The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Or, y’know, it could. Depending on the guild and the permissions and the officers and members. Thus the repeated appeals for a return to personalization and customization, because guilds aren’t a “one size fits all” endeavor.

As has been shown numerous times in the thread. It’s not really about making or breaking guilds, it is about freedom of choice, preference, and ease of use and management. And returning this level of functionality to the playerbase doesn’t impede anyone who likes things as they are and could with minimal effort recreate the conditions.


These Gm’s beg to differ:

The above remarks / quotes mostly all came from early on in this thread back in 2018 (I only got as far as post number 472 if anyone’s interested) therefore not all issues may still be precisely pertinent, but the core issue remains. (ie: fix the permissions)

There are plenty more excellent comments that go into even more detailed explanations as to why removing granular permissions was a bad idea, and how it effects guilds both “strong” and otherwise.

People have been posting those reasons for nearly two years now.

There are many types of guilds. Raiding, social, Rp, leveling, mixtures of those and more. Not all are trying to be, or need to be “strong guilds” to be of value to players and to this game.

I hope this helped clear things up a bit for you :grinning:

Blizzard: The permissions are still broken, and we are still asking for a fix.


So taking things away always makes for betterment?
We are here to play a game, NOT to be indulged in the company’s little ‘life lessons’, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

But, fair enough; let’s see what the rest of my guild has to say about all this.
Flips hair and sips tea, as we wait for the rest of the guild to show up.

…and waits.

…and waits.

In the empty, echoing halls, he waits.


I don’t know about any other GM’s, but personally I find myself having to micromanage more this way.
Before I could set the permissions I wanted my officers to have, and be done with it. Now, since they have access to everything, I often have them asking me if they should or should not do this or that thing, having to explain what to do with/how to use permissions they hadn’t had before, etc.
I mean, I went over everything with them when this horrible change was implemented, but they’re not too great at retaining that knowledge so it still comes up again and again over time.
If they just didn’t have access to these things I hadn’t wanted them to be able to do, I wouldn’t have to keep having these conversations, or fixing things they do when they forget I told them not to do such things.

I’d like to say my guild is still healthy and strong despite this, but it’s not. We’re slowly dying, though not for any reasons related to any of this - we’re on a rotting dead server, suffering the slow demise of people moving to more promising realms.
I’ve worked around this situation just fine though. Not happily, and it’s been far more work for me in the long run. My decision whether we uproot from our current server to carry on or if I just finally give up is hard to make, because of these management issues. I just don’t know if I want to endure this headache any more.


They all quit playing because the permissions were changed?

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Well, my guild isn’t “broken”, so I guess it must be a good one. :roll_eyes:

You, like Blizz, seem to think all guilds are (or should be) exactly alike. How impertinent of us to want to run our guilds our own way.


I’d like to mention how… Busted the community tab is.
You can’t make ranks like you can in a guild, the UI frequently breaks any time you attempt to use any sort of chat addon, and the option to add it to your own chat channel usually doesn’t stick past a single log-in.
It needs entirely fleshed out more.


Ironic that the Communities feature is what broke the guild permissions.

Ion acknowledged (well over a year ago) that the permissions weren’t working as intended and that they were working on a fix. I wonder if they’ll jump on fixing the Community bugs as fast as they’ve taken care of the Guild problems. :crazy_face:


So, 12.0 then?


I fully admit to being absent for the first, you know, four thousand posts in this thread, but I had a question for you guys.
Is the guild calendar event invite thing broken for you guys, too? I tried putting in a bug report, there was no response, but as the GM of my guild, I can’t invite specific members of my guild to a ‘guild’ event because i can’t invite ‘community members’.
But i can make a general event, and invite whoever I want! Maybe communities are the way to go, since guilds don’t work! /s

Also, as a newly promoted gm, these guild permissions are absolutely disgusting, and they make me sad. I’m sorry you guys, who are far more dedicated than I, have suffered for so long.


Another alpha build, another round of radio silence from Blizzard on an issue they openly addressed and had stated they were committed to handling.

Y’all are lucky I have such good friends I want to keep playing with Blizz, or I’d have peaced out long ago. It’s well past time for an update and I’m hangry so I’m gonna be curt. Some sort of reply is the least you can do after quite literally ignoring this thread for almost another year since your answer. Or however long it’s been.

(Spoiler, the answer is ‘too damn long’.)


This is how I’ve been feeling lately myself. I never thought I’d get to the point where I don’t feel like logging in and playing. I always enjoyed all kinds of things in WoW–even fishing. But it doesn’t feel like the same game anymore.

The only reason I’m still subbed is my friends. If I buy Shadowlands, it’ll only be because of my friends. Doesn’t anyone at Blizzard understand anymore how guilds build friendships? Can’t they grasp how important this is to the life and continuity of the game? Don’t they care anymore?


My guild used to use the in-game calendar to schedule events. But in the BFA pre-patch, it stopped working properly. People had trouble creating events and signing up. So we switched to using Discord announcements and reactions instead. Pretty sure I submitted bug reports at the time.

Haven’t tried to use it since, and heaven forbid they post…you know…updates…

And welcome to the wonderful world of GMing :smiley: It’s like herding cats. And with these permissions, it’s like herding cats while glued to the floor. But sometimes cats are very furry and friendly, and they can make you feel really happy.


As much as I hate repeating myself…


Now look what you made me do.


4,000 posts. Nothing. No announced plans for Shadowlands. Unreal. Break something and make it worse with Communities and then ignore it after.


There’s still time. They never release all their plans at once. (Yeah, I could be kidding myself.)

I keep hoping people will see something on the Alpha/Beta that restores my faith in Blizz. I certainly wouldn’t complain if they announced they had plans for guild improvements and a fix for the permissions, but seeing is believing. After all, over a year ago Ion said they were working on a fix for this.


… When Blizz gives Alliance and Horde high elf options before they answer a thread they committed to addressing.

#FeelsBadMan (But I am excited about the blue eyes. I’m also still salty about this.)

Fix the permissions, Blizz. We’re waiting. Now that you’ve given out high elves it’s our turn C:


lol thats a lie lol ffxiv has kept everything in fact the majority of things come through the game in ffxiv lol final fantasy 14 hasn’t “removed anything outside of screwing up the Ast healer” idk where that even comes from I’ve been playing it since reborn not a single thing removed that was part of the game to start with outside of being anti- 3rd party tools

To be fair, making Belf eyes blue and giving Nelves the same coloring options as Belves is much easier than fixing some unintentional screw-up caused by the Communities feature (which was probably rushed to get it live and thus didn’t get all the testing it should have).

But they’ve had an entire expansion to fix this mess, so there’s really no excuse at this point.


True, but it doesn’t give me a lot of hope that they can’t even answer us with ‘We’re sorry, it’s taken longer than expected but rest assured we are working on it’. x.x The fix is probably quite an undertaking, but having someone reply to us? I’d settle for that at this point. Just knowing we’re being heard and things are actually being done so it feels less like shouting into the uncaring corporate void.