The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Nonsense. The top five posters add up to less than 1400 posts (atm). You need to count the top 17 posters to break the 2k mark. :laughing:

But what real difference does it make how many posts or posters there are? Seriously. Either the issue is a problem (and Blizzard has already admitted it is) or it’s not.

Either way, since it’s not a problem for you, Che, why do you keep posting? Morbid curiosity? Or are you secretly playing devil’s advocate to keep the thread alive? Hmm. :thinking:


the same people seem to make all these insane posts about how they need to restore or implement elements to the game that allow guilds to be more exclusive etc
i’m guessing these people are mostly people who do paid runs or something.

there has to be some economic incentive

anyway, i really hope blizzard continues to ignore these people and hopefully bans any addons they try to use to circumvent the rules
seriously imagined being this entitled as a tiny fraction of the playerbase

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Check out my guild, dude. Paid runs
 I can’t

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Been trying to check in on my guild most days. It’s just an alt guild, nothing special. A place where folks can level their alts in peace while still having guild perks (like the hasty hearth).

It would be nice to turn it into a more meaningful guild. I’ve had some nice convos with some of the members. Without granular permissions though, I just don’t want to bother. That’s my own problem, I know. But that’s how it is.


I’m still attempting (unsuccessfully so far) to find out the situation with permissions on the beta. Since Blizzard seems determined not to communicate with us, I have been pestering everyone I know, trying to find someone with beta access and asking them to make a guild and send me a screenshot of the permissions.

The response is usually, “They still haven’t fixed that?” This situation is beyond ridiculous. Thank you for the feathers, and the ability to put flowers in my braids (a daisy color option would be really great btw). But what I really want is for that dang “Is Officer” box to be gone already.


I’m really hoping you find something out–and that it’s good news. :+1:


This has gone on so long, I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not fixed before Shadowlands launch. (I don’t want to even imagine it won’t get fixed, ever.)


I can’t help feeling that Blizz is just waiting for us to give up.

Ion never should have told us they were working on a fix if they weren’t actually going to implement one. He never should have asked for more feedback if no one at Blizz was going to do anything with it. This entire situation is so bizarre that my head aches just thinking about it.


LOL, paid runs
! :rofl:

Got a nice “entitled” zinger in there too, and some Schadenfreude, neat.

We’re asking for guilds to return to being more customizeable, people can already be as exclusive as they want
what are you even on about


Yup. That’s exactly what I would like, too. The ability to assign different permissions to different characters/players–like we used to be able to do.

I think dropping the “about” sums up what I was wondering regarding that dude. But despite detailed explanations of how guilds work, he wants to believe this change makes guilds more egalitarian. I guess there’s no point in trying to reason with a lead brick.

I’d still like to know if anyone has seen anything in the beta regarding guilds and guild permissions.


I just use the old interface. I might look at the new one once a month. Having the old functions for setting rank permissions is critical. The big issue for me is needing possibly an additional rank slot, and more functionality when there is a problem. We could have one person cause a problem, then it’s a matter of sorting out which are their alts. Coupled with them connecting additional realms now, most any guild can easily hit the 1000 cap, It needs to change to an account system. Just put a 1000 limit to accounts. I know we have been talking about this since the day I walked into the Priest Class Hall and started getting comments from members in the guild in Officer chat. They did fix some problems, but it is far from being a big improvement. It is more of a step back.

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This is a pretty funny take honestly. I got a real chuckle out of our issue being taken as “entitled” considering 90% of the topics on this forum at any given time. :rofl: People get upset over the shade of color used in a spell animation and threaten to quit for life, go bug them.

And as for our “incentive”, a large proportion of this thread is made up of GM’s, from past and present, asking for the options back, that were available for 12 some odd years. The change was made in BfA with the communities system, and the only thing people want, is their OPTIONS back.

jeez mang


90% of the topics on this forum are mythic raiders whining about not having enough ways to gatekeep people or make more money from paid runs
so yeah.

like i said, if they are trustworthy enough to be an officer who cares? better to have more power spread out in guilds so individuals are less likely to be able to engage in toxic behavior

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Jeeze, I have to wonder if you’re being deliberately dense. Separating the permissions allows GM’s to spread them out among various members. Lumping all the permissions together forces GM’s to make only their most trusted friends officers–the exact thing you were complaining about. All we want is the ability to customize our guilds so the power to do things is shared in whatever way best suits our individual guilds.

It’s obvious to me that you are not a Guild Master and have never been one.


I’m a roleplayer in a roleplay guild. Custom ranks allowed me to slowly grant individuals more access and power in the guild as they progressed and became more trustworthy. None of it involved gatekeeping at all. No paid runs.

Further, more power spread out would be
having custom ranks to spread it out. Letting them do things without doing everything. So they can’t be toxic.

The old way allowed us to either make custom ranks or have strictly officers and members. This way only lets us have one. It’s a net loss.


which is the point, all officers should have certain powers. instead of the guild being run by one or several people who have all the actual power.

it decentralizes power which is good since it prevents corruption and nepotism

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??? ???

Lumping all the permissions together is the opposite of “decentralization.” Are your just trolling now? Seriously?

Do you truly not understand that the Guild Master is still the one in charge of everything? It’s just that now they can’t spread the permissions out among their members. We’re asking for Blizzard to put the permissions back to where GM’s can allow more members to use them.

You really don’t seem to grasp how this works at all. If you want less nepotism, you should be in favor of granular permissions and against having them all lumped together under one rank.

But you know, your complete misunderstanding of the situation does help boost the thread, so good for you! :+1:


I didn’t realize they’d opened servers all the way over in Bizarro World.


Seeing as this hasn’t been bumped in a day, I’ll take a moment to do that now.


I’m still wondering if anyone has heard any news from the beta (or any other source) if any changes are being made to guilds in Shadowlands. I’ve heard plenty of stuff about other things, but not a peep about guilds.

Yes, I want our permissions fixed. But I also want reassurance that Blizz still thinks guilds have a place in WoW. Because from where I sit, it’s not looking that way at all.


I think Bliz is reluctant to return granular guild control as that may be an indiication that communities are not as successful as they would like.

As we know Bliz make no errors at all and if we are unhappy about any changes it is we who must change.