The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Thanks for picking up my slack, Altherei. I didn’t realize I’d gone so long without posting. The days are blurring together without any fixes in sight. Not happy about this at all. I don’t even feel like logging in most of the time. Ugh.


I feel like I’ve been beating my head against the wall. No changes. No hints of any changes beyond Ion’s ancient comment that they’re “working on a fix.”

I don’t know anymore. We might as well not bother giving any feedback about anything. It’s like we have as much chance of effecting change as winning a lottery.


Pretty much. Had this problem with the druid issues, as well. Ignored.

Well, fine. They can lose more players if they’re going to ignore this, as well.


I know I am daydreaming here but it would be a beautiful day in WoW if there was some new Guild Achievements and Guild Challenges. Like seriously when was the last time your guild completed all seven Dungeon challenges? It used to apply to lowbie players in the LFG system whenever they joined as a group but I happened to participate in one of those this week. Brought my paladin from lv71 to 84 after a night of old dungeons with guildies. Not a single dungeon challenge credited for it. No, in order to get credit, you have to run as a guild through Normal or Heroic current content. But to be quite honest, our group is solid enough to carry a fresh 120 through a Mythic and gear them with 430’s. In fact, we will often swap characters so that we are all in the same gear class as the fresh noob, that way we can pass gear to them.

But what are we missing out on, 7x 400 gold? That 2,800 gold gets eaten up pretty quick with repairs on a high key so I suppose it’s no big loss. I just tire of the old, outdated methods of motivation that aren’t very motivating anymore. If Blizzard was sincere about promoting a Guild Community rather than an open, generic Bnet community, it would help to have something like the “Guild Level” system they used during Wrath. And for what it’s worth, update the Guild Challenges!

But I see we shall digress into this pit of doom and self-pity as we try to tell each other it will get better someday.


Trying a different approach:


What exact feedback do you need in order to understand how the current implementation of guild permissions is inadequate?


Every time Ion talks about listening to player feedback, I am reminded of this thread… and it just serves to re-enforce the position that… Blizzard doesn’t care about player feedback.


I do wonder why they cannot even respond to what they plan to do. I think they need to wait for the next expansion to make major changes but for the love of Nzoth please let us know.


Often times the simplest explanation is the accurate one. They probably don’t respond… because they probably don’t have anything planned.


Sadly, I feel this is probably true.

I’m really finding it hard to care anymore. I’m only continuing to post here out of sheer stubbornness. I hardly log into the game anymore. Not sure how much longer before I just cancel my subs and move on.

Considering what a big fan I was of this game, my change of attitude is really surprising to me. I thought I’d never get tired of WoW, that there would always be something to interest me. It’s not just this particular issue that’s pushed me over the edge. There have been too many, one on top of the other. I just don’t know anymore.

I’m going to stick it out until Shadowlands, at least. If Blizzard doesn’t throw me any bones by then, I’ll have my answer.


My sub is running out soon… and these guild issues is one of the reasons I left in my “why are you canceling” form… so maybe that will help get some action from Blizz.


Put it exactly back how it was before, when we could assign an exact permission to any exact rank we wanted.

It is a deliberate and exacting sort of system where a “catch-all” rank really doesn’t cut the mustard. Oy vey…


I so wish it would actually get their attention. Somehow, I have doubts.


Posting, because it’s apparently way easier for me to post something here than for Blizzard to do so. Even though I have nothing interesting or useful to say besides, “FIX THE PERMISSIONS!” (Please!)


pokes thread back up with a thread-poking stick

Ahh- nono, back up you go. Let’s get those permissions separated back out!


I wish that keeping this thread at the top would make them fix the permissions. I’ve pretty much lost hope that anything will happen before Shadowlands.

(And I don’t really have much faith in Shadowlands, either.)



Blizzard, I will literally give you money if you revert the guild permissions.

It’s called re-subbing.


Again, I haven’t been logging in, so I haven’t been posting much. Fumel checked in on his guild last night. People have been putting gold in the GB. I feel guilty for not being able to reward them with more permissions.


Nothing new to report. Guild membership is holding steady even though I’ve not been playing much.

I really didn’t expect all these “little” issues with the game to feel so heavy. It all weighs on me so much that I just can’t log in for more than a few minutes–if that much. Dang it! I used to be such an optimist!

Imma gonna do something to cheer myself up. It’ll probably involve practicing my instrument and listening to a couple of other guys play theirs. :saxophone: :violin: :violin:


Once more I wish I had granular permissions. Communities are an absolutely failed feature that myself and many others feel is a direct downgrade to what we had before. I use discord for these things and have never wanted to use a community instead. I just want to have my guild permissions feel like they were as good as they were before. An update that literally makes a feature worse is not a good feeling. I don’t know how else to say it that hasn’t already been said. Please, Blizzard, just revert the changes.


Ya know Blizzard, I work as a Data Architect in a NERC CIP compliant industry for a NERC regulated company. If PG&E (as bad as they are) were to act toward granularity and permissions the way you have, the California electrical grid would have collapsed 5 decades ago and you would be sitting in the dark and WoW would be a distant and totally unworkable pie in the sky dream, while the San Joaquin Valley glowed green and blue from radiation spilling out of it. Why would you want ANY aspect of your online product to be less secure (whether that is Blizzard administrated or player administrated should make no difference to you)?

Give us back the granularity and permissions to correct the fatal flaw you purposefully willfully and wantonly introduced!