The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

I’m sorry fellow GM’s. I’ve failed in my vow to post on this thread daily.

I haven’t logged onto WoW in over a week. I just can’t take seeing those permissions. I keep hoping I’ll see something about an improvement for Shadowlands–but I can’t even look into that very deeply because I don’t want to find out there isn’t one.

This isn’t the hill I want to die on, but it looks like the hill that’s going to kill me anyway.


You have done an amazing job, friend.
Wherever I look on this incredible thread, there you are; always making the most amazing posts and sharp concise points.
Even the mightiest cannot fight, each and every day.
Even the Einhrjar must rest, and feast and restore.

Tho’ I am not guilded( and probably never will be) I can still respect those who are, and even more those who LEAD!



Well, I managed to log in and do the SW orphan quests. I avoided looking at the permissions, but I did check on my guild. Two of my members bailed, which is fine. But they put over 10k gold in the GB before they left. How’s that for awesome? Proof that people like guilds–even when they leave!


Just posting to remind Ion that I haven’t forgotten he said they were working on a fix. I know lawyers don’t mind being caught out in a lie, but still.

Now, off to practice. I’ve only gotten in 38 hours so far today.


I salute you, Fumel. I took a pretty long forum break for my sanity, and you deserve one too. Big thanks for keeping things going here! (And to everyone else who helped! /salute)

I haven’t forgotten. I haven’t given up. Permissions need to be fixed. Plz Blizz. The world is weird and dysfunctional now. I don’t like my game being weird and dysfunctional too.


I’d love for someone in the alpha to post in this thread- one of my friends is in it but I don’t think she’s found a guild (do guilds even work in alpha?). It’s my sincerest hope that at least by the time beta arrives the corrected permissions will just… be there, and it’ll be the best surprise ever… but I’m not holding my breath.

How much more feedback can you possibly need or want, Blizz? We’re not going away, the least you can do is talk to us. Is a fix being worked on? Can we get a timeframe for when it’ll be released? I have half a mind to write an article totally BSing it in the hopes that if it looks official enough, they’ll be forced to respond…

But I’d settle for them just fixing the permissions.


This would be the most amazing thing to happen in my WoW life. I mean, it would totally turn around my attitude toward the game, for sure.

I’ve skipped weeks of playing, though I’ve managed to log in the last three days so far. I only last an hour or so though. Then I log off and go back to practicing (because scales are more fun to me than WoW right now).


It is so draining visiting this thread knowing that no matter how many salient points, expainations and examples of why we want guild permissions back are still being ignored.

Some may argue that they haven’t said that guild permissions will not be returning and as such they must be working on it in some way or another, however if that is the case a simple post, a single mention in the shadow lands feedback could actually allay our fears and give us hope that they have indeed listened and understand.

Without such communication we can only believe that they have no intention in addressing this issue.


Posting just because I still want the permissions fixed. I try not to think about it too much, but guilds need a lot more love from the devs. Guilds are the backbone of this game. Granular permissions are only a fraction of what we need, but getting them back would be a great start.


Ayep, this is still terrible. A hint of it still being looked into would be nice!


My guild’s repair fund has recently gotten low enough that I’m reassessing what to do about it. Should I reduce or eliminate the available repair amount? Should I restrict guild repairs to guild events? Should I raise more funds to keep repairs available at the same level?

Last night, I asked my guild for their opinions and got a variety of responses from “We have guild repairs?” to “Oh yeah, I use that.” to “I don’t want to pay other people’s repairs.” I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do, but I’ve been thinking about the various options quite a bit lately.

I really like the idea of guild events having covered repairs for members. I’ve always liked that idea. Wiping repeatedly on a boss gets expensive. Unfortunately, the logistics for that are super complicated with the way permissions are currently set up. I have to manually go in and turn repairs on and off, keep raiders on different ranks than non-raiders…ugh. I don’t like it.

I’d really like it if there was a setting where I could turn guild repairs on from say, 7PM - 11PM on raid night. I don’t like manually adjusting it because…well…it’s high maintenance. It’s yet another thing to remember. I already make sure we have consumables, coordinate with the raid leader, handle messages about our plans and attendance. Frankly, I don’t want to add fiddling with permissions to my pre-event tasks. I want to set it up once, and then have it work.

I also think that this is an area where a roles system would be helpful. People have a tendency to attach a certain amount of status to ranks. And my belief is that a social player who loves grouping up for transmog runs is just as valuable of a guild member as someone who enjoys raiding. I don’t want to keep that social player on a lower rank forever, pretending that their way of playing the game is somehow “lesser.”

But that goal of valuing people for guild involvement, rather than playstyle gets super complicated super fast when looking at repair allotments. The transmog collector simply doesn’t need as much access to repairs as a raider does. And the only way to deal with that in the current permissions system is via ranks.

I wish the system was more robust, so I can direct resources where (and when) they are needed without all the fiddly nonsense. Idk, maybe a roles system plus a weekly allotment (instead of a daily allotment) would work best. Then, I wouldn’t need to turn on and off repairs at certain times. And I could set up raiders to get X gold per week towards repairs, and our m+ group could get the raiding allotment, plus an additional m+ allotment.

Yes. I think I like this idea. Roles system and weekly repair allotments.

And unbundled officer permissions.



I kept seeing things in your post I wanted to quote because I liked them so much, Takoda, but then I realized I like the entire post. :+1: It’s really well thought out and detailed–just exactly the type of feedback Ion claimed they needed.

I’m super tempted to log onto each of my alts just to give your post more up-votes, but I shall resist the urge.


Well said.
Sees Brahmina’s post just above.
Great minds really do think alike.


This is an amazing idea.

As a guild leader since original Vanilla, I have also found this to be true.

Also true, as well as my own feelings on the matter. My guild always tried to do our best to make everyone feels “equal” as well as wanted in the guild no matter their individual play style. We try our very best to make everyone matter.

Speaking for our guild, we do weekly guild meetings. Our toons actually get together, discuss guild “stuff” and we always ask for everyone’s input (ideas, suggestion, concerns, etc…) right from the newest member who joined today, to our “oldest” members. However, it has always pained me some to know that some of my guild family will probably always remain at lower ranks, not because of trust issues, but for other reasons.

Ex: Some generally don’t take leadership roles of any sort, nor do they get involved in any way with the functioning of the guild. They are just there. That is perfectly fine, but even in the old permissions we want back so badly, it was a bit difficult to show them any guild status / appreciation / etc… Not altogether impossible, but the fact remains that not everyone can be an officer. (At least not until Blizzard shoved a little checkbox “is officer” down our collective throats) At least with the old permissions there were in-between ranks that could be created. For us, we created “special” ranks for those that we well trusted and or were long standing members, but who did not generally take part in the running of the guild.

This concept has also been in the back and or sometimes even the forefront of my mind long before our guild permissions got “revamped” by Blizzard.

I do too. It should be a thing and I sincerely hope Blizzard is actually keeping notes on this thread, there have been some truly amazing ideas for improvements beyond “fix our permissions” that could and should be implemented in my humble opinion

Having said that:

Blizzard, please fix our permissions (at the very least) and take some notes from all of these good long suffering Gm’s who have given you more than enough input now to last you the next several expansions.


This has gone far beyond absurd now. Just give us our permissions back already. >:|


Hello everyone,

I’m checking in again to make sure my voice is heard. Everyone contributing to this discussion needs to keep doing so.

As of now, I still haven’t assigned anyone in our guild with the “Is Officer” check box since there are certain permissions I will not assign, regardless of rank. As a result, nobody in the guild has access to any of those eight privileges since they’re all lumped together in a one-size-fits-all definition of “an officer,” as defined by someone on Blizzard’s WoW team. I’ve been playing WoW since March of 2005, raiding since Molten Core of 2005, and leading our guild as guild master since TBC in 2007. I know our guild and how to effectively manage it, not some stranger who knows nothing about us. That’s as politely as I can say it.

Please give us the individual permission customization we had prior to patch 8.0. That’s all I’m asking for. Things have been more difficult, frustrating, and/or intrusive without granular permissions for many guild masters trying to manage their guild structures and styles.

For further recommendations to help guild management, add a complete log/record system for the guild bank so the guild master can keep track of cumulative records on gold deposits, gold repairs, gold withdraws, item deposits, and item withdraws. If WoW developers can create and maintain a statistics tab with all kinds of totally useless information for my character’s history, they can add a feature that lets me keep track of guild bank records. That would actually help guilds and their leaders manage things like donations rather than have to make Google sheets and such.

Please address this problem. This thread began on July 17, 2018. We’re now at May 13, 2020. It’s crazy to believe that we’re almost at the two-year mark now. That’s absolutely absurd.

Many other recommendations to help guilds have already been provided in this thread. This information can be gleaned from some eager interns and would make a good project. You have what you need, and the “discussion” has already occurred. Read it, and pass the information along to the next group of people who need to make the corrections. Failure to do so will just further the stereotypes of poor communication and the apparent growing disregard for the gaming and guild community of WoW. That’s really sad. This permissions box issue is a microcosm of much larger problems occurring with WoW right now and the company in general.

I will continue to check in here until the change is made. Everyone else needs to do so, too.

GM of Obsidian Spur - Thrall realm
2004 Horde launch guild


Oh, hello. Two days, you say? Nonono, this won’t do.

drags back to top



Still broken, still being ignored…


Sorry. I’ve been slacking.

Well, not playing much. Because every time I start to log in, I think of something more fun than looking at my broken permissions. And I do that instead.

I want to play more WoW. Sort of. I guess I just want to have more reason to play WoW. Everything Blizz removes from the game is one less reason for me to play.


Guild permissions do not make a guild nor would they break a good guild.

Strong leadership, organization, interest in the objective and direction of the guild, and good-standing members make a guild. A GM and core of officers need the ability to overcome obstacles and figure out ways to work around whatever is thrown their way - extra ways to micromanage a guild won’t give that guild any of those things.

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