The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Adding my bump. Just got all of my toons into my bank guild (Since my main guild’s been dead for ages) and had to toy with permissions. How it can be so uncustomizable is insane.


After over two months of being unable to actually view my guild I was told that I was in too many communities and had to leave some to see my guild.

Apparently, all communities and guilds you are in count against a battlenet-wide total, even the character only communities. As a super user who runs several communities and has multiple accounts I actually hit the cap which is absolutely absurd.


I did not realize this was a thing. Are all your accounts on the same b-net? Do they all count against this total?

I realize this affects only a small percentage of players, but it still seems like something Blizz should have made known.


With the dev update on Wednesday, I’m sure hoping addressing the many issues with communities, including the guild permissions, is something they do. I don’t have high hopes, but I’ve got some. It’s been almost- or maybe exactly- two years now… Blizzard, this lack of communication is the height of unprofessional.

Please communicate with your playerbase. Please fix the permissions.


I’m not sure which is worse, them not telling us anything, or them telling us they’re working on a fix and then not doing it.

Technically, I suppose they could still be “working on it.” The thing is, putting something on your to-do list doesn’t count as actually doing it. It’s been more than a year since Ion said they were working on a fix for the permissions. I can’t believe they’ve been actively working on it that long, so I have to assume it’s been buried under “higher priority” items.

It would just be really nice to know if they truly intend to ever fix this.


Yes ma’am. I have several RP communities I run and wanted to be in them on my characters so I don’t miss people posting.

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And with the closing of the dev livestream we are left of course with no answers on guild permissions. I’m disappointed, but not surprised. For all the great feedback I’m sure they’re getting on Alpha, and the importance of ensuring that gameplay is fixed and ready for Beta…

C’mon guys. Two years of feedback for an issue you already said you were aware of and would work towards. This is just as much a fundamental aspect of the game as the other functions- guilds and communities are a big part of the social sphere when it comes to MMOs- the fact that guild leaders can no longer have a wide range of customization when it comes to their permissions is an admitted oversight and unintended negative consequence…

So why has it taken so long to fix, and why have you taken so long to get back to us? I’m looking forward to Beta, but what I’m looking forward to more is the chance we’ll hear something- anything- about where this fix is currently, if it’s being fixed at all.


Oh, Yay! Finally able to change forum avatars!

Very sad about this, but, like you, not at all surprised.

I want to think they’ll have things fixed for Shadowlands. I really do.


But I thought this was going to be fixed over a year ago, and look where that thinking got me. :cry:

We gave feedback. I combed through the thread and reposted lots of that feedback in an attempt to make it easier for folks to read it. I stopped doing that because 1) it was very time consuming, 2) I got picked on, and 3) it wasn’t doing any good.

Now I post just to remind Blizzard that this is still an issue, and we haven’t forgotten. (Even though they apparently have.)


Strong leadership. I’m not sure why you think it’s such a task for a good GM to manage a guild if they have a strong officer-core and decent management skills. Check boxes don’t help you “deal with it”. Do you really need a check box for who can set the MotD?

A guild needs a GM and officers who dedicate time to it. If one isn’t going to dedicate themselves and their time to a guild then why even do it?

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My guild(as in the one I was GM of) used to have two officer ranks. One had about half the permissions than the other. Now there’s just one.

Trusting your officers shouldn’t really factor into it. Why take the choices away from the players? It’s just obnoxious.


So you are still on about how its ok to completely remove helpful features because

Fine. I remember what I was paid to be an office manager; pay up.
Or, conversely, Blizzard could quit taking things away from us and spend their efforts on improvements called for and sadly needed.

Let’s say you are a race car driver; good, solid and knowlegable. You are entered into, and qualify for, the Indy 500.
You are then given a Ferrari 246 F1, and told your strong driving skills will compensate, if you really are that good.
Get the idea? We’re not here to live up to YOUR personal ideal of proving oneself.
So quit insulting everyone here and be productive.


I agree with you but it’s just what they do on the forums all day every day - arguing for the sake of arguing.


Yes. It’s their mentality. Each choice a player retains drives them nuts. Those variables are intolerable to them. We are supposed to be good docile cattle that always pays our sub on time.


Okay, going to do what I do best and let someone else do the talking for me here. First, though, I’m going to point out, as plainly as possible, that NOT EVERY GUILD IS THE SAME OR SERVES THE SAME PURPOSE. Is that really too difficult for you to understand? Really?

Now, here is an example from earlier in the thread where a player explains why granular permissions are useful for a different type of guild:

All through the thread, but especially in the early part, there is tons of great feedback on how people use granular permissions in their guilds (especially as a reward system) and why they want such permission flexibility returned to them. I sincerely hope that Blizzard is not nearly as dense about understanding this as some seem to be.

Since Ion said they were aware of the “problem”, I assume they do indeed understand it’s a problem. They just don’t seem to consider it a priority. I keep posting here to prod them into making it a priority.

Yesuna, your opinion that it’s not a problem doesn’t change the facts in any way. It is a problem for many, many guilds. This really isn’t up for debate. We were told there would be a fix. We are still waiting.


Here we are almost 2 years after the WoW Live Developer Q&A w/ Ion Hazzikostas - August 23, 2018
in which Ion said that they were looking for further feedback, he even stated “let us know what problems you are having and we do what we can to solve those problems”

The total lack of action only proves that they say whatever they want to calm the masses with no real intent to actually act upon the feedback.

So here is my previous post just to remind them of how I use of guild permissions.


Hey Blizz. Still here. Still waiting for a fix or some basic communication. The post right above mine is an excellent resource for what specifically is wrong, why it needs to be fixed, and a polite call to action.

Revert the guild permissions and UI, please.


It is an excellent post, I agree. Sadly, there are hundreds of similar posts in this thread. The devs would have to be denser than lead to not understand why this is a problem. I have to believe it’s not fixed yet because some decision maker doesn’t feel it’s a high enough priority, not because Blizzard doesn’t understand the issue.

And that’s where they’re really, really, really wrong.

I wish I knew how to get them to prioritize this problem properly, but I’m totally flummoxed. All I can do is keep posting and hope that someone with two brain cells to rub together will make it happen.


Much Support +1!! This needs patched and fixed asap! That’s unbelievable. We’re looking for guild improvements not w/e the heck you call that fail attempt of a system lol…

Also why has blizzard not gotten to the point where you can see guild mates on a minimap such a small feature but is nice to know you’re somewhere random and a random Green dot pops up or w/e showing a guild mate is near by. I mean it can’t be that hard to program can it? If runescape can do it i have faith a small indie company can…

Also add a suggestions button in the guild interface that guild mates can make request to guild leaders/officers can look over. Small feature but could go a long way…


Blizzard has all the info it needs. They just don’t care
They should be adding functionality and expanding options rather than reducing them.
The driver should be guild leader agency, not the number of possible nuisance tickets they could get. Blizzard used to understand that.


I appreciate all the posts trying to come up with named ranks for different situations. I see you guys put a lot of thought into them. They do a good job of explaining what’s needed to Blizzard.

I just don’t see why we need to have labels and pre-canned perm packages. Let guild leaders make custom ranks, and allow him/her to assign each individual perm to them. Plain and simple. If they want to group them by traditional officers and member perms, fine.

Additionally, let guild leaders amend perms per member, through a click + modifier on the guild roster to give additional perms or further restrict access a member from their base rank perms.

Bank withdrawal limits is one good example of a system so dumbed down it no longer functions. Stacks/Day isn’t a good method to limit misuse of guild banks. A stack of Vantus Runes or FEASTSs is much more valuable than a stack of old fish. Give guild leaders the option to further restrict an item by just adding it to an exceptions list per bank tab. Make it possible to add items to the list with a click + modifier key when the bank perms menu is open. A guild leader might set the overall (1) stack per day to a bank tab, but add exceptions for (2) items per day for greater fathoms of the deep flasks, (1) item per week for vantus runes. Blizzard doesn’t need to tediously list every item in the game on some expanded list.

Gold withdrawals per day is similarly dysfunctional. A guild quartermaster might need to have a 20,000 gold per week to buy raid supplies. That number shouldn’t be tied to his guild repairs. Just allow the guild leader to set separate repair and gold withdrawals per rank. Let the guild leader modify that default amount per member as an exception.

Many guilds leave guild repairs inaccessible until raid night, then manually turn them on for raid, only to have to turn them off again once the raid is done. Just give them a date and time picker tool to set windows when repairs are open. Do this per rank, so they can set different repair schedule for multiple raid teams. It’s not hard.

Allow guild leaders to set a 0.1-1.0% tax on members completing game content sent directly to the guild bank. It’s not new gold into the economy, so calm your eco-spasms. The 3000g the guild gets for completing all guild achievements for the week doesn’t scratch the surface for guild repairs. Will that make guild banks vulnerable for misuse? Yes. It’s the cost of free agency. Let players weigh their own risk and benefits. If someone is looking for a guild and they see a system they aren’t comfortable with, then they can choose another.

Oh yeah, and give us back our master looter.

This is all about letting guild leaders use guilds as a vehicle to move forward into content. Right now, it’s a nanny system with few to no options. I get it, Blizzard, it’s the safe option. Safe doesn’t keep this dinosaur from going extinct.

Players aren’t invested in their guilds anymore, because guilds do nothing for them. Give them back choice, and they will return to the game. Right now, the only significant choice they have is to sub or not. You see how that’s going.