The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I don’t really see how the two are related myself, but who knows what goes on in the minds of those folks at Blizzard HQ?

I just can’t get over the fact that MORE THAN A YEAR AGO Ion admitted the messed up permissions were not intentional, that it was a problem, and that they were working on a fix. Then he asked for more feedback on what we’d like to see done for guilds.

And nothing has been done since.


Yes, my cynicism is showing, however, on 23rd of this month, it will be exactly two years since the Live Developer Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas where he asked for feedback; he even stated “let us know what problems you are having and we will do what we can to solve those problems”

For me it feels like guilds are a thorn in the side when they want to still focus on communities; once again you have to love communities as the devs hubris clouds their vision.


Why in the world would this situation make anyone cynical? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Guilds look great in beta! Communities work great too!


Awesome! Can you be more specific? What improvements have you seen?


The guild and community UI is identical to the one in BfA. Works great!

You should have an invite by now to check for yourselves guys. Mass invites went out Wednesday. If you got a “thank you” in your in-game mail for reporting cheaters, from Blizz, it comes the same day. At least it did for me and other guild leaders/guildies. Some people received an email (check your spam folder), some people logged in and the Launcher started updating by itself to add SL Beta to our game choices.

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Bumping for a fix.

Also don’t think new officers should be able to scroll up to read ochat that happened before they got promoted, but apparently this is also a thing.

Not all officers need the same permissions.


Guilds still missing granular permissions, communities still at abysmal participation rate, an objective net decrease in features due to standardized ranks.

Naturally it’s an HMP trolling about this and praising Blizzard just to be contrary.


^So much this!

Yes, but he’s our HMP. Doing what he does to keep the thread alive whether he wants to or not. :+1: :laughing:


Ion probably, none of his ideas make sense.


You knew he was trolling and were just asking for giggles, right? :wink:



(Oops. Pretend this is Fumel answering.)


Fumel! How are you my friend? I’m a bit worried - you’re looking a bit bovine these days! :cow: :crazy_face:


Had a slight case of cow pox. I’m over it now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wish this wait for granular guild permissions was over. I honestly don’t know how anybody could really be in favor of these all-in-one permissions. If you want all your officers to have all the permissions, you can always do that. But right now we don’t have the options we had two years ago, and I truly can’t see how that benefits anyone.


I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Everyone knows that we can function ‘as is’ - we are all functioning now. We all know that our friendly neighborhood trolls show up to stir the pot and that they are satisfied with the way things are.

That being said, there have been many reasons outlined (from role playing to raiding and more) for the return of granular permissions. For my guild the issue is being able to return to tiered/progressive responsibilities with multiple ranks of officers.

We were told this was unintended. Returning the granular permissions hurts no one and restores previous functionality. People who are happy with the way things are now can continue with their current setup. Those actually impacted by the unintended changes will have their functionality restored.

Trolls’ posts notwithstanding, no one loses if this is fixed and the functionality is restored.


One more bump to help call attention to what Bkizzard is trying to ignore…


Woohoo! SL pre-patch!

No better time to revert the guild permissions! It’s recruiting time, let’s goooo!


The Community recruiting tool has been off the chain!

One benefit of recruiting right now is that people are actually online. You can personally chat them, give ‘em an individual invite…get that warm fuzzy welcome to guild thing goin’…ahhh I love this part of the game :grinning:

You dork. It’s on the PTR. Don’t be acting like it’s live. :roll_eyes: