The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Give it up for day four of this daily routine.

Things are okay, but still not the way many people would like. For one of our upcoming mini campaigns, we have resorted to making regular events and hand-inviting people by name. In a guild with over 140 accounts, this has become painstaking. Our batch of regulars changes constantly, due to college courses and work schedules, some people that were regulars then become apart of the night crowd and vice versa.

Today, we're going to try and see if the guild event issue has been fixed somewhat. While I am still quite upset that permissions cannot be delegated anymore, if lower ranks can see guild events, then that is a good enough damage control for now. Still holding out hope, though. I'm now deadset on seeing this until we get an answer.
Daily bump because I'm sick of seeing my poor guildies try to do awesome, fun things for our guild and have to be stressed because they can't even make a guild event for it.

Also. I still can't stand the new guild UI. I just want to look at everyone's officer/public notes. How else do I know who's alt is who's?!
Yeah I can't think of any good or sensible reason for this change... hopefully it gets reverted.
Just a reminder that guilds are still flocking towards Discord to get away from the lack of customization guilds and communities both offer now. This change has taken massive social guilds with large raiding groups down to ghost towns as they do all their interaction through a third party program just to customize what everyone can do.

Everyone has lost their privileges. No one has gained any.
07/23/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Mathrenas
Just a reminder that guilds are still flocking towards Discord to get away from the lack of customization guilds and communities both offer now.

Which is really ironic, because the new Communities interface looks like an attempt to copy Discord (it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the UI).
I just wanted to reiterate how unhappy I am with these changes and am encouraging Blizzard to rethink this entire situation. Here in an excerpt from a rather lengthy post I previously made in this thread which sums up my feelings on the matter.

07/20/2018 08:41 AMPosted by Sara
I really appreciate the time that Blizzard puts into their work, and I don't mean to smear jelly all over someone's ideas or time spent on this. But frankly, the whole situation is a giant mess and I don't understand how these changes went through. It's really disappointing. The system we had before wasn't necessarily the prettiest to look at all the time but it was far more functional and relevant than this new system. I would really like Blizzard to revert some of these changes or make another pass at this, preferably before BFA. I won't up and abandon my guild over Blizzard's bad ideas, but it definitely makes being a guild master extremely frustrating, especially when my own members had limitations put on them that I didn't give them.
Bring back the old guild UI and give us a new separate interface for the communities tab.
New UI is an abomination
I said it earlier, and I will say it again: You don’t build ‘Communities’ by taking away the tools that guilds have been using to enhance social interaction.

Some of us assumed that Blizzard created the Communities feature to keep people in-house and not have them using Discord. After reading about guilds that are using Discord to handle things that they used to handle in-game, I would say there is a bit of a ‘miss’ here.

In the spirit of providing constructive criticism, I would ask for the following:
1. Return to the more granular permissions structure.
-- For my guild, in particular, we need:
-- Members to be able to edit their own public notes
-- Members to be able to create and view events
These basic permissions enhance the social aspects of our guild tremendously.

2. Return to the more granular officer permissions structure.
-- Separate Listen and Speak permissions for Officer Chat
-- Separate View and Edit permissions for Officers Note
These options created an environment where more people were able to participate.

3. Allow the GM to specify which ranks can edit the MOTD and Guild Info.
-- For guilds with multiple officer ranks, this is essential.

This would get us back to where we were. I would consider these to be “must haves”.

(Now for a “nice to have”)
If we are asking for new features, while I can think of several, the one thing I always thought was a glaring omission was having separate permissions for:

• Edit Own Public Note
• Edit All Public Notes

Thank you.
This is awful. I'm trying to wrap my head around why anyone felt this would be an improvement and all I can think of is "Make it easier to use". The kind of people who make apt guild leaders don't need an easier to use interface.
07/23/2018 02:46 PMPosted by Galladen
This is awful. I'm trying to wrap my head around why anyone felt this would be an improvement and all I can think of is "Make it easier to use". The kind of people who make apt guild leaders don't need an easier to use interface.

I suspect if might be closer to "make it easier to code", because it looks half-finished.
Browsing the forums a bit, I'm still seeing guild related threads popup of people still learning about these sudden changes. Have a nice list of them, and its a lot, from this last week.
I do hope they listen and bring back GM tools to discretely assign permissions to ranks.
Here's a question - does the LUA API allow for someone to write an addon that does allow for discrete permission assignments?
07/23/2018 06:56 AMPosted by Aeriara
In our guild we gave everyone the ability to add events to the calendar so that members would feel empowered to create their own RP or WPVP events, it's really crummy that that's no longer an option without giving all permissions. I also hate that members can't change their public note to mark alts. I can understand a consolidated rank for communities but it should have been left alone for guilds.

07/23/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Mathrenas
Just a reminder that guilds are still flocking towards Discord to get away from the lack of customization guilds and communities both offer now. This change has taken massive social guilds with large raiding groups down to ghost towns as they do all their interaction through a third party program just to customize what everyone can do.

Everyone has lost their privileges. No one has gained any.

Reminder that though you see rp guilds upset at this, it's affecting many types of guilds. I'm so glad the developers listen to the player base and give us features we asked for.. wait. We didn't ask for this? NO ONE DID? Gasp.

07/23/2018 05:33 PMPosted by Xakopane
Here's a question - does the LUA API allow for someone to write an addon that does allow for discrete permission assignments?

From what I gathered several of these options are protected now so writing something for it would be difficult/not possible unless you were blizzard someone should let the develop-oh wait. -_-

Yes I'm sarcastic now, it's been days and they're ignoring us. They're ignoring the gcd people too I think..
This thread is gonna cap before we get a response, and that GCD thread got a blue after 3 pages.

Bring back dead guild permissions! What is dead may never die!
Nope! GCD people finally got spoken to. At this rate we might get an answer by 8.2. Seriously. Guilds and the communities they have built are the reason some people stay subscribed in between patches after raiding is over.
07/23/2018 06:32 PMPosted by Lagspike
What is dead may never die!

Reminder that though you see rp guilds upset at this, it's affecting many types of guilds. I'm so glad the developers listen to the player base and give us features we asked for.. wait. We didn't ask for this? NO ONE DID? Gasp.

While we're on an RP realm, we are not a full RP guild by any means, and we too fell into this issue with the all or nothing permission structure we got put into. So yes, as Mezilrin stated, many types of guilds are in this issue.

Even if this was a 'temporary' thing? That's fine - but at least communicate with your guild leaders, Blizzard. That change damaged a lot of structure for guilds and you have many guild leaders who are frantically trying to soften the impact right now with not much support.