The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

THIS. A thousand times this.


My sister’s guild got a few more people in it, and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t ticked the ‘is officer’ for any of us. One of us needed a new character to have access to the guild bank in the goblin starter zone, and she had to log in to give permission (set his rank properly). I tried, another tried, we had no capability. She might just trust us a bit more if she could control what access we have…



For me it’s not really so much about trust as it is about being able to distribute permissions effectively. There’s no need for everyone to have all the “is officer” permissions, but I* would really like to parcel out at least a few of those permissions.

*“I” in this case is actually Fumel.


I didn’t really notice the April Fool’s joke Blizz did this year. I suppose I should be glad it wasn’t them saying ‘HEY WE FIXED THE PERMISSIONS’ followed by a swift ‘SIKE’.

Call me a chip, 'cause I’m salty.


Welp, better start planning this year’s anniversary party.
Don’t forget your masks and gloves everyone!
I’ll need a bigger venue of course, so we can all stay 6 feet away from each other.

PSA; both game and IRL issues covered at once.
Stay safe and keep the faith!


So. I was going to really buckle down and actually play today.


Logged in. Looked at my guild. Looked at the permissions. No! I’m going to play! Shrugged it off (the lack of permission flexibility). Checked my mail. Went to the Darkmoon Faire. Finished that and started questing.

Could NOT get the permissions out of my mind.

Logged out.

(fix the permissions, blizz)


Has anyone heard about any permissions improvements in Shadowlands? Can you even look at the guild UI in the alpha? I’m still on the fence about buying the expansion right now, and some hint that they’ve actually addressed this issue would be appreciated.


This is never gonna get fixed. They have been telling us that they “are listening to us”, about this for how long? The first post on this thread is from Jul 2018.



Ion gave what seems to be a fairly in-depth interview on Shadowlands and the Alpha…

I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve seen no mention of any changes to the guild UI or the general swiss-cheese status of communities in general now. It’s really like they’ve just stopped giving two hoots about -anything- and just want to skip ahead to Shadowlands and pretend everything is great.

Like I’m hyped for the new customizations, but if critical functions of your game are broken, Blizz, people won’t stick around for the shinies for long. Fix the guild permissions.


I’m hypothesizing this now but I feel like the next step, probably into Shadowlands is to remove guilds completely and let everyone use Bnet communities as a new guild interface. This way you can play with people from any server and no limitations to the number of people you have.

One of the biggest issues I am having right now is that we have players with more alts than time to play them but with this bonus XP period they are actively playing them to level up. I have 180 people on about 700 characters, and most of those people log in once a day. Some once a week. None of them have been away more than a month. I keep trying to recruit players who want to play specifically with our active raid group but at the rate I am going I will be forced to ask people to stop bringing their alts because we are at character-cap.


Another interview was given (or is it the same one? I’m not sure), and in this one there’s a comment about how people feel feedback isn’t being listened to. Ion’s response?

Essentially, ‘we’re behind’. Okay, behind on what? That still doesn’t mean you can’t give answers to the people who are waiting for feedback- especially when they’ve been giving that feedback to you for OVER A YEAR. Even just, ‘hey, we’re behind and super swamped right now, but we’re seeing your feedback and it’s something we are actively working on’ would be nice. But instead, it’s continued radio silence.

Also they better not remove guilds entirely or I’ll be real heckin’ mad. Guilds are the only community-based feature that still work remotely as intended, gutting of permissions aside. If we lose them for these swiss-cheese communities that break more and more each day then I will be most cross.


Communities have been an awful addition to the game. They are not used widely, have worse function than guilds, and feel so much less personal than guilds. I just want the old permissions back with a focus on guilds instead of a worse version of Discord. Blizzard, please, stop wasting money on this! Stop putting dev hours into something that is so much worse than its competitors! Just please focus on making guilds more functional instead of reinventing the wheel.


The problem with this is that I feel guilds and communities serve completely different functions. Do communities have access to a shared bank? Can they be configured like a serious raiding or PvP guild? Is there a management structure that allows for various levels of permissions? Can members trade with each other? Can they send mail to each other?

I’ve never used the communities feature, so I don’t really know how they work, but I assume they’re much more loosely organized than a guild. Even with our current crappy all-in-one permissions, I feel that guilds are still more relevant and useful than communities.

One things for sure, if Blizz wants to drive that final nail in WoW’s coffin, continuing to treat guilds like an afterthought will do it.


Gotta say, I’m kind of struggling with depression right now. Mostly I’ve been controlling it by avoiding Wow. I feel like every time I try to log in–or even think about logging in–I remember all the issues with the game that Blizz said they would fix. Issues that are still hanging around like a dead albatross.

I’d like to get back into the game. Honestly, I really would. But I just can’t right now. I keep hoping for some indication that a fix for the permissions is actually on the horizon.

I know there are lots of worse events going on in the world. I know the permissions problem is a small one in the grand scheme of things.

I still want the permissions fixed.


Several of us have said all along, this was their “ignore it till they go away” tactic… it’s why they shoved all the conversation into one topic.


One more idea for Guilds to improve with in Shadowlands. (aka ideas that will be tossed out)
Guilds should be able to have persons with a Raid Leader attached to their designation much like a Raid Assist or Tank affix in a raid group. This way if this person is involved in a raid group with enough people from the guild to make a raid party, they would get specific abilities to control the raid.
One of these abilities would be to adjust where the party begins in a raid dungeon, very similar to extending the lockout of a previous raid encounter. Currently the process is tedious and frustrating but for guilds who are attempting to progress and wish to skip bosses they have mastered, this is a necessary process.
Additionally these raid leaders should have the ability to invoke Loot Master rules again because this was a fundamental part of raiding. Now it’s become more of a past time and no one cares if they disenchant or scrap a piece of 460 gear that would have replaced a 410 on a newbie. I say no one but really I dont have that problem with my guild but in other groups it’s not just a problem, it’s a disease.


Unfortunately I believe that this is correct.

To me it feels like they are hoping that with all the hype around Shodowlands they can drop a lot of staple systems they no longer want.

Guilds are a thorn in the side when they want to still focus on communities; once again you have to love communities as the devs hubris clouds their vision.

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We did get the revamped guild recruitment system.
It wasn’t much, but enough to keep me hanging on to this last thread of a sliver of dying hope for a little while longer yet that they’ll address the rest of this guild mess.


I do like being able to use the guild search thingy to get one of my own alts into my guild without having to bug anyone else. Or wait for them to wake up, I’m a bit of a night owl. :laughing:

With all of the toon customization coming, it sure would be nice to be able to customize our guilds, again, as well!


^10,000X this!

There have been oodles of amazing guild-improvement ideas presented throughout this thread. (I should know, I’ve reread and quoted nearly all of them at least twice!) I really hope that someone at Blizz was taking notes back then–and that they’re going to use them.