The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Guild functionality has been so watered down that it no longer has a purpose. Players seldom identify with their guilds anymore. They play with some players wearing the same guild tabard. That’s it. Guilds have no more identity. Blizzard has diluted them down to nothing.

Realms have the same problem. The dynamic grouping tools have improved the quality of life for pve and pvp for sure, but the cost was realm identity. No one has pride in their realm anymore.

Factions also fell prey to blurred, but interesting, story lines. If it wasn’t for certain permanent systems that keep players from engaging with the other, they’d be gone too. Blizzard, you made Anduin into a pathetic wimp who doesn’t even help his own alliance members. You had us quest to train him to be what he is. The result is a reflection on us. At least allow us to run him through so his feeble example of Alliance leadership can be extinguished.

Give guilds free agency with perms and perks. This will bring back their significance in SL. Add some realm v realm competitions after the merges, or at least battle groups, anything. It doesn’t have to be direct competition either. It can be just progression recognition. How about the old content unlocks through realm contribution? At least they worked together for something.


I really appreciate your post, Abigail. It’s got the exact type of detailed feedback Ion and Lore asked for. I wish I could upvote it a dozen times. (Well, I could, but I don’t believe in alt-bombing likes. Just know that my like speaks for me and Fumel, plus all my other alts that never post on the forums.)


Still being swept under the rug by Blizz


Hello everyone,

I’m checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so.

As of now, I still haven’t assigned anyone in our guild with the “Is Officer” check box since there are certain permissions I will not assign, regardless of rank. As a result, nobody in the guild has access to any of those eight privileges since they’re all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of “an officer,” as defined by someone at Blizzard. I’ve been playing WoW since March of 2005, raiding since Molten Core of 2005, and leading our guild as guild master since TBC in 2007. I know our guild and how to effectively manage it, not some stranger who knows nothing about us. That’s as politely as I can say it.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. That’s all I’m asking for. Things have been more difficult, frustrating, and/or intrusive without granular permissions for many guild masters trying to manage their guild structures and styles.

For further recommendations to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, gold repairs, gold withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. If WoW developers can create and maintain a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character’s history, they can add a feature that lets me keep track of guild bank records. That would actually help guilds and their leaders manage things like donations rather than have to make Google sheets and such.

Please address this problem. This thread began on July 17, 2018. We’re now at July 17, 2020. We did it, folks. We reached two full years without a single fix we’ve asked for in this discussion. That’s absolutely absurd.

Many other recommendations to help guilds have already been provided in this thread. This information can be gleaned from some eager interns and would make a good project. You have what you need, and the “discussion” has already occurred. Read it, and pass the information along to the next group of people who need to make the corrections. Failure to do so will just further the stereotypes of poor communication and the apparent growing disregard for the gaming and guild community of WoW. That’s really sad. This permissions box issue is a microcosm of much larger problems occurring with WoW right now and the company in general.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too.

GM of Obsidian Spur - Thrall realm
2004 Horde launch guild


Happy Birthday, Thread! :birthday:

Seriously, this is beyond disgusting. If you’ve forgotten what the thread’s about, Blizz, just read Wretchedmist’s post above. It’s a nice summary.


I have been a guild leader since 2006 and wanted to commend you all for the great work done in this thread to get our old guild UI and permissions back. I do not understand why they were removed in the first place but I have been patiently waiting and following this thread in the hope that Blizzard would see the error they made. Lots of great comments and emotional pleas that have fallen on deaf ears. I am still an optimist at heart so maybe the powers that be just need to be reminded we are here by continuing to move the thread to the top of the list. Thank you everyone for keeping the fight alive.

Guild Leader
Damage Incorporated - Feathermoon


this is better though. it prevents nepotism and tyrannical control by singular guild leaders and gives control to a broader group. seems good

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Um. Have you ever been a guild leader? Because this comment makes absolutely no sense. The GM always controls ALL the permissions, whether they are lumped together (as they are now) or made separate (as they used to be).

Making the permissions granular (separate) allows the GM to spread control to various different members. Everyone gets their part to help out with the guild. With the permissions all lumped together, most GM’s either keep all the permissions to themselves, or parcel them out to only a select few.

The current permissions are the opposite of what you just claimed: they keep all the control in one spot instead of spreading it over a broader group.


which is what they could in the past to.

it just forces them to grant officers more power, which isn’t a bad thing.

instead of them solely being able to give powers to their select friends…lol

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No. It forces them to keep all the “power” to themselves or to give it to only their very best friends.

You very clearly do not run a guild, or you would understand this immediately.


which is what they would have done before anyway…if that’s how they felt.

it forces them to give more powers to officers which is a good thing…obviously. since it actually decentralizes power more

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/whoosh! :rofl:


Happy Anniversary folks! :upside_down_face:

Did they fix it while I was gone??? :crazy_face:


HEY EVERYBODY! Happy anniversary!

I wonder how long we have to keep this up before an extension requirement is needed again, and maybe somebody will look at this?

Anybody on the beta tests for SL consider the guild feedback in their bug reports? xD considering it was ignored this entire Expac :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope yall are well!


Only 4k responses?
Nothing to see here folks, move along.


I’ll check out your and Fumel’s posts

Still no movement on this topic? We have an expansion coming soon and we are stuck with an outdated console and rules from what, Pandaria, age? Not to mention outdated guild challenges and achievements… Wouldn’t it be nice to know Blizzard has got the backs of every guild out there, not just the ones that stream…


wow… my GM checks the “last online” to see whose been offline the longest when we need to open more space for new members or alts (mostly alts, honestly.) and we have several different “officer” levels, assigned to what they do. and most anyone can add a calendar event, in case they want to check on interest in certain activities (we recently had someone who wanted to see about dabbling in PvP. our guild is mostly M+ and raiding. with several of us levelling alts in it as well.).

we also have ranks to differentiate between new and long time, trusted members (like myself) who don’t really do our main activities, unless the raid/mythic team needs an extra body thats at least breathing. the long time members get some minor extra privileges (getting to pull out of the Gbank, for example. i can do that for certain tabs that a new member can’t. i usually don’t. but i like having the option of being able to grab a glyph or something if i can’t find it on the AH, and i’ll throw some gold in as an exchange. don’t like having to wait on an officer to come on to do that).

this change… not a good one. let guilds be able to give permissions as they wish.


This particular functionality was restored a while back (keep in mind this thread is two years old).

The main issue most of us have is that nearly all permissions are lumped together under the “is officer” heading. This means a GM can’t give different permissions to different ranks. They must either give all the permissions, or none.

Ion said (more than a year ago) that they were aware of the problem, that it was unintentional, and that they were working on a fix. We are still awaiting that “fix.”


Given that 2000 of them are from the same 5 people…you’re right!