we would be better served to ignore it 100%.

More on topic, you’re right, they said it was unintended and they were open to fixing it. I know it’s impacted others to a much greater extent than it impacted me, so I keep coming back to show my support and let you know, that at least by me, you have not been forgotten.

It is not ‘good form’ to accidentally take functionality away from customers, say “whoops, didn’t mean to do that”, ask for feedback and then ignore them.


Hey Blizz. Permissions are still broken. Please fix them. Or do you still need more feedback? /s


Gorg speaks truth. Fix or Gorg crush.


What in the heck? Someone just told me come look at this little bit of revisionist history since it’s so completely wrong.

FACT #1: I am the ONLY poster here that has EVER gotten a response from a BLUE POSTER.

FACT #2: After I got the response the BLUE POSTER advised me to post this concern in the Bug Report Forums.

FACT #3: I did what the BLUE POSTER said to do. 10 days later the MUTE PERMISSIONS were restored.

You all go ahead and try to lie but the posts are there in the old, locked forums. What gets into you guys? I understand not knowing things but simply making stuff up to try and troll me? You need me to post this badly? Wow…

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fyi the old forums been gone since January.

Restore old permission functions please Blizzard and ty.


Preach sister!

Oh, and you might want to avoid feeding the troll in the future. :wink:


(because you seem to be asking for one)

All I’m asking for is the permissions we used to have, which Ion said they were working on getting back to us.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

I was going to ignore them, but since you decided to jump in, I guess I can play too:

FACT #1: Getting a response from a BLUE POSTER does not make one’s opinions more significant or more correct than anyone else posting in this thread.

FACT #2: Running a community of people who share one’s opinions does not make one’s opinions more significant or more correct than anyone else posting in this thread.

FACT #3: Having a BLUE POSTER reply to one’s thread and then, subsequently, seeing something fixed is not necessarily cause and effect. Correlation does not imply causation.

FACT #4: Feeling or acting self-important does not make one’s opinions more significant or more correct than anyone else posting in this thread.

And since we all love Shakespeare: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” - CliffsNotes: “commonly used to imply that someone who denies something very strongly is hiding the truth”.

And just to stay on topic:

As I’ve said many times, my guild is functioning fine - I can make it work. Some people here have been impacted to a much greater extent, and I am here to support them because my needs, desires and opinions are not more important than theirs.

I would, however, still personally prefer a return to the granular permissions because it facilitated a tiered, reward based, promotion methodology which worked very well for us in the past.


My greater concern now is the impact on merged realms. Not only are those guilds dealing with one-size-fits-all permissions for officer rank, but now the in game guild finder is broken. There are some workarounds to make sure the listing is published, but no one in the guild can see applicants nor applicant history. With the hype of SL and people returning, we’ve lost out on a major recruitment tool.


Oh. I believe I am on one of those newly merged realms. This is not good news.

I do hope it’s a bug that will be fixed asap. Then again, I thought the messed up permissions were a bug, too. This problem better not be one that lasts for the entire expansion.


This does seem like the kind of foundational issue that they will fix - I wouldn’t be too concerned.

What bothers me more is you were always the positive one pushing for a fix, while I (and others), were more skeptical. It is disheartening to hear you sound like this. :cry:

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Sorry. It’s hard to remain positive when everything around you is sliding toward disaster (not that the pandemic is affecting me as drastically as others). And it’s really hard to stay positive for more than two entire years.

I just can’t figure out what goes on over there at Blizzard. They (Ion) flat out told us the change was unintentional and that a fix was forthcoming. And yet, here we are. A new expansion dawning with no visible guild improvements, let alone a fix for this problem that’s plagued us all through Battle for Azeroth.

If I sound disheartened, there could be a reason.


Fumel from Arathor writes…
I just can’t figure out what goes on over there at Blizzard. They (Ion) flat out told us the change was unintentional and that a fix was forthcoming. And yet, here we are. A new expansion dawning with no visible guild improvements, let alone a fix for this problem that’s plagued us all through Battle for Azeroth.

I suspect two things.

(a) It’s working as intended. I don’t buy for a second that such a complicated and stable result was an “accident”. As far as fixing it, the B-Team hasn’t been shy about their utter contempt for the original audience that they inherited when they took over the game; given past behavior it’s hard to imagine why they’d restore functionality that “only a few nerds want back.”

(b) Hypothetically - hypothetically - if I were 100% evil, aside from putting my new “Discord Killer” app right in front of everyone’s face by making a permissions- and userlist- centipede with it, I could claim all those surprised and incidental new members as “Community users”. Suddenly I’m serious competition for Discord or Vimeo or whatever the kids are into these days and who’s not winning at life now dad???

It’s obviously working for somebody. We know it’s not working for _us_.